Anybody ever notice... sometimes Futurama episodes can resemble Monkey Island?

In the one I just watched (300 Big Boys) a whale swallowed kifs watch, and they needed to get it back, so they went to Elzar's restaurant, where Leela snuck to the restroom and found a freezer full of fish. She unplugged the freezer and left the back door ajar. She came back and snuck back in later and took some of the fish. She had already used her tax rebate on a ticket to swim with the whale. She used the fish on her bathing suit and the ticket on the whale expert and jumped in. The whale ate the swimsuit (with the bad fish in it,) and the whale threw up the watch.

Just the clicks!
1. Speak to Ocean World Clerk
4. "Whale ride?"
5. "I'll take it?"
6. "Bye."
7. Go to Main Street
8. Enter Elzar's
9. Speak to Elzar
10. "Just make me some food, Boyardee"
11. "Cook it at the table."
12. Enter kitchen
13. Examine freezer
14. Use plug
15. Use door
16. Speak to Elzar
17. "Your food is awful."
18. Go to alley
19. Open door
20. Take fish
21. Use fish on swimsuit
22. Go to Ocean World
23. Use ticket on Whale Biologist
24. Use fish-filled swimsuit on bathroom
25. Use swim tank


  • edited July 2010
    All I can tell is that you proved a Futurama Adventure Game would work pretty well
  • edited July 2010
    :D Another idea to add to the pile of unfulfilled ambitions.
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