well his character is supposed to be arrogant, so I guess it works for that....but it doesn't make for a good review. He needs to pick his times better for that sort of thing. He kind of noticeably flops around with his character traits though and never seemed to have them etched in stone...so yeah, why here, why now?
My grandmother doesn't use IE, and she isn't even remotely high-tech. She wears a head covering to church, a church that is at times attended by folks who come via horse and buggy.
I'm serious.
Yay! I'm a grandma! I will nevertheless continue to use IE on my partition because the point of my partition is not to go on the internet. It's to play PC games, and it does that quite admirably without web providers taking up my space.
well his character is supposed to be arrogant, so I guess it works for that....but it doesn't make for a good review. He needs to pick his times better for that sort of thing. He kind of noticeably flops around with his character traits though and never seemed to have them etched in stone...so yeah, why here, why now?
Yeah it's pretty weird... like just NOW he became self-aware about what he used to be. "Shit, This is what made me popular, I should get back to it NOW" It definitely felt forced and misplaced....at least he stopped ripping off Lewis Black. That really bothered me.
Is Justice League The new frontire any good? It's on PSN video store and I dunno if I should get it
completely missed that one.... Jeremy Sisto as Batman! Harris as Flash? O.O
Lawless as wonder woman and ferrer as manhunter are interesting though.
I'd be suspicious from the casting
Wow, an addition to my Deviant art, I think I am feeling creative at the moment, and yea I think it was about time I took it out of Work in progress. I still have a lot of things lying about I need to scan in, but that can wait till later.
I'd like Telltale to try to explain this. I mean, it really paints them in a bad light. Lots of bad press, lots of people have seen it. It's the sort of thing that, left uncorrected, can cost them a lot of top talent and create a lot of ill will in the gaming community.
EDIT: The original post apparently can't be seen: Alukima comments: "I'm glad it's a joke to him now. I was repeatedly threatened and spent days worrying about my safety. I've lost jobs because Telltale won't give me a reference, or they give me a bad one based on my follow up. I've had to slow down hosting meetups which was one of my passions and how I met most of my friends.
I'm now unemployed, lost my health insurance and have no way to get medical treatment for a issue that is probably going to cost me the use of one of my hands... so I won't even be able to play games anymore.
But, whatever. He got paid multiple [1] times for a shitty, at home paint job by using a community he made fun of and I loved dearly to harass me and my ex-employer."
I think what I like the most about the internet is that it can allow one to have a really good conversation.
And those are pretty rare in real life.
Well for me at least, as I don't know any like-minded individuals, at least ones that can think on a similar level to myself that is.
Don't think I'm being snobbish because I'm not. Its just an interesting analysis based on experience.
In the end of the day, what most interests me is videogames, and funnily enough, despite its mainstreaming in the past decade or so, its still far off from being a popular topic for the average person.
Most people I've ever talked to about videogames have a very casual experience with it.
My parents only ever played Space Invaders or Pac-man back in their day, and since then only ever dabbled in Tetris or Bejewelled Blitz, (which they play against each other like competative sports! XD). They are the Highscore junkies. They like playing simple games that are self-explanatory, not very strong in skill curve, and easy to pick up and play in short bursts that fit around the other stuff they do.
Naturally they don't "get" gaming beyond that very basic level.
Stepping up some more from that, I know three people of similar age to me that play videogames, but only on a sort of regular, casual-ish affair.
My older brother pretty much uses everything I have, BUT, and this is important, nothing ever sticks with him. He'll try out the shiny new thing I get, but most of the time he gets frustrated, calls it crap, then quits.
Yeaaah.... He's that type of gamer. Mr. RAGE
Well, to be fair to him, he likes to play RPGs.
He'll play Pokemon, (though he's not gotten any better at it since we were both playing it as kids! XD), and he will play almost every Bioware RPG I ever get, most of time even more than I do. He loves them with a passion.
But, his bread and butter is sports, racing, and first person shooting games.
Yep. COD, Gran Turismo/Forza, and FIFA.
He used to play fighting games to, but he's a terrible loser, (always has been. always will be), so I don't play them with him anymore.
He's also broken those poor PS3 controllers from throwing them around the room in RAGE! (Mostly COD induced)
So its difficult talking to him, since he has no knowledge and doesn't really care.
The other two people are a person I know at uni, (again he only knows what his gamer friend knows, so he's very casual and new to it all), and one of my little brothers carers (likewise, he has only dibble-dabbled in stuff as well).
The only people I knew in real life I could ever talk to about this stuff was my friends at school, and most of those people have moved on in life to uni and everything.
You had the Melee guys, that were good gamers, and we would play Super Smash Bros. Melee every lunch, (well, they would play it every chance they got! XD), but they were a bit dickish, and I wasn't really all that deep with them as it were. They all went their seperate ways, and I only ever see an occasional post of Facebook about them.
Then you had the RTS nut. He was a great pal, I hung out with him loads, but again, he dropped out of A levels and went to college instead, (even though it was literally next door, the timeslots didn't match up to well, and the guy always hung out at home. He would go home every lunch to watch Loose Women! The guy was a total fruit, but he was a great laugh). I still talk to him occasionally, but he went a very different route to me, as he plays old games, mostly RTS games, Final Fantasys, Sonic and doom.
And he does walkthroughs to these on his youtube and he gets mild success and a lot of hapiness from that.
Then there was my second best friend. He's still very active as a gamer, though being a science student he has very little spare time, and he's not too talkative. We occasionally stumble into a conversation. Mostly on the forum he occasionally moderates (which is having a horrible spam problem again! XD (He moderates the Video Games Live forum btw)).
Finally, I have my best friend. We always try our hardest to meet up with each other. Man, the times we have had were just fantastic. You would have never seen two people so in sync with each other, its crazy!
We have the best fun two straight guys could ever have! XD
A true kindred spirit, but again, getting into contact with him is difficult too.
He works full-time ever since he quit uni, and he lives quite far away, (about an hour on the bus), so I never get the chance to just pop over and visit.
Steam and Facebook has helped keep the embers going though, so once he gets his lappy back we can still keep chatting here and there.
But yeah.. you guys get the point.
The internet give me an outlet to explore, learn, communicate, and develop as a person.
It is very, very important to me, which is why I am so against it ever changing, (as its pretty much perfect just the way it is now! ).
It allows like-minded people to find each other and share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and humour in a way people must have dreamed of so much before.
But most importantly without the barriers that get in the way. The social barriers, the commitments, the pre-judgmental instincts that we all posses to some degree.
It allows us to really be ourselves, warts and all.
So all I can say, is thanks internet, thanks you guys who read my ramblings and share yours.
Here's a virtual cookie:
EDIT: Oh, and I can't obviously talk to my little bro about it either since he's autistic and all of this stuff just goes straight over his head, though out of my family he is the closest to a gamer I got!
He loves to watch people play stuff, he's always watching walkthroughs on youtube, (mostly its games he would never be good at. Its difficult for him to grasp what many games want him to do. He's not good with text so much. The game has to have simple mechanics (like a platformer or racing game), or closed-puzzles (stuff like Yoshi's Cookie or puzzle bobble for instance. A puzzle he can literally see), else he just won't get it.
When he plays a fighting game, he presses the same button, (maybe press a different one if that one isn't working).
He couldn't get to grips with something like Pokemon. Battling maybe, but finding, catching, and being able to figure out moves, effects ect. would be very, very hard for him at the moment.
(Maybe he'll figure that out in the future, as he gets smarter and more talkative every day. (Though at the moment he's still very self-centred and a bit selfish! XD))
Doug Walker's Star Trek reviews are awful, lack critical analysis, and should never have been made. This is the first time I've seen any of his reviews and can say I think they're just shouting unfunny jokes at the screen. They're not just bad reviews. They're bad videos and they make him look like a moron and an asshole.
Did you actually watch all of them? I couldn't finish.
I'm not too fond of telling the internet my entire life story unasked. If people want to know, I'd like them to ask. At least so I can keep distinct what version of my past I've told people so I don't mess that up.
I'm not too fond of telling the internet my entire life story unasked. If people want to know, I'd like them to ask. At least so I can keep distinct what version of my past I've told people so I don't mess that up.
as long as you can still select who can see what post, I'm good. If they force anti-privacy, fuck'm
Timeline is so much worse than the other updates, coolsome. It's a framing nightmare. Two columns with bisecting rows and you can't control it. It looks like garbage. A child's art project. Trash.
I wont abandon fb because of it, but it IS making me avoid going to people's walls. Now, if I miss something, fucket, they better message me if it's important.
I'm keeping my facebook, no matter what happens simply because there are lots of people where that is my only way of contacting them. Also, George Takei's posts are hilarious. Everyone should friend him because he's awesome.
I've only been on Facebook for a few months, and I'll continue to use it the way that I have so far: watching and commenting on what other people put up, occasionally PMing someone, and once in a while, sharing a link with someone. Up to this point, I've been deliberately not putting my life on Facebook (which is why I went so long without having one at all), so I don't expect timeline to be a problem for me, other than making my profile look like ass.
That said, if timeline does become a privacy problem for me, I'm torching my whole damn account.
Doug Walker's Star Trek reviews are awful, lack critical analysis, and should never have been made.
Why are you looking for a critical analysis of Star Trek?
This is the first time I've seen any of his reviews
oh. well, obviously, you're not familiar with his style. The Nostalgia Critic takes nostalgic movies (ie. movies that came out when he was growing up) and picks them apart in a humorous way. He largely uses bad movies or movies that a child might think was good yet watching them as an adult we find that they're terrible, toward this end.
He doesn't do critical analyses, he runs through a movie and points out/makes fun of what is wrong with it. The problem with his Star Trek:TMP and Star Trek 3 reviews are that The Motion Picture's primary flaw is that it is slow moving, so he didn't have a lot to work with. Star Trek 3 really isn't that bad at all, so similar there. However, I like his Star Trek 5 review. That movie is terrible and deserves to be made fun of.
He had a joke admitting he knows nothing bout what he's reviewing, not an uncommon occurrence with him, and then had an unfunny cameo where Angry Joe tried to explain a plot detail to him, and he basically turned it into a joke saying he wasn't going to try to understand anything or explain anything or let anyone else make things clear
No, what actually happened was that he pointed out the design differences between the Klingons of The Original Series TV show, and the Klingons of the movies (ie. smooth forehead vs. ridges). Angry Joe was going to nerd out about the various story-related fan-theories behind this (though anyone who has seen the Enterprise 2-part episodes "Affliction" and "Divergence" would know the canon material answered this already).
At the end of the day, it's just a costume redesign. That's it. If you're not a Trek fan enough to care, it doesn't matter; and the Critic wasn't going to bore the people who don't care with those minute details when they have no bearing on the plot. I'm a huge Star Trek fan myself, and I can say these things without being upset about it.
Critic does point out nonsensical things in Star Trek 5, like the lack of order to deck numbers, how a photon torpedo from the Enterprise didn't harm a being when Klingon phasers destroy it, the absurdity of going to a specific place in the galaxy to try to find where God is physically hiding, and why Kirk wasn't temporarily transferred to a ship that wasn't in shambles if all Starfleet needed was experienced leadership. I don't see what was wrong with this review, but really if you are actually looking for an objective analysis, then that's not really the Nostalgia Critic's goal.
If you want a prime candidate for one of Nostalgia Critic's best reviews, watch his review of The Room.
There are many movies that he reviews that are too easy, like the animated Titanic movies or Neverending Story 3. I liked his The Room review because Tommy Wiseau is such a terrible actor/writer/director/whatever that there was just so much to play around with.
I know, and I like a lot of the easy ones too. I like when he experimented more...like We're Back. I enjoyed that review. I can't think of a favourite one off hand though.
..ugh and the worst is how great Wiseau actually thinks he is.
If I start now, the bunker might be complete by the time you arrive.
Wait, you're meeting up with him but not with me? I'm hurt.
Well, not really, but I just had to say that.
Yay! I'm a grandma! I will nevertheless continue to use IE on my partition because the point of my partition is not to go on the internet. It's to play PC games, and it does that quite admirably without web providers taking up my space.
This is undoubtedly the worst case yet.
Yeah it's pretty weird... like just NOW he became self-aware about what he used to be. "Shit, This is what made me popular, I should get back to it NOW" It definitely felt forced and misplaced....at least he stopped ripping off Lewis Black. That really bothered me.
completely missed that one.... Jeremy Sisto as Batman! Harris as Flash? O.O
Lawless as wonder woman and ferrer as manhunter are interesting though.
I'd be suspicious from the casting
Yeah, you definitely need to update that "Favorite movies" entry in your profile!
EDIT: The original post apparently can't be seen: Alukima comments: "I'm glad it's a joke to him now. I was repeatedly threatened and spent days worrying about my safety. I've lost jobs because Telltale won't give me a reference, or they give me a bad one based on my follow up. I've had to slow down hosting meetups which was one of my passions and how I met most of my friends.
I'm now unemployed, lost my health insurance and have no way to get medical treatment for a issue that is probably going to cost me the use of one of my hands... so I won't even be able to play games anymore.
But, whatever. He got paid multiple [1] times for a shitty, at home paint job by using a community he made fun of and I loved dearly to harass me and my ex-employer."
And those are pretty rare in real life.
Well for me at least, as I don't know any like-minded individuals, at least ones that can think on a similar level to myself that is.
Don't think I'm being snobbish because I'm not. Its just an interesting analysis based on experience.
In the end of the day, what most interests me is videogames, and funnily enough, despite its mainstreaming in the past decade or so, its still far off from being a popular topic for the average person.
Most people I've ever talked to about videogames have a very casual experience with it.
My parents only ever played Space Invaders or Pac-man back in their day, and since then only ever dabbled in Tetris or Bejewelled Blitz, (which they play against each other like competative sports! XD). They are the Highscore junkies. They like playing simple games that are self-explanatory, not very strong in skill curve, and easy to pick up and play in short bursts that fit around the other stuff they do.
Naturally they don't "get" gaming beyond that very basic level.
Stepping up some more from that, I know three people of similar age to me that play videogames, but only on a sort of regular, casual-ish affair.
My older brother pretty much uses everything I have, BUT, and this is important, nothing ever sticks with him. He'll try out the shiny new thing I get, but most of the time he gets frustrated, calls it crap, then quits.
Yeaaah.... He's that type of gamer. Mr. RAGE
Well, to be fair to him, he likes to play RPGs.
He'll play Pokemon, (though he's not gotten any better at it since we were both playing it as kids! XD), and he will play almost every Bioware RPG I ever get, most of time even more than I do. He loves them with a passion.
But, his bread and butter is sports, racing, and first person shooting games.
Yep. COD, Gran Turismo/Forza, and FIFA.
He used to play fighting games to, but he's a terrible loser, (always has been. always will be), so I don't play them with him anymore.
He's also broken those poor PS3 controllers from throwing them around the room in RAGE! (Mostly COD induced)
So its difficult talking to him, since he has no knowledge and doesn't really care.
The other two people are a person I know at uni, (again he only knows what his gamer friend knows, so he's very casual and new to it all), and one of my little brothers carers (likewise, he has only dibble-dabbled in stuff as well).
The only people I knew in real life I could ever talk to about this stuff was my friends at school, and most of those people have moved on in life to uni and everything.
You had the Melee guys, that were good gamers, and we would play Super Smash Bros. Melee every lunch, (well, they would play it every chance they got! XD), but they were a bit dickish, and I wasn't really all that deep with them as it were. They all went their seperate ways, and I only ever see an occasional post of Facebook about them.
Then you had the RTS nut. He was a great pal, I hung out with him loads, but again, he dropped out of A levels and went to college instead, (even though it was literally next door, the timeslots didn't match up to well, and the guy always hung out at home. He would go home every lunch to watch Loose Women! The guy was a total fruit, but he was a great laugh). I still talk to him occasionally, but he went a very different route to me, as he plays old games, mostly RTS games, Final Fantasys, Sonic and doom.
And he does walkthroughs to these on his youtube and he gets mild success and a lot of hapiness from that.
Then there was my second best friend. He's still very active as a gamer, though being a science student he has very little spare time, and he's not too talkative. We occasionally stumble into a conversation. Mostly on the forum he occasionally moderates (which is having a horrible spam problem again! XD (He moderates the Video Games Live forum btw)).
Finally, I have my best friend. We always try our hardest to meet up with each other. Man, the times we have had were just fantastic. You would have never seen two people so in sync with each other, its crazy!
We have the best fun two straight guys could ever have! XD
A true kindred spirit, but again, getting into contact with him is difficult too.
He works full-time ever since he quit uni, and he lives quite far away, (about an hour on the bus), so I never get the chance to just pop over and visit.
Steam and Facebook has helped keep the embers going though, so once he gets his lappy back we can still keep chatting here and there.
But yeah.. you guys get the point.
The internet give me an outlet to explore, learn, communicate, and develop as a person.
It is very, very important to me, which is why I am so against it ever changing, (as its pretty much perfect just the way it is now!
It allows like-minded people to find each other and share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and humour in a way people must have dreamed of so much before.
But most importantly without the barriers that get in the way. The social barriers, the commitments, the pre-judgmental instincts that we all posses to some degree.
It allows us to really be ourselves, warts and all.
So all I can say, is thanks internet, thanks you guys who read my ramblings and share yours.
Here's a virtual cookie:
EDIT: Oh, and I can't obviously talk to my little bro about it either since he's autistic and all of this stuff just goes straight over his head, though out of my family he is the closest to a gamer I got!
He loves to watch people play stuff, he's always watching walkthroughs on youtube, (mostly its games he would never be good at. Its difficult for him to grasp what many games want him to do. He's not good with text so much. The game has to have simple mechanics (like a platformer or racing game), or closed-puzzles (stuff like Yoshi's Cookie or puzzle bobble for instance. A puzzle he can literally see), else he just won't get it.
When he plays a fighting game, he presses the same button, (maybe press a different one if that one isn't working).
He couldn't get to grips with something like Pokemon. Battling maybe, but finding, catching, and being able to figure out moves, effects ect. would be very, very hard for him at the moment.
(Maybe he'll figure that out in the future, as he gets smarter and more talkative every day. (Though at the moment he's still very self-centred and a bit selfish! XD))
Quiet you!
Let me have my moment of reflection.
(Its important for my ego!)
Did you actually watch all of them? I couldn't finish.
And there's my new Facebook Cover image for my Timeline Profile.,,
I'm not too fond of telling the internet my entire life story unasked. If people want to know, I'd like them to ask. At least so I can keep distinct what version of my past I've told people so I don't mess that up.
as long as you can still select who can see what post, I'm good. If they force anti-privacy, fuck'm
It's so true...
That said, if timeline does become a privacy problem for me, I'm torching my whole damn account.
A strong sleeping pill might be your best bet. You should see a doctor if normal ones don't work.
oh. well, obviously, you're not familiar with his style. The Nostalgia Critic takes nostalgic movies (ie. movies that came out when he was growing up) and picks them apart in a humorous way. He largely uses bad movies or movies that a child might think was good yet watching them as an adult we find that they're terrible, toward this end.
He doesn't do critical analyses, he runs through a movie and points out/makes fun of what is wrong with it. The problem with his Star Trek:TMP and Star Trek 3 reviews are that The Motion Picture's primary flaw is that it is slow moving, so he didn't have a lot to work with. Star Trek 3 really isn't that bad at all, so similar there. However, I like his Star Trek 5 review. That movie is terrible and deserves to be made fun of.
No, what actually happened was that he pointed out the design differences between the Klingons of The Original Series TV show, and the Klingons of the movies (ie. smooth forehead vs. ridges). Angry Joe was going to nerd out about the various story-related fan-theories behind this (though anyone who has seen the Enterprise 2-part episodes "Affliction" and "Divergence" would know the canon material answered this already).
At the end of the day, it's just a costume redesign. That's it. If you're not a Trek fan enough to care, it doesn't matter; and the Critic wasn't going to bore the people who don't care with those minute details when they have no bearing on the plot. I'm a huge Star Trek fan myself, and I can say these things without being upset about it.
Critic does point out nonsensical things in Star Trek 5, like the lack of order to deck numbers, how a photon torpedo from the Enterprise didn't harm a being when Klingon phasers destroy it, the absurdity of going to a specific place in the galaxy to try to find where God is physically hiding, and why Kirk wasn't temporarily transferred to a ship that wasn't in shambles if all Starfleet needed was experienced leadership. I don't see what was wrong with this review, but really if you are actually looking for an objective analysis, then that's not really the Nostalgia Critic's goal.
If you want a prime candidate for one of Nostalgia Critic's best reviews, watch his review of The Room.
..ugh and the worst is how great Wiseau actually thinks he is.