The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited June 2011
    You know what mate, I could have written most of what you just posted last year. Can't say I'm much better off right now, and there are days where I absolutely hate my life and what a mess I've made of it. Come to think of it, this probably isn't much help as I'm not sure how to help myself even. Best I can say is that you're not alone in how you feel, though it sure feels like that most of the time. One thing I know I need to do is learn to ask for help from others. Always have had trouble with that, which led to my failing my final year at uni (plus the fact that I'm a lazy unfocused so-and-so doesn't help).
  • edited June 2011
    You know what mate, I could have written most of what you just posted last year. Can't say I'm much better off right now, and there are days where I absolutely hate my life and what a mess I've made of it. Come to think of it, this probably isn't much help as I'm not sure how to help myself even. Best I can say is that you're not alone in how you feel, though it sure feels like that most of the time. One thing I know I need to do is learn to ask for help from others. Always have had trouble with that, which led to my failing my final year at uni (plus the fact that I'm a lazy unfocused so-and-so doesn't help).

    Thanks man.
    I know its not all doom and gloom, and I'm definately the only person going through such hardships.
    In fact, ironically enough, my best friend, (who is admittadely smarter than me), actually did worse at uni.

    He's already dropped out, and I genuinely think he's happier for it.
    (We are kindred spirits)
    I think university isn't meant for everyone, and I just think modern culture relies to heavily on it.
    Its ironic, as most of the genuinely revolutionary people in history generally tended to do bad by academic standards.

    And in the end of the day, theory is just words, it doesn't really prepare you for anything.
    Heck, I've already forgotten the stuff I was taught at A-level.

    And I know from experience that assesments don't actually reflect how good someone is at something.
    I did English Literature as an A level and I loved it.
    I was brilliant, made constant connections and talked with a lot of depth and detail, yet I could never get it all on paper.
    I ended up with a C grade, yet I was better than most of the students there.

    I've never been great at pressured writing.
    I write slowly anyway since I'm left handed and generally quite clumbsy.
    (In fact I type much faster than I write. And I don't type particularily very fast at all)
  • edited June 2011
    In my head I've been counting how many women have had a interest in me and I've ruined my chances, I'm up to 18 right now. I'm such a self complacent jerk.

    1. Art class
    2. Lunch cafe
    3. Drawing I
    4. Drawing II
    5. Graphic Design
    6.Graphic Design - second class
    7. Grade school
    8. Grade school
    10. Work
    13.English class
    14.Math class
    15. oooh wait, Archeology class
    16. English class
    17. Art class
    18. I can't remember...ooooh, Spanish class
    19. Mac lab
    20. work
    21. Boy Scouts (some one's sister)

    I guess that's all that I can think of, I've had feelings for other women but didn't know if they had feelings for me . Pretty average but I just felt like sharing. I know that's not a lot, it's all I can remember though.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, is it just me , or is this forum dying down in the past few days?
  • edited June 2011
  • edited June 2011
    So here is a decent sum of the past 10 minutes.
    My computer refused to load up websites of any kind but youtube(who knows why)
    So I mess around in the control panel and royally screw up everything and have to figure out how to fix that. After which I hit random buttons and apparantly I hit the secret code that fixed everything.
    Screw being a computer genius I have random buttons on my side:D
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So here is a decent sum of the past 10 minutes.
    My computer refused to load up websites of any kind but youtube(who knows why)
    So I mess around in the control panel and royally screw up everything and have to figure out how to fix that. After which I hit random buttons and apparantly I hit the secret code that fixed everything.
    Screw being a computer genius I have random buttons on my side:D

    The first thing I would have tried is to powercycle the DSL/Cable modem, powercycle the router, disable and re-enable the network on the PC. If that doesn't work, reboot or powercycle the PC.

    If that doesn't work, buy a sledgehammer :D
  • edited June 2011

    Why does that look like a NES Zapper?
  • edited June 2011
    I'm going to wager a guess that it's because someone photoshopped a NES Zapper into his hand.
  • edited June 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    The first thing I would have tried is to powercycle the DSL/Cable modem, powercycle the router, disable and re-enable the network on the PC. If that doesn't work, reboot or powercycle the PC.

    If that doesn't work, buy a sledgehammer :D

    But I pressed random buttons and fixed it.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    But I pressed random buttons and fixed it.
    That still doesn't stop you from hitting it with a sledgehammer just in case. :)
  • edited June 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    In my head I've been counting how many women have had a interest in me and I've ruined my chances, I'm up to 18 right now. I'm such a self complacent jerk.

    Hey, sounds like fun! I'll try to do the same for me. Let's see ... women who displayed interest in me ...


    Nope ... none found.
  • edited June 2011
    Iryon wrote: »
    Hey, sounds like fun! I'll try to do the same for me. Let's see ... women who displayed interest in me ...


    Nope ... none found.

    It helps if you take off that ridiculous sombrero.
  • edited June 2011
    This is no sombrero. This is my hair style!
  • edited June 2011

    This is going to be more painful than that bottle of Pitch Black a few weeks ago. I think I'll drink it tomorrow or Friday.


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2011
    Ohhhh wait, it reads "SuperNova". I thought it was "SuperNougat".

    In this case, you'll live. :D
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2011
    You know what mate, I could have written most of what you just posted last year. Can't say I'm much better off right now, and there are days where I absolutely hate my life and what a mess I've made of it.

    If it makes you feel any better, people who look very successful on paper can feel just as dissatisfied with life. Imagine getting 5-10 years into your career and then realising you've spent a good portion of your adulthood working towards something that's never going to make you happy.

    I know its not all doom and gloom, and I'm definately the only person going through such hardships.
    In fact, ironically enough, my best friend, (who is admittadely smarter than me), actually did worse at uni.

    He's already dropped out, and I genuinely think he's happier for it.
    (We are kindred spirits)
    I think university isn't meant for everyone, and I just think modern culture relies to heavily on it.

    I've seen a couple of people do the same thing. Mostly extraordinarily intelligent guys with maverick personalities, who are smart enough to coast through high school getting good grades with zero work. By uni that laziness is so ingrained they fail to make the required effort and just drop out.

    I can totally respect someone not going to uni (or dropping out), if they have some sort of alternative plan for what they'll do with their life. Tertiary education certainly isn't for everyone.

    Anyway, so far as I can tell you're plenty young enough to "fix" your life. The hardest part is figuring out where you want to get to, then how you'll get there, and then sticking to that plan.
  • edited June 2011

    I have found that both Steam and XBox Live like to base their decisions around what to put on sale around whether or not I have purchased it recently.

    Is there a game you want but just can't afford? Just convince ol' Scnew to buy it, wait a week or two, and then purchase it for 50% off.
  • edited June 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    If it makes you feel any better, people who look very successful on paper can feel just as dissatisfied with life. Imagine getting 5-10 years into your career and then realising you've spent a good portion of your adulthood working towards something that's never going to make you happy.

    Ach a job's a job at the end of the day, barely anyone likes their job never mind loves it. Do your work, get payed, go home, do what you love.

    This dream job stuff happens to very few people, and those who chase their dream job sometimes aren't successful at it
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I've seen a couple of people do the same thing. Mostly extraordinarily intelligent guys with maverick personalities, who are smart enough to coast through high school getting good grades with zero work. By uni that laziness is so ingrained they fail to make the required effort and just drop out.

    Hi, i'm Jed. Nice to meet you.
  • edited June 2011
    I swear, the past few days I have been in a perpetual state of not giving a crap. This is not a good state to be in before final exams.
  • edited June 2011
    Gooo boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited June 2011
    Browsing through the Driver's Manual with a jaded mind uncovers some pretty unsual gems in the way of the law. For Example:
    If you want to wave to another driver, please use all of your fingers. Obscene gestures have gotten people shot, stabbed and beaten.

    Did they really feel the need to print this? It probably should be a given.
    Use your horn sparingly. comment.
  • edited June 2011
    Did they really feel the need to print this? It probably should be a given.

    This from Captain Obvious?
  • edited June 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    This from Captain Obvious?

    Correction, this from Captain FRIGGIN' Obvious.

    Seriously, though, I know my job is to point out stuff that should be obvious, but I draw the line at pointing out anything that's obvious to even a person with half a brain. What, you think my job is just to point out every single obvious thing that happens in the world? My job is to prevent the spread of obliviousness, to make the world aware of what they should know, but don't. If all I ever did was point out random obvious stuff, I'd never be able to stop talking.

    I'm ready to accept my Peabody now.
  • edited June 2011
    I do have a belt buckle that reads "The Captain". Got to be one of the greatest freebies ever. lol
  • edited June 2011
    Johro wrote: »
    I do have a belt buckle that reads "The Captain". Got to be one of the greatest freebies ever. lol

    I used to have one of those, but then my utility belt got stolen.
  • edited June 2011
    I used to have one of those, but then my utility belt got stolen.

    Im wearing it right now. image.php?u=22029&dateline=1301249524
  • edited June 2011
    I fucking hate Sonichu fans.

    Long, spoilered, rant:
    A YouTube user known as the FanFicCritic, who I have worked with in the past on some really disturbing things, reviewed an awful fancomic called Sonichu a few months ago. Last month, the review was found by people that are somehow fans of Sonichu. Not the "so-bad-it's-good" fans, but actual FANS. They started relentlessly attacking her in the comments. It got so bad, she had to disable the comments.The "fans" haven't stopped attacking her since then.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2011
    Youtube commenters are not the most intelligent sort (sorry to all the Youtube commenters). But it happens with reviews anywhere, including Amazon. I really like to write longer, careful and balanced reviews. But to a "real" fan, even a four-star review is inacceptable, and a three-star review always taken as a personal insult. So I don't write many reviews these days, neither positive nor negative...

    At Amazon, it's really easy to get into the "top commenters" league. Rate every product five stars, four lines of text per product, and try to get above one thousand reviews total. I really don't want to do that.
  • edited June 2011
    Step 1: Get REALLY MAD over $9.00

    Step 2: Send email to Amazon support.

    Step 3: Wait one day.

    Step 4: Profit!


    Thanks for contacting us about the recent price change on the MP3 Album.

    Under the circumstances, I've issued a refund for $10.99. This refund should go through within the next 2 to 3 business days and will apply to the payment method used for the original purchase.

    We look forward to seeing you again soon.

    Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

    To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our web site.

    Best regards,

    Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.
  • edited June 2011
    hey guys why do they call caesar salad caesar salad. julius salad sound more delicious than caesar salad because it reminds you of orange julius. i guess it makes sense because orange julius came after caesar salad but caesar is hardly the most delicious roman general out there. and im not being gay or anything nor am i condoning cannibalism. actually forget i ever said that caesar is delicious. also i have nothing against gay people unless they are cannibals.

    EDIT: also i guess its not fair that i am only against gay cannibals so im saying right now that cannibalism is wrong no matter what your sexual preferences are and i am against cannibalism whether the cannibal is gay or ungay. its just weird to eat people because they arent that good tasting.
  • edited June 2011
    tredlow wrote: »
    its just weird to eat people because they arent that good tasting.
    Don't knock it 'till you try it.
  • edited June 2011
    I fucking hate Sonichu fans.

    Long, spoilered, rant:
    A YouTube user known as the FanFicCritic, who I have worked with in the past on some really disturbing things, reviewed an awful fancomic called Sonichu a few months ago. Last month, the review was found by people that are somehow fans of Sonichu. Not the "so-bad-it's-good" fans, but actual FANS. They started relentlessly attacking her in the comments. It got so bad, she had to disable the comments.The "fans" haven't stopped attacking her since then.

    I love how you posted a link to TVTropes. It's becoming the new Wikipedia.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Ach a job's a job at the end of the day, barely anyone likes their job never mind loves it. Do your work, get payed, go home, do what you love.

    Oh aye. I reckon any job would have its ups and downs, no matter how much you loved what you were doing. Pretty much anything gets a little tedious when you HAVE to do it every day.

    Browsing through the Driver's Manual with a jaded mind uncovers some pretty unsual gems in the way of the law.
    Did they really feel the need to print this? It probably should be a given.

    The knowledge test for learner drivers where I'm from is great. A few sample questions:




    If you fail this, you get a letter saying you're too stupid to drive.

    Step 1: Get REALLY MAD over $9.00

    Step 2: Send email to Amazon support.

    Step 3: Wait one day.

    Step 4: Profit!

    Result! They were nice enough to give you all your money back after the price went down so much? Can you teach me how to do that with foreign currency exchanges? :p
  • edited June 2011
    Don't knock it 'till you try it.

    are you a cannibal. if you are then sorry if i offended you and i guess its not that bad to be a cannibal as long as you are not hurting anyone. some of my friends are cannibals and im actually 1/16th cannibal from my moms side so im sorry i hope we can still be friends forever.
  • edited June 2011
    Egads... went to AnimeNEXT in my Aperture cosplay yesterday with a friend, and we couldn't walk 5 feet without someone wanting a photo.

    Also, GLaDOS (my puppet, with my voice and my friend and I puppeteering her) was one of the bachelorettes in the 18+ Anime Dating Game last night (the other two were Washu and Homura). Can't remember the bachelor, but he said a paradox that caused GLaDOS to shut down. Not before she quipped in with a WD-40 joke, however.
  • edited June 2011
    Just trying out the Lego Pirates of the Caribbean demo and my god how long does it take before you can start playing!!
  • edited June 2011
    Hey, are the Lego movie games good? Never tried them, but I've been wondering since people get really psyched about it.
This discussion has been closed.