They Stole Max's Brain was the first episode of Season 3...

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
...that I had no desire or need to play through again.

In Episode 1 I got a new psychic toy to play with.

In Episode 2 I had to figure out how to get a couple trophies I missed my first time through.

In Episode 3 I did pretty much all there was to do including getting every trophy. And there was only 10 of them. Kind of disappointing.

Hopefully Episodes 4 and 5 can offer more replay value.

I'm also curious if there will be a Platinum for getting every trophy in all 5 seasons? I'm not sure if this is even possible, but it would be cool. :)

Regardless, Episode 3 was great and I can't wait for episode 4. :)


  • edited June 2010
    PSN games don't have platinums. I think one did, but that was it.
  • edited June 2010
    PSN games don't have platinums. I think one did, but that was it.

    If the game is big enough, it can have a Platinum. The two that come to mind immediately are WipeOut HD and Trine.
    edited June 2010
    ^^ And both Uncharteds I think
  • edited June 2010
    MRN wrote: »
    ^^ And both Uncharteds I think

    The Uncharted games are not PSN downloads.

    All games that come on disc (as of January 2009) are required to have Trophies and therefore a platinum. Though the God of War Collection has 2 platinums because there are two games on the disc. :p
  • edited June 2010
    So basically, unless there's some sort of New Game +, a game has no replay value? I'm guessing you're the type of person who can only watch a movie once.
  • edited June 2010
    So basically, unless there's some sort of New Game +, a game has no replay value? I'm guessing you're the type of person who can only watch a movie once.

    First of all...

    Movie <> Game

    Second of all, I replay games a lot without New Game+. I've played through Beyond Good & Evil at least 3 times. But how many more times would I have played through it if it had some kind of New Game+. New Game+ gives me even more reason to replay games. I think of it as a reward for beating the game.
    New Game+ should be mandatory for every game. Same with unlockable costumes. :cool:
  • edited June 2010
    FearMonkey wrote: »
    ...that I had no desire or need to play through again.

    I felt just the same. :(
  • edited June 2010
    FearMonkey wrote: »
    First of all...

    Movie <> Game

    Second of all, I replay games a lot without New Game+. I've played through Beyond Good & Evil at least 3 times. But how many more times would I have played through it if it had some kind of New Game+. New Game+ gives me even more reason to replay games. I think of it as a reward for beating the game.
    New Game+ should be mandatory for every game. Same with unlockable costumes. :cool:

    And yet you didn't answer my question.
  • edited June 2010
    Pretty sure I answered your question. BG&E had no new game+ but I played it more than once. That disproves your quaint theory.
  • edited June 2010
    Still, I have to disagree with you. For example, there's Ocarina of Time, a game with no new game+ feature, which I replay one or more times a year. If the game is well-made, it's hardly a necessary feature, and certainly not one that "should be mandatory".
  • edited June 2010
    but there's plenty of stuff to save for a second playthrough of OoT. I didn't bother getting all those Gold Skulltulas my first time through the game, nor did I do half the side-quests for example.

    Episode 3 of Season 3 of Sam and Max is short and you can do everything easily in one playthrough. There's like no replay value whatsoever and that is disappointing to me.
  • edited June 2010
    It's true, but I think the plot was excellent. Unfortunately the plot for Episode 3 was the only thing that was worth playing through in the game. The "noir" scene was awesome but it ended too quickly, and the "alternate reality" had no zing in it; not really worth playing all over like I did with Episode 1 and 2.
  • edited June 2010
    Am I the only one who read this thread title and thought to myself "No it wasn't, it was the third episode!"

  • edited June 2010
    Am I the only one who read this thread title and thought to myself "No it wasn't, it was the third episode!"


  • edited June 2010
    Am I the only one who read this thread title and thought to myself "No it wasn't, it was the third episode!"


    You aren't the only one.
  • edited June 2010

    I'm pretty much mandated to play each of these twice since I've got them on multiple platforms, though I probably would again because I'm something of a dialogue junkie when it comes to Telltale games. I was kind of hoping that they would have done more with the alternate reality, its really more a Modern day gone Egyptian than a Modern day gone adolescent Pharaoh's personal fantasy world.
    edited July 2010
    FearMonkey wrote: »
    The Uncharted games are not PSN downloads.

    All games that come on disc (as of January 2009) are required to have Trophies and therefore a platinum. Though the God of War Collection has 2 platinums because there are two games on the disc. :p

    Oh sorry, I misread it
  • edited July 2010
    I actually enjoyed They Stole Max's Brain more then any other episode of Sam and Max out of all the seasons... The interrogations were fun as hell, and the story twists were ingenious and well made. I think the episode added so much to Max's character as a whole and him leading Sam around was a welcome relief to the status quo, A++ Telltale!
  • edited July 2010
    I really love the Brain episode. ok, the interrogation was a bit lame, not really my style.
    But it's really cool.
  • edited July 2010
    alithanar8 wrote: »
    I actually enjoyed They Stole Max's Brain more then any other episode of Sam and Max out of all the seasons... The interrogations were fun as hell, and the story twists were ingenious and well made. I think the episode added so much to Max's character as a whole and him leading Sam around was a welcome relief to the status quo, A++ Telltale!

    I loved it too, I just wish they had an incentive to play through it again.
  • edited July 2010
    I'll revisit it after a while, but it's definitely an episode I didn't want to replay immediately after I beat it.
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