The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited September 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I am both impressed and somewhat confused by Guru's encyclopaedic knowledge of Mountain Dew.

    I used Wikipedia a bit, but when I've tried and can remember the taste of...umm...

    original, Code Red, Livewire, Pitch Black, Pitch Black II, Baja Blast, red Game Fuel, Revolution, Voltage, Supernova, blue Game Fuel, Throwback, Distortion, Typhoon, White Out

    ...15 different flavors of Mountain Dew, you might say I have a problem.

    In fact, the only flavor I've ever had access to that I didn't try was Ultraviolet, but considering how quickly that was off the shelves, I'm guessing I'm not the only person who thought it was stupid of them to make a new flavor that was only available as diet.

    And yes, I just rattled all 15 of those flavors off from memory. I can also tell you off the top of my head that six of those flavors are currently available, with a seventh coming back next month.
  • edited September 2010
    Colour me silly... But what the heck is Mountain Dew?
    (Except for maybe dew in the mountains... But I've never seen cherry flavoured dew in the mountains.)
  • edited September 2010
    It's an incredibly awesome, decently caffeinated, citrus flavored soda. And ever since Code Red came out in 2001, a large number of different flavors have been introduced, most of them temporary limited edition flavors, some of them even only appearing in certain fast food restaurants (like Baja Blast at Taco Bell) or as Slurpee flavors at 7-Eleven.
  • edited September 2010
    Oh god, not again!
  • edited September 2010
    Oh god, not again!

  • edited September 2010

    Look at my sig. You already read it(it being the linked post).
  • edited September 2010
    Look at my sig. You already read it(it being the linked post).

    Oh, right. THAT.
  • edited September 2010
    Oh, right. THAT.

    I've now changed that one link in my sig to be much more precise.
  • edited September 2010
    So I finally got to do one of my life goals: eating sushi.

    I loved it; you can't even tell its raw. Now I want to go eat some again. Now.
  • edited September 2010
    I've now changed that one link in my sig to be much more precise.

    It's not working.
  • edited September 2010
    It's not working.

    Try it now? It works for me. It's Pepsiboy3's post history(Unintentional rhyme).
  • edited September 2010
    This thread's gotten over 200 posts in the last six days. wtf?
  • edited September 2010
    Try it now? It works for me. It's Pepsiboy3's post history(Unintentional rhyme).

    No, it still doesn't work.
  • edited September 2010
    No, it still doesn't work.

    I have no clue what could be wrong. It works for me in both IE8 and Chrome. Does it not work for anyone else(The "Oww, my brain!" link in my sig)?

    EDIT: Oh, that's why. Nevermind. Fixed.
  • edited September 2010
    Me and a few friends are in the process of going to have been building a website*. We're going to put videos and a forum and stuff on it and it's gonna be AWSOME. It started off as an idea for a place to put my comics (a couple of which I've posted in the general art thread before) and has blossomed into a vague, ambitious "let's make a website" sort of thing. Hopefully, the strongest point will be the community, and hopefully some a lot of you fine folk will join up**.

    Anyway, I'm currently in the process of thinking of a name, which is proving pretty difficult. Any suggestions?

    *This sentence is grammatically correct. If you disagree, I'll spread rumours about you and make fun of you behind your back.

    **NOTE: This is not a disguised plea.***

    ***That's not true; it was a disguised plea
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Me and a few friends are in the process of going to have been building a website*. We're going to put videos and a forum and stuff on it and it's gonna be AWSOME. It started off as an idea for a place to put my comics (a couple of which I've posted in the general art thread before) and has blossomed into a vague, ambitious "let's make a website" sort of thing. Hopefully, the strongest point will be the community, and hopefully some a lot of you fine folk will join up**.

    Anyway, I'm currently in the process of thinking of a name, which is proving pretty difficult. Any suggestions?

    *This sentence is grammatically correct. If you disagree, I'll spread rumours about you and make fun of you behind your back.

    **NOTE: This is not a disguised plea.***

    ***That's not true; it was a disguised plea

    How about
  • edited September 2010
    I'm part of the 6% that voted for Tycho. REPLAH IF YA' KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
  • edited September 2010
    I can't stop watching this Minecraft video series:
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    A mix of all used usernames.

    It would be a cool site name
  • edited September 2010
    I hate the mail man when he don't deliver the stuff Iv ordered! I don't care if that's irrational and insane hes a jerk for not giving me my stuff.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure Pitch Black was dark cherry

    The first one was dark cherry, second one was Grape.
  • edited September 2010


    Don't ever question my insane knowledge of Mountain Dew.
  • edited September 2010
    Much to my dislike, the site isn't going to be centred around me, so my username appearing in the URL wouldn't really work.

    Also, they recently started selling Mountain Dew in the UK. I wrote a haiku based on my experience:

    I drank some Mountain Dew
    It made me fart a lot
    I stopped drinking it
  • edited September 2010
    I can't stop watching this Minecraft video series:

    Now I can't either. I am seriously considering getting this game.
  • edited September 2010
    Now I can't either. I am seriously considering getting this game.

    Do it.
  • edited September 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Do it.

    After my midterm. :D
  • edited September 2010
    I hate VBScript, I just can't understand scripting or programming for that matter.
    And we had a week to make a project, I didn't even have enough time to learn the basics...

    EDIT: Well I just failed the class, so I have to re-do it, but I am really not surprised. :P
  • edited September 2010
    The new Guitar Hero is epic...epic...and...I just simulated playing all seven parts of 2112.
  • edited September 2010
    From what I've heard, it doesn't do anything to advance the Guitar Hero formula, and the setlist all looks either really mediocre or like songs I can get or already have on Rock Band. Honestly, Guitar Hero started to lose me at Aerosmith, pushed me away a bit more with World Tour, and totally lost me with Smash Hits. It's Rock Band for me now, for oh so many reasons.
  • edited September 2010
    After Beatles: Rock Band, I'm pretty much burned out on rhythm games.
  • edited September 2010
    I haven't been playing a whole lot, so I haven't burned out. Add that I'm holding off on buying any more rhythm games until I manage to get a PS3, and I've just barely cleared out everything in Rock Band 2 but the Endless Setlist and it's taken me almost two years to get there.

    Maybe when I finally get my PS3, I'll get burned out extremely quickly. Or maybe I'll make my games last another two years, who knows.
  • edited September 2010
    I haven't been playing a whole lot, so I haven't burned out. Add that I'm holding off on buying any more rhythm games until I manage to get a PS3, and I've just barely cleared out everything in Rock Band 2 but the Endless Setlist and it's taken me almost two years to get there.
    Ah, yeah. I got in really early on this genre. Not as early as some who got in when Guitar Freaks was fairly new, but I jumped in during the run of the first Guitar Hero and I'd played other rhythm games before like Space Channel 5. I played the hell out of Guitar Hero 1-3 and Rock Band 1 and 2, and I was honestly burned out by then but I jumped into Beatles because...dammit man, it's the Beatles, you know?

    So yeah, I think being burned out is entirely justified without sounding grouchy about the whole thing.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, I never had a Dreamcast or a PS2, so my early exposure to the rhythm genre was a tiny amount of DDR. Then my cousin got Guitar Hero, I got to play a very small amount (while he made fun of me for not being any good at it because it was "so easy"), I never had the opportunity to play Guitar Hero II, and I jumped on Guitar Hero III when it was released for the Wii.

    Funny how actually owning the game makes it possible to become good at it. I'm still not as good as my cousin, but I sure managed to shut him up.

    Anyway, then I got Aerosmith as a gift and barely touched it, and I got World Tour with instruments and Rock Band 2 disc-only for Christmas '08, so really I've only ever played three rhythm games to completion, and I took my sweet time doing it, which is why I haven't come close to burning out yet.

    Also, it may have helped that I haven't had a whole lot of new songs coming in, since I don't want to buy a lot of DLC on the Wii that I'm going to want to have on the PS3 later.
  • edited September 2010
    The novelty of plastic guitars faded off me round about GH3/4. That dancing game that uses the Kinect looks like fun though.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't think I *can* burn out on rhythm games, really. It's the very reason why I can get the same enjoyment out of Tetris now as I could the very first time: Simplicity.

    I can turn the game on, pick up the guitar, and within a minute, I'm right in the midst of immersion. No need to "get reacquainted". It's exactly why puzzle games are so addictive. Of course, it helps that I'm a music junkie.

    Best part is, you don't have to set aside a massive chunk of time in advance. Three minutes of RB/GH is just as fulfilling as three hours.

    I think it'd be safe to say that plastic instruments have become a permanent fixture in my gaming collection.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah, yeah. I got in really early on this genre. Not as early as some who got in when Guitar Freaks was fairly new, but I jumped in during the run of the first Guitar Hero. I played the hell out of Guitar Hero 1-3 and Rock Band 1 and 2, and I was honestly burned out by then but I jumped into Beatles because...dammit man, it's the Beatles, you know?

    "I'm not going up, I'm just burnin' out"

    By the Way, the Beatles game was, for me at least, less of a rock band game and more of a Beatles game. Which is awesome, but I really wouldn't have it classified as Rock Band.

    Green Day Rock Band, on the other hand was just like the original rock band, only with different characters in different settings, so for me it was the better Rock band game.

    And by the way, I will never get sick of rock band, for the same reason I never get tired of rock music. It' s just great.
  • edited October 2010
    I hate it so much when laundry gets left in the washing machine too long and has to be rewashed, both for the wastefulness and for the smell.
  • edited October 2010
    My adorable (and battle-scarred) rabbit, Blackavar, has worms from the extremely hot weather. He may have to be put down. I wish I could be there, but I'm currently four hundred miles away. T_T
  • edited October 2010
This discussion has been closed.