I took your name off when it looked like you wouldn't be able to do it. And no, it hasn't started for you. You can't do your fun run of Sammun-Mak until the fun run of The Penal Zone has been completed, which will be after the race, the Hit the Road fun run, and the season one and two fun runs.
I'd like to point out that this race is Icedhope's, I'm just running it for him. I can still make some decisions on the rules, but final decisions are up to him and he can overrule anything I say if he wants.
Yes, Icedhope called dibs on Culture Shock. Yes, it's his race, and he can do whatever he wants. No, this doesn't mean that we're open for picking up a second episode yet. Yes, we will do it eventually, towards the end of the race. Yes, I'm sure Iced will be a good sport and give back an episode if we run out and someone still wants to do one.
Good news and bad news, folks. The good news is that The City That Dares Not Sleep has a release date now, so we can start figuring out the race dates. The bad news is that the game is coming out right before PAX, which Icedhope and others will be attending, so the race has to be postponed until after PAX is over. Not only that, but I can't officiate the race the week after PAX because I'll be getting ready for and attending Nan Desu Kan the following weekend.
So would the 13th through the 20th work for everyone?
Thats fine with me, also Seibert I chose to do two eps, because no one wanted to do them if any one else wants to do them, I'll give it to them but if any more people don't want to do them, then well then some people are going to have to double up on episodes, because Sam&Max will be loved.
13th to 20th sounds great to me. My only worry is that one week might not be enough time for everyone to complete the episodes but whether you want to keep it to one or two weeks is your choice. I'll finish it in time anyway.
13th to 20th sounds great to me. My only worry is that one week might not be enough time for everyone to complete the episodes but whether you want to keep it to one or two weeks is your choice. I'll finish it in time anyway.
I honestly three seasons a day is good for a weekend friday till sunday but thats me, also it wouldn't hurt to factor in where everybody lies timezone wise.
Well, I have school so I may only get one episode a day. Also, sometimes I go out at the weekends for a while. So unless I do a marathon in a weekend, I may not get much done in just one week.
Those dates are fine by me, but I too am uncertain about the short time span. I could probably do Hit the Road in one sitting, but the Telltale seasons? I have school from 8 to 5 almost every day, so probably not. I hope I can dedicate that weekend to the race because I do wish to play every season as one long game.
I can't help but feel, even though I'm not doing the race, that a week is pushing it. Each episode from the first season takes about an hour a piece, another 15 minutes or so per ep for season two. And add another 15 minutes for The Devil's Playhouse. That totals to just under 20 hours in the space of a single week, and that's not counting Hit The Road. I just think making it two weeks or maybe 10 days (10-20) so you have two weekends would be better for most people.
Sheesh, you guys act like we set it in stone. I was just proposing an idea. I probably should've started out at over a week, though, seeing as it took everyone an extra three days to finish up the Monkey Island race. And Ribs, the 10th-20th won't work, since I'll be at NDK from the 10th-12th.
So how about the 13th-27th? Would you guys be okay with that?
And Bloog, I really don't have a problem with it if some people have to start early. If it's okay with Icedhope, I'd say it'd be okay for you to start right after PAX. I'd prefer if not too many people do this, though, since catching up on several days worth of times will be a bit of a pain for me when I get back.
And Bloog, I really don't have a problem with it if some people have to start early. If it's okay with Icedhope, I'd say it'd be okay for you to start right after PAX. I'd prefer if not too many people do this, though, since catching up on several days worth of times will be a bit of a pain for me when I get back.
I meant to do everything except for 305 now and do 305 during the actual race. But I could try to do it after PAX.
Wow, you really do want to start early. I'm gonna say wait on word from Icedhope about that. Keep in mind that we can also extend the race if you need more time. I'm not going to call a race closed when I see someone actively working on finishing, especially after they've come so far.
School is understandble and kind of a priority IMO. So those of you who start school let me know who you are by PM, and I'll set everything up for you guys.
Yes, the race is currently slated for the 13th-20th, with early starts for students available by PMing Icedhope, and with extensions available for active participants who aren't finished by the 20th.
Yes, the race is currently slated for the 13th-20th, with early starts for students available by PMing Icedhope, and with extensions available for active participants who aren't finished by the 20th.
Yes, the race is currently slated for the 13th-20th, with early starts for students available by PMing Icedhope, and with extensions available for active participants who aren't finished by the 20th.
And currently the only one who gets an early start is bloogsplash, as of right now because he PM'ed so...Guru, I'm leaving for Pax tonight, so...I trust all the students and stuff will go to you until I can get on the forums again.
And currently the only one who gets an early start is bloogsplash, as of right now because he PM'ed
Oh, I was waiting for a response, I think I'll start on 9-2 @ 5:00 P.M. GMT, I was worried that I shouldn't have PM'd you because everyone else was posting here, turns out I was the only one who followed directions.
I got myself a LiveStream account tonight, downloaded the Procaster and trial-ran it with ToMI 104. Sound in the video on my channel is hissy and no background music can be made out. While I was playing the game, sound went very quiet indeed. Does anyone else experience this?
My LiveStream username is the same as here, tbm1986.
Okay, I'm doing the first part of the race, I hope to do at least the first 3 episodes. Watch me at www.livestream.com/blooglspash.
Starting Culture Shock, NOW!
Does it really matter?
He can because this is HIS race.
So would the 13th through the 20th work for everyone?
I honestly three seasons a day is good for a weekend friday till sunday but thats me, also it wouldn't hurt to factor in where everybody lies timezone wise.
So how about the 13th-27th? Would you guys be okay with that?
And Bloog, I really don't have a problem with it if some people have to start early. If it's okay with Icedhope, I'd say it'd be okay for you to start right after PAX. I'd prefer if not too many people do this, though, since catching up on several days worth of times will be a bit of a pain for me when I get back.
I meant to do everything except for 305 now and do 305 during the actual race. But I could try to do it after PAX.
You do know there's a sale going on right now, right? I don't know how long it will last.
Yes, I know. What I meant is, I'm getting it for my birthday.
Oh, okay then.
Well, you did ask us what we thought about it.
I would assume September 13th, which has been elaborated upon during the last page.
Alright, that sounds good.
And currently the only one who gets an early start is bloogsplash, as of right now because he PM'ed so...Guru, I'm leaving for Pax tonight, so...I trust all the students and stuff will go to you until I can get on the forums again.
Oh, I was waiting for a response, I think I'll start on 9-2 @ 5:00 P.M. GMT, I was worried that I shouldn't have PM'd you because everyone else was posting here, turns out I was the only one who followed directions.
Yeah, students can start when they want as long as they post their times here, and someone can do the recording of their times.
I got myself a LiveStream account tonight, downloaded the Procaster and trial-ran it with ToMI 104. Sound in the video on my channel is hissy and no background music can be made out. While I was playing the game, sound went very quiet indeed. Does anyone else experience this?
My LiveStream username is the same as here, tbm1986.
Thanks! I hope that's done it...
Starting Culture Shock, NOW!