Dear ketzer, essentially, a feminist blogger/tech worker was at a tech conference and overheard two guys behind her make puns about forking and big dongles, not directing their comments to anyone. Without saying anything to them, she took a picture of them and tweeted to the internet about them. She proceeded to write a blog post about how they were being oppressive to women in that industry for that reason and got them removed from the convention with a big huff.
One of the guys, a father of three, lost his job for it.
But yeah, she wasn't a part of the conversation at all.
Granted, they were there representing a sponsor and probably shouldn't have been idiots in public(I'm not surprised one lost his job), it still isn't her business to get involved.
I don't like how people post stupid shit on the internet(I'm not talking about this topic :P), but I don't go messaging the mods complaining and demanding that users get removed for being immature idiots.
Ah, well, that makes more sense then. I thought she was talking to them and their first response was to start making inappropriate jokes. Which would have been worthy of such a response.
The Marvel app seems to be a good way to get into Marvel comics. I'm downloading the first free issue of Guardians of the Galaxy infinite comic.
Make a Comixology account and link your Marvel account to it. Comixology is a better way to get into comics in general, since they sell Marvel and DC and Image and IDW and BOOM! Studios and Slave Labor Graphics and TopCow and the newly relaunched Valiant Comics and a bunch of smaller publishers and independent self-publishers.
Got my third unconditional offer for a university place today. Amusingly I also got a response from my old local university which I put as a backup and the best that they can do is offer me an interview. I'm happy that I can decline that invitation.
I didn't think it would be this easy to get a university place, hence why I used all five available choice slots.
Women are already isolated in that industry. This will only make men more hesitant to interact with women out of fear that anything they do will be seen as sexism.
My problem isn't the fact that she wanted them to stop, my problem is that she made two guys making dick jokes to each other privately as a matter of extreme prejudice to women, and instead of asking them politely, she publicly shamed them in the most immature way possible, made a huge fuss about it to the point that those folks lost their jobs for it.
Again, for making dick jokes. In a private conversation.
Women are already isolated in that industry. This will only make men more hesitant to interact with women out of fear that anything they do will be seen as sexism.
Not to mention she got one FIRED.
That's like kicking Keith Apicary out of an E3 for ruining G4's shot by asking where the Dreamcast 2 was.
Sure ScrewAttack called one girl a slut for ruining their shot at a certain convention, but at least they didn't kick her out.
Ah, well, that makes more sense then. I thought she was talking to them and their first response was to start making inappropriate jokes. Which would have been worthy of such a response.
Which is why you should have put a bit more research to it. There's a reason this has turned into a controversy that eventually got the woman who did this shit fired.
I read her blog post and the way she was telling it, sounded like she'd turned around, joined the conversation and then was told these unfunny jokes in response. I'd look back at the post again, but I fucking hate that ridiculous wait thing that they make you go through to actually get to the blog and I simply don't have the patience to do that again.
Make a Comixology account and link your Marvel account to it. Comixology is a better way to get into comics in general, since they sell Marvel and DC and Image and IDW and BOOM! Studios and Slave Labor Graphics and TopCow and the newly relaunched Valiant Comics and a bunch of smaller publishers and independent self-publishers.
I don't really understand her problem other than the fact they were being disruptive. The women I work with make more sexual comments than the men. I don't think this is a sex issue in the wide sense. I'm all for equality and I actually do have more female friends than male, but I really do feel that this was her personal problem with people being disruptive and her problem with the subject matter. People talk like that. Immaturity isn't sexually exclusive. She could have turned around after the first couple of comments and asked them politely to keep it down as she was interested in the speaker or even went and got somebody. I think she handled the situation poorly.
If you ever work with women chefs it's nothing but a nonstop stream of vagina and taco jokes.
Babies are for throwing, not eating. Everyone knows that.
This is where the phrase "I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them". Because babies bounce, so go really far, and are unlikely to tell your secrets to the neighbour's cat.
Not if you hit their soft spot, then they just go flat. Also if they fall into a lake that you were totally not aiming for, or into a well, because then they won't bounce far either.
Not if you hit their soft spot, then they just go flat. Also if they fall into a lake that you were totally not aiming for, or into a well, because then they won't bounce far either.
One of the guys, a father of three, lost his job for it.
But yeah, she wasn't a part of the conversation at all.
Yup. Germany is blocked. Us with our dongs and stuff. DISCRIMINATION!!
I don't like how people post stupid shit on the internet(I'm not talking about this topic :P), but I don't go messaging the mods complaining and demanding that users get removed for being immature idiots.
Did I tell you about that one time I saw everyone at Telltale eat a giant baby? I swear it's true!
HOW DID YOU KN... wait, I see what you're doing.
Actually, you don't have to show the actual baby-eating, just a few people from Telltale with a baby somewhere in the vicinity.
Babies are kinda thin on the ground here. Not for any particular reason, of course. Certainly not because anyone's been eating them.
...and now you understand how the American media and politics work.
The Baby is disguised as the belly of the guy on the right.
I didn't think it would be this easy to get a university place, hence why I used all five available choice slots.
But, but, but... these fingers are tasty!!
(little prayer here that someone actually gets the joke. If not: clicky.)
Well, time to never speak to a woman ever again.
Not to mention she got one FIRED.
That's like kicking Keith Apicary out of an E3 for ruining G4's shot by asking where the Dreamcast 2 was.
Sure ScrewAttack called one girl a slut for ruining their shot at a certain convention, but at least they didn't kick her out.
Which is why you should have put a bit more research to it. There's a reason this has turned into a controversy that eventually got the woman who did this shit fired.
Then buy every issue of Irredeemable.
If you ever work with women chefs it's nothing but a nonstop stream of vagina and taco jokes.
I can imagine though.
I'd go further. I'd say she deserved to be fired and that guy that got fired because of her should get her job.
Of course not!
Babies are for throwing, not eating. Everyone knows that.
That's what I've been doing for almost two years now.
Gloria Dios.
<Image of Chris Griffin>
Is this why you didn't show up at the hangout?
This is where the phrase "I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them". Because babies bounce, so go really far, and are unlikely to tell your secrets to the neighbour's cat.
No, I had a much less exciting psychology appointment to go to.
Who needs women when we have the internet?
...At two in the morning?
Also, oops.
No, I had to get up early for it. At 8 or so, and the process of getting up is difficult enough for me to accomplish. I'll be at the next one, though.
Remind me never to hire you as a sitter.