The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited October 2010
    Casper the movie? Like the one with live action, drunks, fat, stinky, any all that?
  • edited October 2010
    Okay, I'm having way too much fun looking at computer parts.

    Also, it's official, I know a lot less about computers than I thought
  • edited October 2010
    Catching up on homework. Well, I'm also catching up on Dragonball at the same time, so I don't know whether or not it counts. :p
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    Casper the movie? Like the one with live action, drunks, fat, stinky, any all that?

    Yup. That'll be the one.
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Yup. That'll be the one.

    I recently considered it.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I recently considered it.

    Sorry, I'm having one of those days where nothing seems to click in my mind... What do you mean?:o
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Sorry, I'm having one of those days where nothing seems to click in my mind... What do you mean?:o

    All I meant was that I thought I might watch it recently I did but I did not watch it I did not but recently I did consider watching it I did!

  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    All I meant was that I thought I might watch it recently I did but I did not watch it I did not but recently I did consider watching it I did!


    Lol! I understand now! (After reading that slowly:p)! I think it's a good movie, but I don't care much for the villian. I watch it for the last scene, it's so touching!
  • edited October 2010
    Catching up on homework. Well, I'm also catching up on Dragonball at the same time, so I don't know whether or not it counts. :p

  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Lol! I understand now! (After reading that slowly:p)! I think it's a good movie, but I don't care much for the villian. I watch it for the last scene, it's so touching!

    I don't even remember the villain. The Can I keep you scene? It always got me as a kid too but my sister thinks it's a extremely corny line.

    Yeah, my sister...
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    The Can I keep you scene?

    Yeah! That's the one. I think it's gorgeous. ;)
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Yeah! That's the one. I think it's gorgeous. ;)

    I wouldn't know, have not seen it in a while have I.
  • edited October 2010
    I wonder when they'll lock down my thread where Jesus is Ziggy Stardust...
  • edited October 2010
    ask and ye shall receive, Comrade. Tis now locked
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    ask and ye shall receive, Comrade. Tis now locked

    I saw it. I wept for the beauty of it.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm writing a book, but this is not that. It's a column on a website and I get ad bux. BUT... it gets my name out there. I doubt I'll ever be paper published, but hopefully I can get a few columns going and maybe an e-book.

    What website is it? Link?

    I guess I'm technically "published" now my mind-bogglingly "hilarious" sketch-comedy-esque comic which I update every monday and friday and sometimes semi-relevant, semi-humorous news blog are both online, but with a viewership of about six, I'm not sure if it counts.

    By the way, if you point your mouse over the blue, underlined text up there and click, it'll take you to the website. So just, uh... just, y'know. Go do that. Everyone. Everyone go and click on that. Or whatever. You don't have to, just, like... well, it'd be pretty rude if you didn't, that's all. But that's cool, whatever. Who am I to judge? In case you missed it, by the way, here it is again. So there, you've had two opportunities. There's another one coming up in my signature.

    On an entirely unrelated note, has anyone ever heard of forums? Yeah, because, like, my site has a forum and you can sign up now. Just go ahead and sign right on up there. Go on. Again, it's entirely your choice, but, like, what sort of person would you have to be to not click somebody's link, right? Pretty twisted, if you ask me.

    Another thing that's been on my mind lately is just how fine these leather jackets - which, incidentally, I happen to be selling - are. They're, like, super fine. Honestly, if I were in need of a leather jacket, I wouldn't even buy one, I'd just take one right out of my stock. I'm not even kidding, I'd just swipe one, they're that good. Hell, I'd forgive you for stealing one, they're that fine.

    Obviously, though, don't steal any. Obviously.
  • edited October 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    What website is it? Link?

    I guess I'm technically "published" now my mind-bogglingly "hilarious" sketch-comedy-esque comic which I update every monday and friday and sometimes semi-relevant, semi-humorous news blog are both online, but with a viewership of about six, I'm not sure if it counts.

    By the way, if you point your mouse over the blue, underlined text up there and click, it'll take you to the website. So just, uh... just, y'know. Go do that. Everyone. Everyone go and click on that. Or whatever. You don't have to, just, like... well, it'd be pretty rude if you didn't, that's all. But that's cool, whatever. Who am I to judge? In case you missed it, by the way, here it is again. So there, you've had two opportunities. There's another one coming up in my signature.

    On an entirely unrelated note, has anyone ever heard of forums? Yeah, because, like, my site has a forum and you can sign up now. Just go ahead and sign right on up there. Go on. Again, it's entirely your choice, but, like, what sort of person would you have to be to not click somebody's link, right? Pretty twisted, if you ask me.

    Another thing that's been on my mind lately is just how fine these leather jackets - which, incidentally, I happen to be selling - are. They're, like, super fine. Honestly, if I were in need of a leather jacket, I wouldn't even buy one, I'd just take one right out of my stock. I'm not even kidding, I'd just swipe one, they're that good. Hell, I'd forgive you for stealing one, they're that fine.

    Obviously, though, don't steal any. Obviously.

    I'll post a link as soon as the guy who runs the site has it looking presentable. We've still got some awful coding issues to work out. It's a website about surviving the zombie apocalypse, and my column is all about survival tips. If anyone desperately wants to read it before I get a chance to publish it, you can PM me and I'll let you see what I write on Google Docs.
  • edited October 2010
    I saw it. I wept for the beauty of it.

    It's indeed sad when a thread is locked down just at the point when it is going places...
  • edited October 2010
    can't help feeling sad when I fancy video game charecters
  • edited October 2010
    There was a thread on another forum I visit called "Video Game Crushes" that I thought about bringing over here, but I forgot about it before I could decide whether it would be well received or if I'd be made fun of. Maybe I'll start it anyway.

    Also, it depresses me when there are more people who sign up for a race and then never show than there are finishers.
  • edited October 2010
    There was a thread on another forum I visit called "Video Game Crushes" that I thought about bringing over here, but I forgot about it before I could decide whether it would be well received or if I'd be made fun of. Maybe I'll start it anyway.

    I am glad that you did, I found it really relaxing knowing I am not alone. :p
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, it was a fairly fun thread. Especially when Dashing showed up.
  • edited October 2010
    I saw it. I wept for the beauty of it.

    Yeah, seems a lot of my threads are deleted.
  • edited October 2010
    Am I the only person who hates everything Squaresoft/ Enix/ and Square Enix have ever produced? Well, except Einhänder. Einhänder was the shit.
  • edited October 2010
    If by everything you mean EVERYTHING, then most likely yes.
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    If by everything you mean EVERYTHING, then most likely yes.

    Well, I mostly mean Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest. Especially Final Fantasy. It's like they remake the same game each time.
  • edited October 2010
    Especially Final Fantasy. It's like they remake the same game each time.

    u trollin? because like final fantasy or not, that really isn't the case.
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    u trollin? because like final fantasy or not, that really isn't the case.

    Ok, stop me if you have heard this. You're a child in a village that comes under attack by the evil baddies so you have to go save the maiden...
  • edited October 2010
    Final Fantasy 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14 don't even follow that vaguely. The rest I had to stretch a bit and don't even involve a maiden.
  • edited October 2010
    Um.. Tope, are you sure you don't mean FF4, 3 follows that to a T. 4 starts in an already pretty forsaken world that you are trying to save as a repentance.
  • edited October 2010
    Sure, whatever. Either way, a majority of the games don't follow that. And I'm coming from a neutral perspective who doesn't really care either way for the series.
  • edited October 2010
    What I really want to know is why I'm one of, like, three guys I know who seems to fondly remember...


    Because anime these days just sucks. I'm looking at you, Bleach and Naruto... Get bent.
  • edited October 2010
    Zelda is more about remaking the same game than FF is (because the hero is similar, the main enemy is pretty much always the same, the items are more similar as well, although they've been adding new ones which is cool, and the whole game mechanics are the same, with the hearts that are added every time you kill a boss or when you collect heart pieces).
    For that matter Mario games are more about remaking the same game than FF is, as well.
    FF isn't even always set in the same world (really, I can only think of the Ivalice Project and Crystal Chronicles that have been using the same world more than once). The heroes are different in every game, each with their own personality. The kind of magic, how it's used and who can use it are different from one game to the next.
    A fair amount of items (potions, phoenix dawn, etc) and of enemies (malboro, etc) are common to all the games. You also now have Chocobos in most of them. But seriously, I've always wondered why the games were all called FF when they never seemed like they were the same series as the previous ones. It's always a different game, a different world, a different story, different characters, just with a similar spirit.
    Sometimes it feels more like different novels written by the same person, but that aren't connected to one another.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    Yeah, seems a lot of my threads are deleted.

    Just the redundant ones.
  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Final Fantasy 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14 don't even follow that vaguely. The rest I had to stretch a bit and don't even involve a maiden.

    I'm no Final Fantasy expert by any means. But I remember that in 7 Cloud's hometown of Nieblheim gets burnt down by the Shinra and Cloud is bound by a promise to protect Tifa if she ever gets in trouble

    Stretching it maybe, but it'll do for me
  • edited October 2010
    ze miners are nearly out! i am so happy! :) hope it all goes well
  • edited October 2010
    What I really want to know is why I'm one of, like, three guys I know who seems to fondly remember...


    Because anime these days just sucks. I'm looking at you, Bleach and Naruto... Get bent.

    Because the only anime today are Bleach and Naruto. Fact. The only two. THE ONLY TWO.
  • edited October 2010
    Where is Carmen Sandiego? Carmen Sandiego?! Where on earth could she be?
  • edited October 2010
    Because the only anime today are Bleach and Naruto. Fact. The only two. THE ONLY TWO.

    Well, those are the ones that seem to have the most vocal fans. Also, they suck. Did I mention that?
  • edited October 2010
    I like BLEACH. the manga anyway. But yeah, Naruto is pretty awful.
This discussion has been closed.