I downloaded an Ep.1 torrent..

edited December 2006 in Sam & Max
And I know you're coming in here to have a go at me, but before you do - hear me out :)

I loved the original (htr) and wasn't expecting anything as awesome as what I just experienced.

So, for the first time ever, I just gave a games company cash for essentially a download. According to my receipt, i'm now their favourite customer - although I have a sneaking suspicion they tell everyone that ;)

For the americans, when I say I paid like, £21 for the entire season through the telltale shop, the only context I can put it in, is that a brand new PSP game over here costs £35. (seeing as the exchange rate at the moment is amazingly in our favour, I *REALLY* got a bargain!)

This obviously belongs on the piracy thread, but I just wanted to say it was the most painless online transaction (a bonus you accepted paypal too) i've ever had.

Couple of little comments though - can we get a little loading icon pop up for the transition between scenes? I thought my PC had crashed when I walked out of the office for the first time...

Also, as much as I love reading about who made the game, i'd love to be able to skip the credits. All of them, i've played Ep.1 through twice now and I have to CTRL/AL/DEL to get out of that :)

Anyway, you've got my hard-earned (haha) cash.

You damn well earned it :)


  • edited December 2006
    swissrebel wrote: »
    According to my receipt, i'm now their favourite customer - although I have a sneaking suspicion they tell everyone that ;)

    I don´t remember that they told me that!

    Could it be because I am an asshole?
  • edited December 2006
    I think that "favorite customer" thing was meant for me :P *puts on dueling gloves*
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