Politics in Sam & Max?



  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    I find it revealing that people with liberal political views are extremely circumspect when a conservative is being lambasted. It it were a liberal (or even further left) figure that took a barb, they would be up in arms and organizing an embargo - or trying to find a liberal judge somewhere to ban the game.

    Liberals are douchey namby pamby complainers, like you.

    If you can't handle a good natured jibe then I feel bad for you, but as far as I can see Telltale do their best to be equal opportunity offenders. If anything I wish they could be just a tiny bit more edgy because i've a feeling they have some good jokes brewing underneath that they thought twice about adding in.

    Nothing's offensive when it comes from a dog and rabbit who can talk and have guns

    TL;DR: Man up, it was just a joke
  • edited June 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Liberals are douchey namby pamby complainers, like you.

    So are conservatives, and just about any political party.
    I know that's meant as a joke.

    What I don't get is why try to shoot down everything because the people who brought it up arn't in your political party.

    But back on the subject, the poisonous plant. Again, it's not obvious, therefor you had to be looking for something to complain about. That's annoying

    NOw if the plant was called Sarus Palinus. it would be more obvious
  • edited June 2010
    S@bre wrote: »
    Previous seasons have jibed at Clinton, Pelosi, Gore and Eisenhower. So for balance, we need at least one more jibe at Republicans.

    Eisenhower is dead. Palin is a current political figure. Do you have any examples to support your claim that Clinton, Pelosi, and Gore were the butt of jokes (as opposed to just camp references to them to show how "fun" they are)? That's what I was originally asking for. I'd like to know that TTG is not using it's bully pulpit (pun intended) to take cheap shots at only one side of the political spectrum. I personally have played all of the Sam and Max games (including the original game from way back). But what do I know? Apparently my judgement is clouded by my intolerant hatred or everyone and my narrow mindedness. Waiting for the proof, please.
  • edited June 2010
    Hold on, do you think that telltale made Sam and Max to attack right-winged individuals?
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Eisenhower is dead. Palin is a current political figure. Do you have any examples to support your claim that Clinton, Pelosi, and Gore were the butt of jokes (as opposed to just camp references to them to show how "fun" they are)? That's what I was originally asking for. I'd like to know that TTG is not using it's bully pulpit (pun intended) to take cheap shots at only one side of the political spectrum. I personally have played all of the Sam and Max games (including the original game from way back). But what do I know? Apparently my judgement is clouded by my intolerant hatred or everyone and my narrow mindedness. Waiting for the proof, please.

    Episodes 104 & 203 for Clinton and Gore respectively. I honestly don't remember that many political jokes, possibly because I don't give much of a damn for politics unless its humorous.
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Waiting for the proof, please.

    Talking about a proof, do we have any proof at all that T. palinus is referring to any current politician in particular despite some similarity between 'palinus' and 'Palin'?
  • edited June 2010
    This is a weird counterargument. The plant is clearly a reference to Sarah Palin. I'm not even an American and I realised that as soon as seeing the name and info.
  • edited June 2010
    I have never claimed it to be a counter-argument. It is a question.
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Eisenhower is dead. Palin is a current political figure.

    Palin is also a bit of a boob and an easy target for jokes. Why is this even an issue? I mean seriously, politicians are there to be made fun of.

    Also i'm pretty sure they had a crack or two at Clintons sexscapades, i'm not trawling through the episode to find proof however because I like to think I have more of a life than that

    I doubt Telltale want to turn there customers into a bunch of pot smoking, Nader voting CND members and there plan is to do it through jibes at potential vice-presidents of past.

    Maybe politics is a bit more touchy in the States than I originally thought, that said with 'wits' like Jon Stewart being the height of satire for the left over there (that i've seen at any rate) maybe the right just aren't used to a well-orchestrated slagging. Bill O' Reilly's far far funnier (and i'm talking about when he's being intentionally funny) than Stewart in my book

    ....oh Colbert's not too bad I guess
  • edited June 2010
    Really not a fan of O'Reilly after seeing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IwIRNM5noY
  • edited June 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Liberals are douchey namby pamby complainers, like you.
    So are conservatives, and just about any political party.
    I know that's meant as a joke.

    Yeah, well... it doesn't really matter WHAT party you belong to does it? Americans in general are a bunch of whiny, douchey, namby pamby complainers. And, no, that wasn't racist, considering that I'm American and proud of it.
    Avel wrote: »
    Episodes 104 & 203 for Clinton and Gore respectively. I honestly don't remember that many political jokes, possibly because I don't give much of a damn for politics unless its humorous.

    Hell, in 104 there's a cue card that says, "I did not have sex with that women." Plus there's the whole fact that the puppet is a spoof off of Clinton anyway. And, you're aboso friggin lutely right. If we can't laugh at ourselves and get all up in protest if politics are mentioned humorously IN A GAME, then what's the point of playing a GAME? If we're going to say that Sam and Max are political mudslingers, then why hasn't Saturday Night Live been canceled yet, considering it makes fun of practically every man, women, and child involved with politics on a weekly basis?
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Palin is also a bit of a boob and an easy target for jokes. Why is this even an issue? I mean seriously, politicians are there to be made fun of.

    Exactly. Of course, Libertarian that I am, I don't give a damn about either party anyway. :D
  • edited June 2010
    Would you prefer they stuck in some jabs about Justin Bieber Fever instead?
  • edited June 2010
    This is a weird counterargument. The plant is clearly a reference to Sarah Palin. I'm not even an American and I realised that as soon as seeing the name and info.

    I repeat: Obvious means Abosolutly everyone will get it

    This is NOT OBVIOUS! The only way you could see that as Sarah Palin is if you were looking for something to complain about it the first place or someone told you about it
  • edited June 2010
    Really not a fan of O'Reilly after seeing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IwIRNM5noY

    Oh my god...


    I.. that's the first time I've seen that and... words escape me. How does Fox get away with that? Why do people like O'Reilly and Glen Beck even have jobs like this? It's insane.

    I'm sorry I know I'm derailing the thread slightly but... why? How? Are you used to stuff like that in America? You really shouldn't be it's a bit too much.

    Slightly back on topic I'm all for people showing enthusiasm for their political views, god knows politics in the UK could be a bit more lively but not like that! I mean, when you get people like the TC who take offence are "perceived" jokes, what would they be like when someone actively questions their views?
  • edited June 2010
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    Yeah, well... it doesn't really matter WHAT party you belong to does it? Americans in general are a bunch of whiny, douchey, namby pamby complainers. And, no, that wasn't racist, considering that I'm American and proud of it.

    I wasn't aware that American was a race.
  • edited June 2010
    Well, it is acording to the theme song for American Dad.

    oh and by the way, Most of us aren't used to that. We're used to Colbert and Jon Stewart making fun of stuff.

    Colbert always taking it a step farther.
  • edited June 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Well, it is acording to the theme song for American Dad.

    oh and by the way, Most of us aren't used to that. We're used to Colbert and Jon Stewart making fun of stuff.

    Colbert always taking it a step farther.

    Oh yes I've seen Colbert and Jon Stewart and they at least are funny. At least they'll never have any shortage of material.
  • edited June 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Oh yes I've seen Colbert and Jon Stewart and they at least are funny. At least they'll never have any shortage of material.

    When did Jon Stewart start being funny? He's informative (kinda)... but not funny. At least I think so
  • edited June 2010
    I'll just tag this thread and then pretend it doesn't exist.
  • edited June 2010
    Really not a fan of O'Reilly after seeing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IwIRNM5noY

    Can't believe i'd never seen that one before. O'Reilly's a total bully and a self-serving egotist, there's no way anyone could defend that kind of thing
  • edited June 2010
    Wizpig wrote: »
    I'll just tag this thread and then pretend it doesn't exist.

    Gee, I wish that was so simple. But nooooo~, we have to bash each other. I wished someone locked it at the beginning. :mad:
  • edited June 2010
    Breakman wrote: »
    Gee, I wish that was so simple. But nooooo~, we have to bash each other. I wished someone locked it at the beginning. :mad:

    Curse you, ineffectual free-speech police!
  • edited June 2010
    You know, I am sure there must have been some offensive anti-British or European jokes... I have a recollection of there being something in the latest chapter... I have always assumed that Sam and Max represented Republicans with a fear of Europe (maybe due to their firearms and I have always sensed a pro-America vibe). It never offended me, it was part of their make-up and kind of quaint and amusing in itself.

    Sorry for the lack of evidence and emphasis on assumptions, feelings and vibes. I ought to collect quotes as I play so I can support myself in discussions. My point is though, that as a Briton/European, the entire game is rife with points where I could take offence. But I don't because it's just a game and it all adds to the colour of it.

    Start censoring what topics they can joke about, and the game loses colour.
  • edited June 2010
    I dunno if Germany would be too pleased with Sam&Max's treatment of their highly amusing language ;)
  • edited June 2010
    well, Majus didn't complain, obviously.

    Yeah, I hate censorship because if something exists it is going to offend someone. People take offense to the dumbest things. So I say why bother trying not to offend anyone. It won't work
  • edited June 2010
    I get offended when I see games with names like "Ultimate Racing 8" and "Kill People with Lots of Different Guns 6" and a games shop with a million versions of that game splattered across the window and most of the shop so that nothing else is available to buy. :mad:
  • edited June 2010
    that's not offensive... that's overkill. In fact, over overkill
  • edited June 2010
    Score one for thatdude98. An actual, specific supporting fact. Thank you. You are obviously not a liberal. They usually change the subject when asked for facts. Or switch to personal attacks. But what do I know/ It's just my narrow-minded, hateful opinion.
  • edited June 2010
    Ah, aren't sweeping generalizations a hoot?
  • edited June 2010
    Yes, damn that omnipresent, omnipotent, omnifarious, omnivorous, omnidirectional...

    "T H E M"
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote:
    Thank you. You are obviously not a liberal. They usually change the subject when asked for facts. Or switch to personal attacks.

    I heard if you leave your post under your pillow before you go to bed at night, the irony fairy will come and leave you a quarter.
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Score one for thatdude98. An actual, specific supporting fact. Thank you. You are obviously not a liberal. They usually change the subject when asked for facts. Or switch to personal attacks. But what do I know/ It's just my narrow-minded, hateful opinion.

    Don't act the victim here buddy you started this. Anyway EVERY politician changes the subject when asked for facts, most likely because they aren't even sure what the facts are. You also clearly seemed to miss that O'Reilly video, I thought he was, you know, as far right as you can get without dropping off the world.

    Also when you avoid and/or ignore every other post and only focus on the posts that support your view, you tend to end up looking more like a troll, just an fyi there.
  • edited June 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Ah, aren't sweeping generalizations a hoot?

    They're my favourite type of generalisation. Now drink your malt quickly and drive away in your fancy hot rod, you American swine
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Aside from the less-subtle references to various private body parts, I think the TellTale writers are scraping the bottom of the barrel for jokes. Maybe some fresh minds are needed. I was offended by the name used for the dinosaur exhibit in the museum. It shows a sophomoric view of politics that only mind-numbed liberals could possess. I'm waiting to draw my final conclusions about the likelihood that I will purchase another TellTale game - to see if there are any references to Doofus Pelosius, Rankus Reedius, or Hurlus Huseinus Obamanus. That would at least show a relatively balanced imbalanced humor. Gee, I wonder if this post will make it past the free-speech police at Tell Tale?

    The funny thing is that demanding they pick on both sides equally directly impedes their freedom of speech... making your jab suggesting some sort of persecution at the end ridiculous..
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Score one for thatdude98. An actual, specific supporting fact. Thank you. You are obviously not a liberal. They usually change the subject when asked for facts. Or switch to personal attacks. But what do I know/ It's just my narrow-minded, hateful opinion.

    I'm with you, Dud. I'm European. I even have family in Stuttgart, These people have offended the frilly, oddly-accented, midly homo-erotic ways of my continent and have done nothing to balance it with, say, a light-hearted jab at your run-of-the-mill African genocide. Or what about those folks out East who have exchanged communism for alcoholism as a unifying ideology?

    So I'm sitting here behind my computer which, for some reason, doesn't seem to have a power button, forced to play this game which pops up whenever I innocently double-click the icon (What if the children were to double-click it? Won't somebody please think of the children??) and, gadzooks, it just gets my Dutch blood all aboil!

    Down with Telltale! Dirty liberal Euro-bashers!
  • edited June 2010
    dudleyjohn wrote: »
    Aside from the less-subtle references to various private body parts, I think the TellTale writers are scraping the bottom of the barrel for jokes. Maybe some fresh minds are needed. I was offended by the name used for the dinosaur exhibit in the museum. It shows a sophomoric view of politics that only mind-numbed liberals could possess. I'm waiting to draw my final conclusions about the likelihood that I will purchase another TellTale game - to see if there are any references to Doofus Pelosius, Rankus Reedius, or Hurlus Huseinus Obamanus. That would at least show a relatively balanced imbalanced humor. Gee, I wonder if this post will make it past the free-speech police at Tell Tale?

    Ok, ok, we know you exist.
    We got it.
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