What would you want the next game to add to the series and story?
Pretty much every game has added something to the overall storyline of the series. The first one obviously established the setting, characters, and the basic formula. The second one provided clues to other secrets and really made the battle between Guybrush and LeChuck a heated one. Curse revealed what Big Whoop was and quite a bit of backstory for LeChuck ending with Guybrush and Elaine finally getting married. Escape, while I love the game, didn't add too much to the series because the secret revealed in that one contradicts other games. Lastly, Tales peeled away more of the relationships, introduced Morgan, and finally began to reveal and hint at the voodoo lady's backstory.
So, for the next game, what would you want it to do for overarching story? Would it be more backstory for the main characters, a second overarching villain?
So, for the next game, what would you want it to do for overarching story? Would it be more backstory for the main characters, a second overarching villain?
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That would amuse me greatly.
But maybe the backgrounds of other main characters could be interesting. Still, I'd rather they explore more of the Caribbean, with more islands and more side characters. So actually 'None of the above'
Though 'More of a pirate atmosphere' comes closest.
Lechuck is the only main villian.
To see into the characters past might destroy them.
The secret is not meant to be revealed, or it wouldn't be an on-going joke.
I already think it's fairly piraty.
You must really dislike the banjo-kazooie series(the main bad guy basicly dies in every game and gets revived but more and more worse)
looking like this http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/14652/350434-gr2_super.jpg
to thishttp://www.therwp.com/w/images/thumb/d/db/BanjoKazooie_Cast-Gruntilda.jpg/109px-BanjoKazooie_Cast-Gruntilda.jpg
To thishttp://www.rareware.com/games/banjonuts&bolts/castlist/cast-list-grunty.jpg
And although this is noncanon(During Nuts n Bolts, no one at all references these events Gruntilda even mention this game was her third loss while if this game was canon, it would have been her 4th defeat.) she at one point looked like thishttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.freewebs.com/guiltysonic343/mecha_grunty.jpg&imgrefurl=http://guiltysonic343.webs.com/villians.htm&usg=__5Ya1ONV_K2qjgFlRWWiY1YCvtEo=&h=310&w=206&sz=22&hl=en&start=14&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=_AyDNlWt5QzOmM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbanjo%2Bkazooie%2Bgruntilda%2Bpics%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1T4ACEW_enUS359US359%26tbs%3Disch:1
The secret is meant to be revealed at some point. It was never intended to simply be a joke. Ron had a definite plan in mind and intended to reveal it. He still has it in his head and a lot of people, even some of the developers who don't know it, would love for it to be settled some time in the future. I hate the idea that it has become a joke, it is a definite concept and there would be no point to the secret if it is never meant to be revealed and never is. It would be great for the secret to be revealed and then they can focus on other mysteries with an overarching secret perhaps. The secret has become a gag because it is taking so long for it to be revealed. I think that is the exact reason why one game in the future should reveal it so that the gag finally stops because that was never the original intent.
You don't think a giant monkey head opening onto catacombs containing a large ghost pirate ship is secret enough?
No, not when the creator says that the secret has yet to be revealed and he was planning on tying everything up and would should he make another Monkey Island.
He also only conveniently said this after hundreds of people on the internet started going mental about it when Curse of Monkey Island came out. If he had such grand amazing plans, why didn't he spend another year or two at LEC to crank out this perfect epic third game that everyone pretends was planned?
dont forget wallrus
I never understood why LeChuck must always have a new form in order for him to be used. Forgive me if this is not what you were implying, but many people think this way when thinking of the idea of him being included again. Some of he greatest villains in media have had the same basic apperance for the most part with minor differences here and there. LeChuck is an awesome character and villain and I would hate for him not to be included in the series anymore simply because they ran out of forms for him. They should just establish one form, the poxed form in Tales was good enough for me, and just add more depth to his character and evil with more clever plans. Maby even reveal more of his origins as a human, but still stay true to his character.
I played the first two games but never got around to the others. I actually did like them, but if Rare had asked my opinion, I would have suggested they get a new villain too.
Personally, I think it's time to expand the Marley-Threepwood family. Give Guybrush a son or (preferably) daughter to imperil and become involved in the adventuring life. Sure, this poses tremendous challenges in terms of: (a) not crossing the line into hackneyed cliche, and (b) not bogging the franchise down with domestic, un-piratey matters. But hey, Telltale seems to have (a) capably handled Morgan, who risked being a fanfic character, and (b) handled the marriage thing well. And SOMETHING needs to be done to keep things fresh -- for many games to come, I would hope!
I liked ozzie Mandrill to.
Like they say, if it ain't broke, don't lend it money fix it.
Definitely true - we need more villains like him.
Absolutely true. Also, I'd love to see Largo LaGrande come back, though perhaps as a villain in his own right rather than LeChuck's flunky.
I voted for a new villain, though it wouldn't have to be "new" per say. Morgan, the Voodoo Lady, or, again, Largo would work just fine for me. Maybe not even have just one "big bad," but rather several threats that Guybrush has to deal with while looking for whatever silly thing he's after this time.
Oh, and it'd need more WinslowxMap shipping. And am I the only one who misses those three pirates from Melee/Scabb in MI1 and 2?