Private Messaging

edited November 2004 in Site Support
Well, yesterday I already thought about it. Maybe I haven't found it yet, but it would be quite useful if there would be a PM function in this nice forum. Please consider this Telltale. Thanks.

At least the rest of this forum is awesome, but in my opinion we don't need any Mickey Mouse avatars - or am I the only one thinking this?!?


  • edited October 2004
    yeah sending pm's would be great
  • edited October 2004
    Definitely. This feature is slated to be released in the next version of mvnForum (our forum engine). As soon as it's out, We'll upgrade. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a release date anywhere.
  • edited November 2004
    ok :-/
  • edited November 2004
    Thanks for the update. Btw, am I allowed to know what will be next for That would be cool.

    Well, while talking about, have you ever thought about setting up an official IRC channel or something like that? I would love to see something like that with regular interviews or special events soon.
  • edited November 2004
    maybe you can start a irc channel
  • edited November 2004
    maybe you can start a irc channel
    Yeah, great idea, but I already thought about that. I had a channel some time ago, but it wasn't Telltale or Telltaled related and actually I'm really busy at the moment. So I won't have the time to set up something like that. Maybe in the future. We'll see.

    If someone else sets up a channel, I'll definitely be willing to help out and even moderate if I am allowed to. In the meantime we should just wait until be know more about our favourite company.
  • edited November 2004
    Hi Moab.

    That's definitely an idea we've kicked around. Don't be surprised if you see at some point in the future.
  • edited November 2004
    Great to hear that Troy. Well, just if you're interested, don't forget to contact me if you need help. I would always be willing to help you bunch of hilarious guys. ;)
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