Names have already been discussed. We just don't have anyone to appoint new mods at the moment. Really hoping Telltale gets that new community manager in promptly.
Not that it's really relevant. More mods isn't the solution to the spambot problem. We need better defenses in the forum itself, and that won't happen until we get the new site.
Not that it's really relevant. More mods isn't the solution to the spambot problem. We need better defenses in the forum itself, and that won't happen until we get the new site.
Yeah... These forums really need to be revamped really bad. For the amount of traffic we get, we honestly have a generous amount of mods.
Do we have an estimate as to when the new site's being put in?
so when someone ask you "do you see the glass half full or half empty?" does anyone els reply "the glass is continuously being filled wile it is also being used so it is inevitably and always just half way."
I'm going to have to delete the thread and ban everybody, aren't I?
SOMEBODY woke up on the wrong side of the Internet.
Actually, you may right.
It came to me in a flash! Just ban everyone on the forum and keep banning. Set up an algorithm that automatically bans anyone who joins the forum. Spambot problem solved!
Time to go to Citizen's Advice to get some advice (quelle surprise!) about getting the bond from the place I previously rented (the one where I was kinda forced into moving as the place was going to get repossessed) as the landlord has kept hold of it since I moved back in January. I just need them to recommend a solicitor that handles cases like these, as going down the legal route is probably the only chance I have of getting that money back (and I might get extra in interest and compensation). I probably should have been starting this process a lot sooner but I though the estate agents would have been able to get this back (as I believe the landlord still has the property managed by them) but no, I only found out a month or so ago that the onus is on me so I'm getting on it now.
Names have already been discussed. We just don't have anyone to appoint new mods at the moment. Really hoping Telltale gets that new community manager in promptly.
Not that it's really relevant. More mods isn't the solution to the spambot problem. We need better defenses in the forum itself, and that won't happen until we get the new site.
You don't really want to pose as a spambot at times like these. :eek:
Do we have an estimate as to when the new site's being put in?
..other than several months ago?
Homestuck's this webcomic on the internet that is very silly and many people on the internet take it very seriously.
Because I know a bunch of people who read Homestuck and their grammar is WAY better than mine so I don't know what exactly you're comparing me to
There's rumblings about it, but nothing more than "soon".
Or maybe you just talk like them tumblr types and i've just associated that kinda talk with hamsteaks. idk
You're missing about 20 mouths there, good sir.
that's nice
hmmm seems legit.....
Yes I was exaggerating thank you for explaining the joke
I'm beginning to suspect that you're making fun of everyone. And I don't appreciate that.
thank you for explaining this thing i have never been on the internet gomen
are you going to post a gold star on this now with comic sans on it
Probably, yeah.
That's my job.
It would be rather inconvenient if I could not.
SOMEBODY woke up on the wrong side of the Internet.
Actually, you may right.
It came to me in a flash! Just ban everyone on the forum and keep banning. Set up an algorithm that automatically bans anyone who joins the forum. Spambot problem solved!
Delete the thread? Yeah. Ban some people? Possibly. Ban EVERYBODY? No.
We all knew that his is where this thread had to end eventually.
Nope. Go big or go home.
I am highly suspect of the accuracy in this adaptation.