Case ideas AKA "Things for Sam and Max to parody"

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
So what do you guys think would be good "cases" for Sam and Max to tackle? From what I gather of the Sam and Max model, the exploration of zany places or ideas is more important than the case itself--the journey really is more important than the destination. As Situation: Comedy kind of proved, a case really can just be an excuse for the creators to poke fun of something in American culture.

So what ideas do you think would be interesting to explore in the very open world of Sam and Max?

Ideas off the top of my head:
  • Politics
  • An airport/airplane--so many ideas here, with the screening processes, frequent/random/annoying loudspeaker announcements, excessively controlled environments
  • A theme park: almost self explanatory
  • A casino: Well, Telltale's experienced in this area with Texas Hold em...
  • A hippie commune, rich country club, trailer park, or suburbia
  • An office: For "Office Space" and "The Office" type of humor
  • A jail: "Arrested Development" shows how there can be a lot of humor in a jail--also gives an excuse to see old enemies like Brady Culture behind bars

On a related note--if there were some rational way for Sybil to decide to become a pirate for an episode, I bet loads of people would be happy.


  • edited January 2007
    Throwing Max into a psychotic fit at a hippie commune would be like Christmas coming twice a year!
  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    I remember suggesting a Renaissance fair once, actually.
  • edited January 2007
    I still like the idea of that space station that was in the canceled LucasArts version.
  • edited January 2007
    Squinky wrote: »
    I remember suggesting a Renaissance fair once, actually.

    For some inexplicable reason, (I guess the idea of people officially gathering together because of a common interest) that just made me think of conventions in general. And then I thought of a hotel/convention center (probably hotel) where there were multiple conventions going on at once.

    Poorly thought out example: In one area there's a convention going on for the NRA, another area there's the Vending Machine Salesman convention going on, another area there's the cancelled Sci Fi TV series convention, etc.
  • edited January 2007
    I'd like to see Sam and Max in a VR world, like that short scene in Hit The Road. Maybe putting them in parodies of various popular games
  • edited January 2007
    I don't really want any more pop-culture references, millionaire and pop idol were pretty painful to watch in ep2...

    But I like the idea of an airport, although I wouldn't hold out hope for a fair - unless it's some kind of tribute to the freakshow from htr?
  • edited January 2007
    Time travel... oooh....
  • edited January 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Time travel... oooh....

    Reminds me of DOTT, but it could work--it seems like Steve Purcell does a lot of time travel scenarios in his Sam and Max comics.
  • edited January 2007
    The videogame industry for its boycott of graphic adventure games.

    It's something I desperately need to be able to laugh at.
  • edited January 2007

    oops, i forgott... That's not the lucasart forum, is it ?
  • edited January 2007

    oops, i forgott... That's not the lucasart forum, is it ?

    I'm pretty sure a Star Wars parody would cause LucasArts to 'splode Telltale Games.
  • edited January 2007
    I'm pretty sure a Star Wars parody would cause LucasArts to 'splode Telltale Games.

    sure... just said that cause i love those references in the old lucasart games ^^
  • edited January 2007
    For some inexplicable reason, (I guess the idea of people officially gathering together because of a common interest) that just made me think of conventions in general. And then I thought of a hotel/convention center (probably hotel) where there were multiple conventions going on at once.

    Poorly thought out example: In one area there's a convention going on for the NRA, another area there's the Vending Machine Salesman convention going on, another area there's the cancelled Sci Fi TV series convention, etc.

    Conventions... how about they go to a Sam and Max convention, and everyone tells them their "costumes" are really shabby and don't look like S&M at all?
  • edited January 2007
    Arrkhal wrote: »
    Conventions... how about they go to a Sam and Max convention, and everyone tells them their "costumes" are really shabby and don't look like S&M at all?

    Hehe, that could actually be pretty funny.
  • edited January 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Hehe, that could actually be pretty funny.

    It also has the potential to be kinda one-note. It'd be a neat thing to add, but I don't think it should be the central feature of a Sam and Max episode.
  • edited January 2007
    Arrkhal wrote: »
    Conventions... how about they go to a Sam and Max convention, and everyone tells them their "costumes" are really shabby and don't look like S&M at all?

    How about they reach a booth with a sign saying; "George-art" with people dressed up like Grim Fandango, Day of the tentacle and Monkey Island, (or very very similar to them but legally distinguishable) and when Sam & Max walk by and pause there, they all hiss and boo at them :p

    "Hmmm... I feel oddly related to that mass, Max. Perhaps we should go back to them?"
    "No Sam, they would only keep mis-treating us. I say we turn our backs on them and never look back at that bunch of slack-jawed jokels."
    "That is oddly resolute of you little buddy. You must feel truly resentful against them."
    "I do Sam. I do."
  • edited January 2007
    Oilers99 wrote: »
    It also has the potential to be kinda one-note. It'd be a neat thing to add, but I don't think it should be the central feature of a Sam and Max episode.

    Yeah, just thinking about it--I guess a lot of these ideas could also turn to be ideas for machinima shorts.
  • edited January 2007
    I think it needs something really bizarre. A TV studio just isnt weird enough for sam and max to visit how ever weird they make it.
  • edited January 2007
    I think it needs something really bizarre. A TV studio just isnt weird enough for sam and max to visit how ever weird they make it.

    A TV Studio for the filming of the Telltale crew while they're making the episode that Sam and Max are currently engaged in. I'd think that would be bizarre enough. Perhaps a little 4th wall-bending, but bizarre nonetheless.
  • edited January 2007
    Please no more generic jokes and god not aeroplane humor which has been done to death.. sam and max should be crazier than that.. a trip to philipines with no reference material.. mack salmon a guy with a giant fishbowl for a head.. a trip to the moon with giant roaches.. beats in a cereal aisle thats where sam and max should be.. i mean sasquatches.. too many humans in this current version of smnmx too.. sam and max should have a surreal feel to it.. I got nothing to add tho, steve purcell is the genius behind all those ideas..
  • edited January 2007
    It also has the potential to be kinda one-note. It'd be a neat thing to add, but I don't think it should be the central feature of a Sam and Max episode.

    Yeah, that's the sort of thing I meant. Like, one of a number of conventions in a particular area (out of a ton of other areas), or something.

    On another note, one joke I really wish they'd used is something like "Remember kids, practice safe eating--always use condiments!" Maybe when making the
    ketchup cake (Oh my *bleep*, I have no idea what that means, and it may just be the single filthiest thing anyone's ever said in my presence!)
    , or just when examining the condiments.
  • MelMel
    edited January 2007
    ^ You might want to put your last paragraph in spoiler tags :)

    [ spoiler ]text here[ /spoiler ] (leave out the spaces between the brackets and the text.)
  • edited January 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    sam and max should be crazier than that..

    Don't underestimate the ability of Sam and Max in making things wacky. Most of the locations in Hit the Road were wacky send-offs of the regular old tourist traps you're likely to find if you take off on a road trip in America.
  • edited January 2007
    numble wrote: »
    Don't underestimate the ability of Sam and Max in making things wacky. Most of the locations in Hit the Road were wacky send-offs of the regular old tourist traps you're likely to find if you take off on a road trip in America. :)
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »

    I've been there! (Like 15 years ago)
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »

    Six Flags over Texas used to (may still, haven't been there in a while) have an exhibit like that.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, but the mystery spot is such a cheesy backwoods tourist trap that it's actually really awesome.
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