Works Under Mac OS X!

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
That's right, if you're a mac user, you can run these Sam & Max games under OS X without having to buy windows for Bootcamp.
Get yourself Crossover for mac, episode 1 ran just as well under OS X as it did for me under windows.
There's another 10 customers for you right there!


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    You were able to activate and unlock the game as well, or you could just run the demo?
  • edited January 2007
    I'll get back to you on that. The first episode I downloaded and cracked (Not going to beat about the bush, telltale can check - I've bought the whole season anyway) on bootcamp and tryed playing it under Crossover a couple of hours ago.
    Downloading episode two now, the downloader works fine through Crossover.
    I'll update as I can.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Lovely. You probably won't be able to activate the real game without a real Windows registry, but if it works (legally :mad: ) that would be pretty awesome.
  • edited January 2007
    The downloader works. I'll test it immediatly after the fil's downloaded. But to try activation, I don't know if I can (as my copy's already activated under my window session via bootcamp)
  • edited January 2007
    If not its no problem, I can just jump into bootcamp and sort that out. The bit I'm most interested in is playing it under OS X :)

    I'd also like to say I had always intended to pay for it, I was just impatiently waiting on credit card app to go through :/
  • edited January 2007
    It's not working for me. I'll try it again later, maybe with an XP bottle (I was on 2000) and a clean install.
  • edited January 2007
    Not going for me either, what a shame.
    Oh well... I'll install it under Bootcamp then jump back... should work then :)
  • edited January 2007
    My results are... well... disapointing.
    The only way I can run the games in Crossover is if they're cracked :/ So... scrap this thread.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    You'd probably have more luck with Parallels as it uses an actual install of Windows instead of Wine, but that's not really the point then anymore is it? :)
  • edited January 2007
    But Parallels can't run any game. It will be surely possible when they'll support GPU, bu for now, I cant play neither grim fandango, nor curse of monkey island... so, Sam&max, I don't think so...
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