Requests for the future.

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
I know this has been asked before. But could we get a night episode? Please?:o I'd also like to play Max at some point.
I know that Season 1 is already designed, but maybe in Season 2?


  • edited January 2007
    I think it would be fun to build into one of the episodes a game of Texas Holdem. It could be just like the texas holdem game, but with "The Player" character replaced by Sam&Max :) This could be a good way to make some money in one of the other episodes (to be able to buy one of Bosco's gadgets)

    (Also, with Sam&Max playing as a pair, they could work really good as a team with Max peeking to check the cards of the other players)
  • edited January 2007
    matan wrote: »
    I think it would be fun to build into one of the episodes a game of Texas Holdem. It could be just like the texas holdem game, but with "The Player" character replaced by Sam&Max :)

    that's a good idea, but then it owuld have do be played in a REALLY crazy... i can't imagine Sam & Max sitting at a poker table and playing in any "serious" way. Oh, and they would have to cheat a lot :D
  • BasBas
    edited January 2007
    I have to say, that does give it one of those surreal edges, much like
    Sam's dream sequences
    in Culture Shock or
    The sit-com
    in Situation: Comedy.

    A night episode would work.. I'm thinking perpetual rain, too. A parody of film noir. Sam would fit in perfectly.

    I'd also like to play as Max at some point. I'm imagining a sequence where all you really do is destroy anything in your path, involving Max's teeth and his Luger.
  • edited January 2007
    that part about the rain, wouldn't the DeSoto be flooded?
  • edited January 2007
    An outside area other than the street? Like, a park or a beach or something?
  • edited January 2007
    pheeph wrote: »
    that part about the rain, wouldn't the DeSoto be flooded?

    if it were, it probably wouldn't make the least difference to the likes of Sam & Max. So long as the wheels are still on and they've got the key!

    What I want to see is the inside of that diner across the street.
  • edited January 2007
    if it were, it probably wouldn't make the least difference to the likes of Sam & Max. So long as the wheels are still on and they've got the key!

    I think Max ate the key long ago ^^
  • edited January 2007
    Umm, since I couldn't find an answer anywhere, I think I'll just post this in this future thread.

    Since this is the first "season" of this new Sam 'n Max, is there any plans on further seasons in the future then? At least it makes me hope so. :rolleyes:

    But anyways, I can hardly wait for getting my rights for the full episodes, if they only processed my money transfer as fast as possible. :)
  • edited January 2007
    matan wrote: »
    I think it would be fun to build into one of the episodes a game of Texas Holdem. It could be just like the texas holdem game, but with "The Player" character replaced by Sam&Max :) This could be a good way to make some money in one of the other episodes (to be able to buy one of Bosco's gadgets)

    (Also, with Sam&Max playing as a pair, they could work really good as a team with Max peeking to check the cards of the other players)

    I guess this could work as long as Max cheating would be the way to solve the puzzle and get the money. After all, you don't want people stuck in the game because they never played poker :)
  • edited January 2007
    NHJ BV wrote: »
    I guess this could work as long as Max cheating would be the way to solve the puzzle and get the money. After all, you don't want people stuck in the game because they never played poker :)

    Either that, or cheating could be an alternative winning strategy which would be even better! (in general, I think puzzles with alternative solutions are great. regarding Situation Comedy:
    I really hoped the sitcom puzzle had alternative solutions, because I popped into the correct one immediately by accident. I hoped every cow disguise has a valid continuation that makes it funny enough. While this would have made the puzzle easier, it enhances replayability greatly

    (by the way, I learnt to play poker when I was about 7 years old because I needed to play it to win Police Quest 1, so I guess it's possible...)
  • edited January 2007
    Just a little request for Sam n Max...
    Could the style be made a little more to a 'traditional' adventure game?
    What I mean is, "use this object with that object to do this" type of thing.

    Rather than the game telling the story, you discover the story.
    That sorta thing :)
  • edited March 2007
    octochan wrote: »
    What I want to see is the inside of that diner across the street.
    I would really like to go into the diner too! I was just about to post up a thread about this, but searched and found this.
  • edited March 2007
    I wanna ride the El Train = (

    Also, Sam promised "some other time" that we'd find out what his idea involving Max, that microwave, and 6 feet of aluminum foil would be.
  • edited March 2007
    I know this has been asked before. But could we get a night episode? Please?:o I'd also like to play Max at some point.
    I know that Season 1 is already designed, but maybe in Season 2?

    Ah, yes, that would be nice. I should mention that the outside of Brady Culture's Home was set in eternal darkness... I think there was a joke about that in-game. :p

    I wouldn't mind if the first episode's location for Season 2 being based around Sam & Max on vacation. That would be a nice way to start off the Season I think. :) But then again, maybe people would complain next episode when it was back to normal... And there would need to be a lot of new content... Well... It could simply have a screen or two of them on vacation anyway... Maybe on the beach! :p
  • edited March 2007
    sokuni wrote: »
    Since this is the first "season" of this new Sam 'n Max, is there any plans on further seasons in the future then? At least it makes me hope so. :rolleyes:

    Obviously I'm not a Telltale official, but someone from Telltale was recently quoted as saying that Season 2 was a real possibility. If someone could quote that exact statement, I would appreciate it. After that, we all just pretty much assumed that Season 2 will be made. As far as we know it's not 100% definate yet... The signs point to at least a good possibility though... But, like I said, I'm not a Telltale official! :p
  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Ah, yes, that would be nice. I should mention that the outside of Brady Culture's Home was set in eternal darkness... I think there was a joke about that in-game. :p

    I wouldn't mind if the first episode's location for Season 2 being based around Sam & Max on vacation. That would be a nice way to start off the Season I think. :) But then again, maybe people would complain next episode when it was back to normal... And there would need to be a lot of new content... Well... It could simply have a screen or two of them on vacation anyway... Maybe on the beach! :p

    Sam & Max on vacation?

    That is an EXCELLENT idea! Sam & Max on the beach in Honolulu when the aliens make the nearby volcano into their headquarters and starts their evil plans to take over the world.
  • edited March 2007
    How about special episodes or seasonal episodes (e.g. special winter season), or inviting some celebrities into the game? A double size episode with a big adventure (like a movie-of-a-tv-series thing).

    I just hope there won't be a "to be continued..." episode! I would hate that.

    How about a world map like in "Hit the Road"? Or better yet, a 3D map! And Sam (yes, not Max) can drive to places on it!
  • edited March 2007
    i think that the internet should come back to help sam and max in episode 6.
  • edited March 2007
    Damn, I take it the
    Internet turns good at the end then?
    I get spoiled just by one of the titles of one of the hint topics on the forum main page and now this v_v

    EDIT: I'm just going to avoid the TTG forums for the next week or two if this is how it's going to be. Seeya when episode 5 comes out publicly.
  • edited March 2007
    Agh, that got me too, I wasn't paying attention to the post dates and figured that spoiler was written in January as well..
  • edited March 2007
    right.... moving on, something i think would be cool is if they had the "next time, on sam and max" trailers play after the credits roll in the game itself.............. like they do on the tv shows, then we will have more to ponder over instead of just the episode cliffhanger
  • edited April 2007
    pixelat3d wrote: »
    I wanna ride the El Train = (

    Also, Sam promised "some other time" that we'd find out what his idea involving Max, that microwave, and 6 feet of aluminum foil would be.

    I think it would be really funny if in season two rather describing his plan they refer back to an incident involving those elements that didn't go so well/

    Sam: Remember that time with the aluminum foil?
    Max: Please, Sam, it still hurts alittle.
  • edited April 2007
    I doubt we'll ever see Max wrapped in aluminum foil baking in a microwave, but then again this is Sam & Max so just about anything can happen. :p
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