Interviews with cast & crew (merged threads)

It's really odd seeing these two meet :eek:

Bit of a waste time interview though, they should have something prepared at least.


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    Looks like Grossman hasn't brought anything for Show and Tell. That's an F. It's a lesson for all of us. ;)
  • edited June 2010
    I don't see the problem here. If I had just announced a co-operation between me and someone else I wouldn't expect to have much done yet. So why did they even bother asking about those games?
  • edited June 2010
    This interview is clearly just a joke. You can see both guys are having a blast.
  • edited June 2010
    That was about as exciting as sticking your tongue out the windows :)
    Next time please dont do an interview if you got nothing to say xD seriously, that just doesnt make sense, hey ask me questions, by i wont answer you.

    Atleast we learned that either Dave is very very short, or the Angry Video nerd is alot taller than i thought O.o
  • edited June 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Atleast we learned that either Dave is very very short, or the Angry Video nerd is alot taller than i thought O.o

    lol that was what i was thinking the entire time :p
  • edited June 2010
    What I've learned from this is that some people just don't go to General Chat.
  • edited June 2010
    "I...I'm not gonna tell you..."

    Best. Part.
  • edited June 2010
    The people on the comments on the video calling Dave a dumbass obviously don't get it and really piss me off.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    What I've learned from this is that some people just don't go to General Chat.

    If you'd like to talk about an interview about the BTTF game, you actually shouldn't! :D

    The people on the comments on the video calling Dave a dumbass obviously don't get it and really piss me off.

    Well, the name-callers never earn any sympathy. ;)

    It's debatable that the course of this whole interview was clear to the interviewer from the beginning, though. Judging from the PC Gamer Podcast, the "Angry Video Gamer" could have hoped for vague snippets.

    Fact is, we don't really know exactly HOW these new franchises were presented to the press at E3. I seriously doubt that the idea "we have nothing to show or tell at the moment" was communicated up front, and that results in interviews like that. Quite possibly other major gaming sites and magazines have conducted equal "interviews" at E3, but they chose not to publish them for lack of value.

    This is not an attack on TTG, or Grossman, or whatever. If there's nothing to present yet, there's just nothing to present yet! From a marketing standpoint however, I feel that this actual "introduction" of BTTF and JP to the gaming world was more than just a bit unfortunate. :(
  • edited July 2010
    I was going to watch the interview mainly because I'm basically gay for James Rolfe... but if it is boring as you people say it is, then I am inclined to pass.

    Quite frankly, I don't even know why James would waste his time on an interview that bares no answers in the first place.... probably just getting some insight on an inevitable Back to the Future Part 2 review (assuming that is the game in question).
  • edited July 2010
    Maybe Dave knows about it and can't give much away to any member of the press (or, in this case, a Nerd.) Sounds like this may be one of Telltale's most focused on games of the company's career.
  • edited July 2010
    Guys, this interview is not to be taken seriously. There seems to be a cut after most of the questions, meaning that they were probably laughing during that part you don't even see. I swear, after one question James looks at the camera and smiles, and then there's a cut.

    Also, the partnership annoucement was a surprise, so the games' details will be another present surprise later. It would suck to find out what happens in the series first hand, and not to mention that doesn't really work out, considering each episode is more the less a seperate thing.

    But as for the gameplay being different then what we "have expected from Telltale"..
    ..I yearn to hear more.
  • edited July 2010
    Dammit! I don't watch ScrewAttack for a few days and miss THIS! Thank you for posting it here.
  • edited July 2010
    They were smiling way too much, for that to have been a serious interview. :p
  • edited September 2010
    Back to the Future Telltale Games
    Telltale Games's Back To The Future episodic series is expected to start in November.

    Screenwriter Bob Gale, who worked on the Back To The Future movies, has detailed his involvement in the Telltale Games project.

    "I've been having story meetings and exchanging emails and phone calls with the folks at Telltale to make sure that what they develop feels like Back To The Future," he told DS.

    "My understanding is that the first instalment - this is a computer game not a console game - they'll be coming out in instalments with the levels released apart, I don't know what the exact schedule is.

    "I think they're looking towards the end of October, beginning of November to release the first level."

    Gale teased that the story could feature an alternate timeline: "Is it canon? Not exactly, it's a game so they're not the same," he said.

    "On the other hand you can say that the Back To The Future series has postulated how you could have almost infinite timelines. Who's to say that the timelines we create in the game couldn't be alternate timelines?"

    He added that it will be more "consistent" than previous tie-ins with the franchise, recalling that a NES version was "just dreadful" and "one of the worst games ever made".

    It was recently revealed that Christopher Lloyd will reprise his role as Doc Brown for the games.
  • edited September 2010
    LOL @ Gale mentioning the old NES game as one of the "worst games ever made".
  • edited September 2010
    so, the 1st instalment is only going to be available on pc? and not ps3,xbox, ect..? that will suck if so lol
  • edited September 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    so, the 1st instalment is only going to be available on pc? and not ps3,xbox, ect..? that will suck if so lol

    From what I remember reading, it was supposed to come out on all the platforms. I hope it gets released for 360 or PS3. My laptop shouldn't have any problem playing it, but I want to play the game on the big screen and don't want to have to hook up my PC to the TV.

    According to IGN, they said it would be released on everything....

    EDIT: According to the original press release from Telltale and Universal, it's coming to "all major platforms".
    Though Telltale did not have either game at its E3 room to play, they are well into development. You can expect to see them appear on all of the usual suspects – PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and some consoles – this winter.

    Donno how accurate that is though.

    However, Telltales Dave Grossman did say in an interview with Gamespot back in June that he wouldn't announce any platforms, besides PC. So who knows...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Oh, it seems obvious from the quotes that Bob Gale is not exactly what you'd call a "gamer", with his usage of words like "level". He seems to trust TTG very much, though.

    His reference to "computer" as opposed to "console" is tightly linked with his concept of an "instalment". Yes, we already know that a lot of console owners will be able to enjoy this game, so I'm really not sure what he means.

    Regarding the release date, this should be taken with an equal teaspoon of salt. It does hint at an "early" release, maybe even 2010, but who knows what the actual data is?
  • edited September 2010
    The press release on says
    Telltale Games will release a new game series this winter as part of the milestone soon after the Blu-ray debut and DVD release of the 'Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy' on October 26,

    So November 2010 is a resonable guess, I would say.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm pretty sure a trailer for the game will be on the blurays.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't know if this has already been posted but here there is a nice interview by the Spoonyone to Dennis Lenart that will be director of the first episode of the BTTF game

    It begins at 3.00
  • edited September 2010
    really nice to see an interview from pax with spoony. I love that guy's videos.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    "time travel is usually the problem as opposed to the solution"

    ...they really know what they're doing. Most of the time. ;)
  • edited September 2010
    Good to see Spoony's excited about this. I love the guy, but he often finds a way to be pessimistic about things I'm excited about. :P
  • edited September 2010
    I hope this has not been posted before, as the video has less than 100 views, so I hope you learn something new and enjoy the view. :p
  • edited September 2010
    thanks for upping this bro :)
  • edited September 2010
    thanks for posting
  • edited September 2010
    Fascinating! Thanks, Anthony!
  • edited September 2010
    Great posting! Might inspire someone...still it don't to me :D
  • edited September 2010
    yay, Christopher Lloyd is voicing Doc.. no word on Michael J Fox, though it could be tricky with his parkinsons.
    One thing I'm curious about though. The delorean got destroyed at the end of the film trilogy, but yet it is going to be in the game? I suppose Doc could have rebuilt it, but why would he? as he built himself that new train time machine. As the game is supposed to take place atfer the 3 films, this is just something I have been pondering. I'm sure that all will be explained soon though.
  • edited September 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    One thing I'm curious about though. The delorean got destroyed at the end of the film trilogy, but yet it is going to be in the game? I suppose Doc could have rebuilt it, but why would he? as he built himself that new train time machine. As the game is supposed to take place atfer the 3 films, this is just something I have been pondering. I'm sure that all will be explained soon though.

    Although the game might start after the the 3 films, it may take place before, during AND after them.
  • edited October 2010 (Full interview)
    SJ: Will this video game they’re making at least give me sort of a fix for a sequel?

    BG: Telltale is doing this computer game and they’re all fans of the movies and I’m consulting with them. It’s going to start in 1986 about six months after the events of Back to the Future. A new adventure with Marty and Doc and it will be in the spirit of Back to the Future. It’s not Back to the Future IV but it’s sort of a riff on it. We’ll try to recapture some of the spirit of the movies in this game.

    SJ: Have you done some writing on the story of it?

    BG: I haven’t done any writing but I have steered the guys doing the game in particular directions and kept them from going down certain paths that I thought we ought not go down.

    SJ: Robert talks about his idea of a trilogy versus a series of four, which makes artistic sense, but I thought could this be a good use of his motion capture technology to do Back to the Future IV? Maybe Michael J. Fox could still play Marty, filming it in short segments he’s comfortable with.

    BG: Again, the problem is that the bar is set so high, people are going to be disappointed no matter what we do. As good as we might be able to make it, there’s going to be people who are disappointed. Back to the Future doesn’t belong to us anymore. That happened when we did Part II. It belongs to everybody so everybody feels their opinion ought to be taken into account in what we do.

    SJ: Isn’t it nice that people have come around to II though.

    BG: Yes, it is.

    SJ: I always thought it was more interesting to go back into the first movie, not so much the future.

    BG: That’s the coolest idea we did, yeah. Bob Zemeckis deserves all the credit for coming up with that idea.

    Here is the answer to something which has always bothered some fans.
    SJ: One of the controversies of the sequels was Marty’s sudden obsession with being called “chicken.” Where did that come from?

    BG: Well, we realized Part I is really George McFly’s story. Even though Marty’s the central character, George is the character that goes through a character arc. For another movie, we had to have somebody go through some character arc. We came up with something for Marty and we came up with something for Doc. We sort of alluded to the idea that Marty has a little bit of hotheadedness in him in the first one because he’s always ready to do at it with Biff. We just said, “That’s already in there. Let’s turn the volume up on that a bit and make that his real character flaw that had to be corrected in the course of this adventure.”

    Seems like a valid explanation, which I had already assumed and that character trait felt natural. And it never really bothered me that much.
  • edited October 2010
    So it's set in 1986? Cool!
    Does that mean they're going with this plotline from the survey?
    * …May 12th, 1986. After stopping Biff Jr. from getting in a fight with his time-displaced son, Marty leaves the dance floor and sneaks into Strickland’s office, looking for the keys to the detention hall. He doesn’t know how three teenagers from 2010 got their hands on a time-travelling Delorean, but the most important thing now is getting them locked up in one place before they mess up everyone’s future…assuming they haven’t already…
  • edited October 2010
    I believe they said they wouldn't be directly using any of the storylines from the survey; those were just to gauge what sorts of elements BTTF fans wanted.
  • edited October 2010
    But... they said 1985 would be featured...

  • edited October 2010
    But... they said 1985 would be featured...


    Confirming the obvious?
  • edited November 2010
    Thanks! :D
  • edited November 2010
    Hah! I knew James couldn't resist covering the game in some way. Although it sounds like AJ approached him to do the interview. :D
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