Skunkape in 303?

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
One of his servants appears in this screenshot:


What do you guys think?


  • edited June 2010
    Sam will naturally go for Skunkape's goons, but that does not necessary means they (or Skunkape himself) are responsible.
  • edited June 2010
    Skunkape's ship and goons should still be around without Skunkape himself being there. Although, I don't know why the goons wouldn't fly off in the ship.
    edited June 2010
    Mike Stemmle confirmed on the Freelance Police Dispach forum that Skun'kape will make a return on this episode, I think.
  • edited June 2010
    And remember that Skunkape still wants brains with the Gift like Gordon and Max, but i guess he might not be in the episode... he might have sent instructions to his army from the new Penal Zone to steal Max's brain.
  • edited June 2010
    in a future vision vision in episode 1, sam mentions "emporer skunk'ape the 2". so maybe in one episode skunk'ape takes over the world. Another thing, just because skunkape is stuck in the office doesn't mean the minons didn't just fly away. and did you see them on the ship near the end? no.
  • edited June 2010
    MRN wrote: »
    Mike Stemmle confirmed on the Freelance Police Dispach forum that Skun'kape will make a return on this episode, I think.

    Sort of.

    He said Rinoplasty is back and will be hot Ape on Crockroach action. Take your guesses.
  • edited June 2010
    Skun'kape's minions never did leave the planet did they? I mean, they aren't even in his ship, which must of crashed since Gordon weakened it's engines and it's pilot was sucked out into another dimension.

    However Skun'kape knows something about Max. Remember the aura he sees at the end of Episode one, if he's not in 303 he will be back at somepoint, if only to explain that.
    edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Sort of.

    He said Rinoplasty is back and will be hot Ape on Crockroach action. Take your guesses.
    You can't keep a bad ape down.

    This post is an answer to another post that said "is Skun'kape back in this ep", thats where I took the confirmation from :D
  • edited June 2010
    Skun'ka-pe is as annoying as he is badass, I'm afraid that no matter what any TTG says, even though they confirmed it...

    "He'll be baack."
  • edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Sort of.

    He said Rinoplasty is back and will be hot Ape on Crockroach action. Take your guesses.

    Ha! I knew Telltale wouldn't just make a Toy of Power for just the first ten minutes of the first episode! Will Mind Reading be back too? I loved reading everyone's thoughts, but Sam's were just so absurd and brilliant!
  • edited June 2010
    look at hat
  • edited June 2010
    The hat is the same as it was in 301, it's part of Skun'kape's deception to fool everyone into thinking he's for planet peace.
  • edited June 2010
    Ha! I knew Telltale wouldn't just make a Toy of Power for just the first ten minutes of the first episode! Will Mind Reading be back too? I loved reading everyone's thoughts, but Sam's were just so absurd and brilliant!

    I asked about mind reading and he was somewhat elusive in the answer.
    2) Mind reading? When did we ever promise mind reading? Oh yeah... maybe we should get back to that power before the season ends.

    I personally I don't know what to think about it.
  • edited June 2010
    no it green it was pink and Skun-ka'pe secret origin mad out thay where under Skun-ka'pe control by his mind he dusent have the gift but he has power to control his rash
  • edited June 2010
    kane wrote: »
    no it green it was pink and Skun-ka'pe secret origin mad out thay where under Skun-ka'pe control by his mind he dusent have the gift but he has power to control his rash

    ....Yeah all I got from this was the "Secret Origin" thing. That flash has nothing to do with The Devil's Playhouse. Just don't think about it.
  • edited June 2010
    in a future vision vision in episode 1, sam mentions "emporer skunk'ape the 2". so maybe in one episode skunk'ape takes over the world. Another thing, just because skunkape is stuck in the office doesn't mean the minons didn't just fly away. and did you see them on the ship near the end? no.

    I'm pretty sure that was max that said that. So maybe we'll get Max with a slightly altered brain
  • edited June 2010
    He said that the hat's green in the screenshot when it was pink in 301, and that it seemed like they were under Skun-ka'pe's mind control in the Secret Origins flash.

    Probably even though the origin will never be mentioned in the episodes, it's still consistent with them.
  • edited June 2010
    yes thank you
  • edited June 2010
    Mike Stemmle confirmed on the Freelance Police Dispach forum that Skun'kape will make a return on this episode, I think.

    Skun-ka'pe in episode 3? Is that what he said? Hmm... I'm slightly disappointed about that. It won't ruin it (this episode should be awesome, like the first two) but I wish Skun-ka'pe returned in a later episode or was just mentioned. I'm fine with the minions still there, but Skun-ka'pe is trapped in that new zone. Why would he be back now? Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.

    Btw, I'm new to the forums, in case you are wondering.
  • edited June 2010
    he Dustin ha to leave but sam could get in
  • edited June 2010

    Skunkape appears in the end of the 303 trailer so that settles it. Or that might just be the next episode cliffhanger.
  • edited June 2010
    Thats what I was going to say but I didn't bother pointing out.
    I also thought that it might be the cliffhanger. We'll have to wait and see.
  • edited June 2010
    I dont think they'd put the cliffhanger in the trailer...
  • edited June 2010
    Maybe not, but they put the Narrator's last sentence or so in the trailer (they did for the second episode). Not the same, I know.
    Just my theory.
  • edited June 2010
    In the trailer, skunk'ape is shooting a gun at an unknown target, could he be trying to defend max's brain? and didn't he also steal gordons brain in order to control the toys?
  • edited June 2010
    In the trailer, skunk'ape is shooting a gun at an unknown target, could he be trying to defend max's brain? and didn't he also steal gordons brain in order to control the toys?

    He did but gordon is dead so unless sam revives him again, I dont think he will appear(although gordon in max's body would be interesting)
  • edited June 2010
    In the trailer, skunk'ape is shooting a gun at an unknown target, could he be trying to defend max's brain? and didn't he also steal gordons brain in order to control the toys?

    My guess is the unknown target being Sam who may or may not have recovered Max's brain from Skunk'ape and now the power hungry gorilla and his minions are trying to, well, shoot Sam. That would be rather epic now that I think about it...I'm going to hush up for now.
  • edited June 2010
    It's been hinted that Skunk'ape will be taking on Sal in some way or that his minions will - 'hot ape-on-cockroach action'
  • edited June 2010
    Skun-ka'pe is beginning to become like LeChuck, it's like, "DIE ALREADY, I've killed you before, stay dead!". I think he should die after this.
  • edited June 2010
    He's only been defeated once ingame...
  • edited June 2010
    You defeated him at the start of the game, then the end.
  • edited June 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    It's been hinted that Skunk'ape will be taking on Sal in some way or that his minions will - 'hot ape-on-cockroach action'

    Am I the only one who read that and heard, "Wow-chicka-wow-wow-chicka-chicka-wow-wow" in their head? Oh, I am? Never mind then.
    You defeated him at the start of the game, then the end.

    That was kind of the same time though. Although I do admit that I expected to meet up with a new villain every episode to catch and throw in the Penal Zone. In retrospect, that'd have been oddly convenient to have bad guys come straight to Sam and Max to get beat down and arrested. Probably better that they didn't go with that storyline.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Am I the only one who read that and heard, "Wow-chicka-wow-wow-chicka-chicka-wow-wow" in their head? Oh, I am? Never mind then.

    Am I the only one who thought it meant Sal and Stinky were going to get it on, until I realised "ooh, he doesn't mean crested house-ape" (i.e. human)?
  • edited June 2010
    @avistew NO. Just ... no.

    Also, I'd like to say I love Skunkape, half because he is so deliciously evil and completely out of his depth with Girl Stinky, and half because having Roger L. Jackson voice an evil monkey is always funny. That being said, I am totally confused as to why Skunkape is having one of his minions twirl a sign that says "Dog" on it about a million times. What's the point of that?
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    @avistew NO. Just ... no.

    No I'm not the only one? Good to know :p
    Lena_P wrote: »
    That being said, I am totally confused as to why Skunkape is having one of his minions twirl a sign that says "Dog" on it about a million times. What's the point of that?

    I have no clue but now I really want to know too!
  • edited June 2010
    The reason the minion is doing that is most likely because they're trying to earn some spare cash whilst skunk'ape is away.
  • edited June 2010
    Or trying to lure Sam into some kind of trap. At least, that's what popped into my mind when I first saw it.
  • edited June 2010
    OR community service.
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