For those who don't visit the HRWIKI Forums, It's dot com is one of the admins there. The admins have apparently been in contact with the Chaps for some time.
I'm not trying to kill any spirits here, but the Bros. Chaps have created plenty of short sound files that have had nothing to do with a toon. I personally don't think it's proof of anything, but feel free to dream as I wouldn't be opposed to some new content. This got me thinking though, I'm certain that there's audio of them using the Strong Bad voice to prank call a friend and ask if all the roads have two lanes (they were attending a school or lived in a place called Two Lanes). Anyone know where I can find this?
Apparently, it's on the Homestar Runner Wiki(
It's dot com showed it to me
For those who don't visit the HRWIKI Forums, It's dot com is one of the admins there. The admins have apparently been in contact with the Chaps for some time.
i love that site i can acess it any time
Everybody can access that site at any time, Seibert.
I saw it as Sorry for the wait, Thanks for sticking with us