Which is your favourite island and why?
Which is your favourite island and why? I chose Plunder Island because with that island I introduced myself in the Monkey Island world..
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Having said that, I find myself warming a bit more to Blood Island with Plunder Island coming up for 2nd place in my estimate. I like Booty, but I think i'm going to reserve judgement on it until the SE of LCR comes out.
And I agree Lucre Island was the highpoint in EMI, but I hated some of the puzzles there. On the whole though, the game started out pretty well with Melee Island, which felt the most piratey island in the game - unfortunately, that changed when they came back with the horrible Lua bar.
So, yeah, I'm gonna stick with Blood Island - even if it's part of the "not-really-Monkey-Island-3" game...
Plus, riding the manatee is one of my favorite moments in EMI.
In no particular order, I like:
Mêlée Island
For it is where everything started, it's mysterious because it's always shown at nighttime and especially in SOMI there's so much to do on it in the first part.
Monkey Island
Because it's the island of the islands.
Plunder Island
For it's caribbean feel, it's colors and Puerto Pollo.
Blood Island
For its mystery, the history it was given, the volcano that adds a nice contrast to the dark blueish nighttime island
Then again: I like Scabb, Phatt and Booty Island too. :-)
Well, at least I can say that I didn't care much about the tiny islands and for me neither Flotsam Island nor Spinner Cay had much of an atmosphere (might be due to 3D style).
What I loved most was randomly taking out the numerous comedic books (yes, I had a lot of time!!) and bothering the librarian, my favourite character.
The spitting contest is one of the most memorable games in the MI series. Once you get the knack of the game, it's quick to finish. However, I remember having trouble with that game and feeling like a dolt when I figured it out. Now, Monkey Kombat on the other hand - what a horrible game. I never figured it out and blame the game, not myself lol
Does anyone care to argue about Monkey Kombat being a fun game? It was ridiculously annoying!
Am I the only one who liked "Skull Island"? THAT'S A DUCK! You gotta squint and turn your head to make it scary.
Because of it's name alone? I can't see anything else that that little patch of dirt has going for it.
In the end, I vote Melee because
Let me specify by saying I mean Secret's Melee Island, not Escape's.
And besides, it was in Secret that Mêlée first appeared and where the magic could start.
MAJOR difference, agreed!
Blood Island, man. Yeah, I really liked Blood Island as well, it had a really nice atmosphere, like most of the night-time locations in Monkey Island. It was quite reminiscent of Scabb Island, actually - just a little more posh, and with less of a piraty feel.
yh its where Ozzie put all the jambalaya pirates