The babies were all totally out of place as Sam and Max characters and none of the new characters in the episode were developed at all. The puzzles were weak as well I thought with the triangles.
I liked the triangle puzzles. I really liked the stoned Moai head and the sock crown*. As for the babies, I thought they were at their best as demon babies in 205 -- there was something about them, their animations, I couldn't stop watching them. :eek:
*Has there ever been a thread/poll on favorite S&M item/prop/object, like the fave character polls that are going on?
moai better blues is the worst.
the penal zone comes in a close 2nd; the crime-tron alone is almost enough to give penal zone 2nd worst episode status, then there's the story, the puzzles, and skunkape...
fortunately sammun-mak came along and restored my confidence in season 3.
Same here. For a while, I thought that Telltale was losing their touch (kinda like Spongebob or Disney Channel)
after Penal Zone, but I was just relieved when episode 2 came along
Just replayed s1 and s2 and Moai Better Blues is worst as of yet. Can't believe Reality 2.0 hasn't been mentioned yet as I think it's close with Situation Comedy.
Just replayed s1 and s2 and Moai Better Blues is worst as of yet. Can't believe Reality 2.0 hasn't been mentioned yet as I think it's close with Situation Comedy.
The whole reality 2.0 is just horrible and ugly. The puzzles are a bit far fetched and it's oh-so-boring with the constant walking everywhere. And in the end the text sequence is just boring and the puzzle is just annoying.
The whole reality 2.0 is just horrible and ugly. The puzzles are a bit far fetched and it's oh-so-boring with the constant walking everywhere. And in the end the text sequence is just boring and the puzzle is just annoying.
I thought that was was the point in that all old retro games are annoying and that sam and max where taking advantages of their flaws,as a retro gamer though I apperciate this more than others wheereas you might not be and it is obvous people have different tastes.
Even though the story was pretty good(albeit hard). the Trophies were the worst I have ever seen in a Telltale game.(and yes, I am counting the Xbox games.)
When it comes to storylines, my worst has to be Situation:Comedy.
The whole reality 2.0 is just horrible and ugly. The puzzles are a bit far fetched and it's oh-so-boring with the constant walking everywhere. And in the end the text sequence is just boring and the puzzle is just annoying.
Well, I replayed Reality 2.0 a few days ago, and I still think it's visually awesome, the music is great, the puzzles are good (and definitely more challenging than the ones in the earlier episodes), and the pseudo-text adventure at the end is just hilarious. Easily my favourite episode from Season 1. Oh well
There's really no such Thing as a bad Sam and Max game, but I was a little disappointed by Situation: Comedy. It seemed like it was just designed as filler between episodes 1 and 3.
I agree. There was a section in the middle (pizza joint, toy store) where I felt I was just going through the motions or being led on a string. The puzzles were contrived, too easy, and too disconnected from plot advancement, which was just stated as fact after the puzzles were solved. I didn't have the feeling that I was working to track Skunkape. At one point I had to stop just to try to make sense of the chain of events that revealed the various bits of information.
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers. I guess you could say 301 is for girls?
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers. I guess you could say 301 is for girls?
I'm a guy, and I really enjoyed that section. Though I'm worried about the Crimetron's inclusion in future episodes. It just seemed like something better left as a one-off episode gimmick. You know, like the triangles of Moai Better Blues, or the Astral Projection of The Tomb of Sammun-Mak.
I'm a guy, and I really enjoyed that section. Though I'm worried about the Crimetron's inclusion in future episodes. It just seemed like something better left as a one-off episode gimmick. You know, like the triangles of Moai Better Blues, or the Astral Projection of The Tomb of Sammun-Mak.
I agree. There was a section in the middle (pizza joint, toy store) where I felt I was just going through the motions or being led on a string. The puzzles were contrived, too easy, and too disconnected from plot advancement, which was just stated as fact after the puzzles were solved. I didn't have the feeling that I was working to track Skunkape. At one point I had to stop just to try to make sense of the chain of events that revealed the various bits of information.
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers. I guess you could say 301 is for girls?
Interesting, but I am a girl. (My username is derived from my surname.)
I watched a walkthrough online and thought it would be pretty easy and fun to do, but when I actually played it it was pretty annoying and got confusing to finish.
You watched a walkthru before you actually played it?
That's ... um ... confusing in itself.
I thought MBB was pretty good, it was when the season was starting to get really wacky in a great way, giant Bermuda Triangles chasing people downing the street, the further evolution of the Mr Spatula character. The early episodes, particularly Culture Shock and Situation Comedy, were easily the worst.
But, let's not dwell on past failures, Telltale have come a long way since then, and they've clearly identified where their strong and weak points were, and just keep on improving things. The new season is one of the best examples of interactive entertainment I've ever played.
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers. I guess you could say 301 is for girls?
Thinking about it, the Crimetron was basically just a different way of implementing a "combine items" puzzle. Except that it was even more awkward to use than the ToMI interface, plus there was no way to actually work out what item went with what, you just had to randomly try items with each other until it worked.
Surely that goes totally against this season's mantra of "no longer blindly mashing buttons" etc.?
I didn't really notice it at the time, and to me it did give the game more of a feeling of doing detective work ... except that it didn't actually make much sense and it was extremely easy. I'm sure much more interesting things could be done with evidence and clue-finding puzzles.
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers. I guess you could say 301 is for girls?
That is just damn bizzarre. I hated that part. It was so annoying. :mad: I kept screwing it up, and it took me FOREVER to figure out what items I was supposed to combine.
"What are they going to do with all that junk, all that junk inside thier trunk?"
Awesome XD
Moai Better Blues was bad. Unfunny and uninteresting.
Season one had its ups and downs with 102 and 103 which were... nice? I don't know. Everything pales in comparison to 104 and 106.
Season 3 had 303, they stole Max's brain which I found less funny and a lot less interesting. Not only was the whole part where Sammun-mak take over the universe a dream in a dream, it was also over the top and not quite funny imo.
What REALLY pissed me off was the fact that the whole first half hour of the episode, you know the Noir Sam part, was one long cutscene. Why did that irk me? Because I forgot to set the subtitles to "on" and couldn't do it till that part was over because the manu was not accassible during the whole time.
For Season 3 it would have to be the second half of They Stole Max's Brain. I liked the first part, the Noir Sam and Museum at Night part but it felt like I was lied to as we were pretty much shown all the good bits in the trailer before being carted off to that Sammun-Mak world, which I just didn't like.
Season 2, Moai Better Blues, now there's an episode that felt like filler! We got the explanation for the Volcano right at the end but the rest of it just felt way too cheesy and cutesy and odd, even by Sam & Max standards.
I'll be honest, I didn't like much of Season 1, it just felt flat to me, I hated the Soda Poppers, so Episode 1 is always cursed with that, didn't find Myra, The Director or Midtown Cowboys funny at all, so Episode 2 is down for that, unlike the rest, I actually like Episode 3, love the plain obvious Mafia jokes, and mainly for one of the best songs to come from TTG with "You and Me and Ted E Bear".
Episode 4 of Season 1 was pretty cool for most of it, until those damn Soda Poppers appeared again. Episode 5 felt like one big set up for Episode 6, but had a cool take on the Virtual world, and Episode 6 is good.
I actually liked 202. I even liked the babies (except for the fact that they all shared the same character model) though I felt like there was a lot of lost potential. They put in all those people with such over-the-top personalities and then just had them stand there the whole time. At least the sorta/kinda return of Amelia Earhart made up for it (but poor neglected D.B. Cooper).
I think my least favorite was Culture Shock, mostly because Brady Culture was such a dull villain. Still, it was very funny and it signaled the return of Sam & Max, so I can't dislike it.
I think my least favorite was Culture Shock, mostly because Brady Culture was such a dull villain. Still, it was very funny and it signaled the return of Sam & Max, so I can't dislike it.
Now, now, I'd be careful what you say. You know what happens to those that mess with Mr. Culture.
moai better blues: Well, it was cool when sam and max became kids on moai better blues, but is the only episode i dislike like for the 95% of it, i dont faind it as original as the other episodes, i even faind it as a very extra episode for season two, were the rest of the episodes are mush more funnier, and you mouve thougth more location...and i hated all the smart babes werent as interesting new characters as offtenly telltale introduce on the episodes, and the moai heads werent as worked on their personalitis, you dont even need to talk to them, or made them do things as mush. And the monkey acuatic thinks wish name i forgot xD, i was very bored on all the parts that envolved them, i know they supose to be talking funny, but i just got exasperated when they were explaing all what you have to do and what was mr spatula telling...on that touns and long speaeches ...i didnt faind as funny that the villain was mr spatula, i dont know how i can explain this, because i cant, but i think is a jouck somehow predictable xD.
They stole max,s brain: didnt give as mush as it promised on the triller, I do like noir Sam, and i think hes noir dialogs were very funny, the fact of been noir is not a reazon to make Sam less funny, indeed was a reazon to make hem funny on other way, even when somehow added sad feelings to the story,8) i think that was a good mouve from telltale,adding other feelings to the characters with out letting out the scense of humor that characterized their style, i liked especially when you make hem talk noir when is obvius that you dont need that, i like the reactions of the other characters then and the dialogs of sam xD, but even when i like noir sam, is very short the time he appierd on the episode, I like Sammun-mak,I even like hes voice xD, but i hate the locations, and the puzzles, to easy, and to borring, and noir sam was on my opinion, on that episode, mush more fun that the other Sam, who ironicly for the condition of max on that episode, has,nt as mush partisipation as Max,And I like Max, but i got bored of hem been the brain (not literally, but metaphorically xD)on the puzzles and actions, he talked smart and normal and less alienated and childish to be hes usual self, maybe was because he was like pissed up and all grumpy, i fainded funny when you can notice it with the salute and all that xD. I like the finale battle with skunkape, even when is to easy for the last puzzle of the episode. I like the other episodes of the 3 seasons, . 101 Isnt as creative as other episodes, but i faind it as what it was a good biggining for the telltale series.
I'm going to agree with most people here and say 101 was the worst, but I'm also going to agree that it was still ok considering it was the first S+M game that TTG made and they were kinda winging it
Trickiest was Chariots of the Dogs for me
Though plot-wise I hated the end of 305 killing off the most fun villian (sammun mak) and also Max (though this is arguably a non-issue with Max being a hive mind)
Don't get me wrong I love the story, the factory designs and the ending...but it just wasn't very funny and the puzzles are really pedestrian - I could finish the game in under two hours if I tried hard enough.
They Stole Max's Brain. New York Egypt was a terrible chore to get through. It wasn't that funny, the music was so quiet it was almost absent and it felt just in a rush to get to the next episode.
I thought night of the raving dead was my least favorite. I thought the ink meant something=(
Call me stupid if you will, but i never actually found the ink ribbon.:(
I was totally when the Mariachi in 204 said it would land in a castle in germany.
I liked the triangle puzzles. I really liked the stoned Moai head and the sock crown*. As for the babies, I thought they were at their best as demon babies in 205 -- there was something about them, their animations, I couldn't stop watching them. :eek:
*Has there ever been a thread/poll on favorite S&M item/prop/object, like the fave character polls that are going on?
True. I was thinking only of inanimate objects.
Same here. For a while, I thought that Telltale was losing their touch (kinda like Spongebob or Disney Channel)
after Penal Zone, but I was just relieved when episode 2 came along
what's wrong with 105?
The whole reality 2.0 is just horrible and ugly. The puzzles are a bit far fetched and it's oh-so-boring with the constant walking everywhere. And in the end the text sequence is just boring and the puzzle is just annoying.
I thought that was was the point in that all old retro games are annoying and that sam and max where taking advantages of their flaws,as a retro gamer though I apperciate this more than others wheereas you might not be and it is obvous people have different tastes.
b.t.w it is not my favorite ttg game either.
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak(PS3 Version).
Even though the story was pretty good(albeit hard). the Trophies were the worst I have ever seen in a Telltale game.(and yes, I am counting the Xbox games.)
When it comes to storylines, my worst has to be Situation:Comedy.
Well, I replayed Reality 2.0 a few days ago, and I still think it's visually awesome, the music is great, the puzzles are good (and definitely more challenging than the ones in the earlier episodes), and the pseudo-text adventure at the end is just hilarious. Easily my favourite episode from Season 1. Oh well
An interesting tidbit of information: When going through the different phases of playtests, we found that the Crimetron segment was almost unanimously the favorite part of the game for female gamers.
I'm a guy, and I really enjoyed that section. Though I'm worried about the Crimetron's inclusion in future episodes. It just seemed like something better left as a one-off episode gimmick. You know, like the triangles of Moai Better Blues, or the Astral Projection of The Tomb of Sammun-Mak.
The triangles come back in 204.
One triangle comes back. One that has almost no role in puzzle-solving,
Interesting, but I am a girl.
You watched a walkthru before you actually played it?
That's ... um ... confusing in itself.
I thought MBB was pretty good, it was when the season was starting to get really wacky in a great way, giant Bermuda Triangles chasing people downing the street, the further evolution of the Mr Spatula character. The early episodes, particularly Culture Shock and Situation Comedy, were easily the worst.
But, let's not dwell on past failures, Telltale have come a long way since then, and they've clearly identified where their strong and weak points were, and just keep on improving things. The new season is one of the best examples of interactive entertainment I've ever played.
Thinking about it, the Crimetron was basically just a different way of implementing a "combine items" puzzle. Except that it was even more awkward to use than the ToMI interface, plus there was no way to actually work out what item went with what, you just had to randomly try items with each other until it worked.
Surely that goes totally against this season's mantra of "no longer blindly mashing buttons" etc.?
I didn't really notice it at the time, and to me it did give the game more of a feeling of doing detective work ... except that it didn't actually make much sense and it was extremely easy. I'm sure much more interesting things could be done with evidence and clue-finding puzzles.
That is just damn bizzarre. I hated that part. It was so annoying. :mad: I kept screwing it up, and it took me FOREVER to figure out what items I was supposed to combine.
2: Blues
3: They Stole Max's Brain
"What are they going to do with all that junk, all that junk inside thier trunk?"
Awesome XD
Moai Better Blues was bad. Unfunny and uninteresting.
Season one had its ups and downs with 102 and 103 which were... nice? I don't know. Everything pales in comparison to 104 and 106.
Season 3 had 303, they stole Max's brain which I found less funny and a lot less interesting. Not only was the whole part where Sammun-mak take over the universe a dream in a dream, it was also over the top and not quite funny imo.
What REALLY pissed me off was the fact that the whole first half hour of the episode, you know the Noir Sam part, was one long cutscene. Why did that irk me? Because I forgot to set the subtitles to "on" and couldn't do it till that part was over because the manu was not accassible during the whole time.
Season 2, Moai Better Blues, now there's an episode that felt like filler! We got the explanation for the Volcano right at the end but the rest of it just felt way too cheesy and cutesy and odd, even by Sam & Max standards.
I'll be honest, I didn't like much of Season 1, it just felt flat to me, I hated the Soda Poppers, so Episode 1 is always cursed with that, didn't find Myra, The Director or Midtown Cowboys funny at all, so Episode 2 is down for that, unlike the rest, I actually like Episode 3, love the plain obvious Mafia jokes, and mainly for one of the best songs to come from TTG with "You and Me and Ted E Bear".
Episode 4 of Season 1 was pretty cool for most of it, until those damn Soda Poppers appeared again. Episode 5 felt like one big set up for Episode 6, but had a cool take on the Virtual world, and Episode 6 is good.
They should have put a typewriter somewhere and if you use the ink ribbon on it, it saves. Sort of like the save point in Reality 2.0.
Per season:
1- 101. The start.
2- 202. Obviously. How else can it make worst of the trilogy?
3- 303. I am starting to notice a trend here.
I think my least favorite was Culture Shock, mostly because Brady Culture was such a dull villain. Still, it was very funny and it signaled the return of Sam & Max, so I can't dislike it.
Now, now, I'd be careful what you say. You know what happens to those that mess with Mr. Culture.
Become... video delivery man!
Per season:
1- 103 and I still adore this episode
2- 202. horrible
3- 305. The most bland Season-finale in any TTG SEason. Still an okay episode.
They stole max,s brain: didnt give as mush as it promised on the triller, I do like noir Sam, and i think hes noir dialogs were very funny, the fact of been noir is not a reazon to make Sam less funny, indeed was a reazon to make hem funny on other way, even when somehow added sad feelings to the story,8) i think that was a good mouve from telltale,adding other feelings to the characters with out letting out the scense of humor that characterized their style, i liked especially when you make hem talk noir when is obvius that you dont need that, i like the reactions of the other characters then and the dialogs of sam xD, but even when i like noir sam, is very short the time he appierd on the episode, I like Sammun-mak,I even like hes voice xD, but i hate the locations, and the puzzles, to easy, and to borring, and noir sam was on my opinion, on that episode, mush more fun that the other Sam, who ironicly for the condition of max on that episode, has,nt as mush partisipation as Max,And I like Max, but i got bored of hem been the brain (not literally, but metaphorically xD)on the puzzles and actions, he talked smart and normal and less alienated and childish to be hes usual self, maybe was because he was like pissed up and all grumpy, i fainded funny when you can notice it with the salute and all that xD. I like the finale battle with skunkape, even when is to easy for the last puzzle of the episode. I like the other episodes of the 3 seasons,
Trickiest was Chariots of the Dogs for me
Though plot-wise I hated the end of 305 killing off the most fun villian (sammun mak) and also Max (though this is arguably a non-issue with Max being a hive mind)
That is one of my favorites from season one
Call me stupid if you will, but i never actually found the ink ribbon.:(
I was totally
Only just came back recently (to be fair, I was just really REALLY busy)
I really liked They Stole Max's Brain - the noir section at the start makes up for any faults the rest of the episode has
Max's voice in 101 is awesome. You should watch that trailer for season 1.
it is to low for max