I could tell while I was laughing at it that some people wouldn't find it funny at all. There honestly isn't really a joke there, it's just that it's so bizarre and the opposite of how you'd imagine a ghost, so it's funny. or something.
@Giant Tope
Obvisouly it helps if you understand german and have a certain background on what's happening here. Sorry, but then they are quite funny. :O)
I seem to be ignorant or am existing above such profane services, never used any of those.
When i was in Canada i bought a really good poster with the wonderful milky way on it, featuring the text: "All the good stuff is here (showing the bright woohoo milky way) and you're living there (the arrow showing a dull uninspired place where the earth is meant to be).
I carried this poster through half of Canada, man this was a adventurous pain, until someone in a youth hostel stole it from me, curse you!
I caught up with Fone Bone since "Bone" ended back in 2004. He spends most of his time watching superhero movies, and reliving the old days, he says. After he finished watching Superman (seen below) he said he really identified with Lex Luthor, on account of the baldness and all.
That's the most weirdly hilarious thing I've seen all day.
Thank you!
I don't either. At all. What's supposed to be funny?
and its supposed to be cute
But I'm utterly unable to find the humor, subtle, awkward or whatever.
I could tell while I was laughing at it that some people wouldn't find it funny at all. There honestly isn't really a joke there, it's just that it's so bizarre and the opposite of how you'd imagine a ghost, so it's funny. or something.
sorry bout that
Obvisouly it helps if you understand german and have a certain background on what's happening here. Sorry, but then they are quite funny. :O)
"Image-editing solution"?
What's the problem with that?
Last time I checked, Obi Wan kills Jedis, not edit photos.
Image editing is but one of the supported applications of the force. So long as you are using the latest firmware.
It's not my image anyway, just one i saw a while back.
When i was in Canada i bought a really good poster with the wonderful milky way on it, featuring the text: "All the good stuff is here (showing the bright woohoo milky way) and you're living there (the arrow showing a dull uninspired place where the earth is meant to be).
I carried this poster through half of Canada, man this was a adventurous pain, until someone in a youth hostel stole it from me, curse you!
Obi Wan might kill Sith but ADOBE Wan... nevermind.
I probably would have liked the prequels a lot more if this had happened.
www.giveupinternet.com is filled with pics like this
One for the cat people:
And one for the teacher people:
I approve