One Winslow, two...?

edited July 2010 in Site Support
It appears if you stick an S at the end of Winslow, the forum turns it into a series of stars, as if it's filtered out by a swear filter: ********. This leads me to ask... WHY?


  • edited July 2010
    Test: ********



  • edited July 2010

    This is made of win.
  • edited July 2010
    Maybe it thinks ******** is a disparaging term for Windows. Testing to see if I can say Linuxes....
  • edited July 2010
    That's very strange, especially considering that I can quote Wikipedia with no problems:
    Research looking at swearing in 1986, 1997, and 2006 in America found the same top ten words were used of a set of over 70 different swear words. The most used swear words were fuck, shit, hell, damn, goddamn, ass, bitch, and sucks—these ten made up roughly 80% of all profanities. Two words, fuck and shit, accounted for one third to one half of them. The phrase "Oh my god" accounts for 24% of women's swearing.
    So I'm not sure what they are filtering, but I'm pretty sure it's not profanity. ;)
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2010
    More than one Winslow?! Why, that's just obscene, sir!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Maybe someone thought Winslow as a verb was dirty. Or just that two ******** is too many.

    Also, apparently "pineapple" is off the dirty words list at this point? We used to censor that one for no real reason...
  • edited July 2010
    MarkDarin wrote: »
    More than one Winslow?! Why, that's just obscene, sir!

    You can never have too many ********! Erm, I mean :winslow:s
  • edited July 2010
    I think I should change my password to "winslοws" (see what I did there huh?). At least that way when I accidentally paste it in a forum post it'll show up as ******** to everyone.
  • edited July 2010
    Soultaker wrote: »
    I think I should change my password to "winslοws" (see what I did there huh?). At least that way when I accidentally paste it in a forum post it'll show up as ******** to everyone.

    Nope, no idea what you did there, so we'll see what my quote of you does.

    I also wanted to try ******** and ******* to test my bad-Windows-spellings theory.

    (Looks like that's it. The first one is Win-blows, and the second is Win-doze, both without the hyphens.)
  • edited July 2010
    They hired Timmy Two-teeth as the new web moderator.

    Other things you can't type include:
    • ***********
    • **********
    • ********
    • **** *** *****
    • ******* *********

    (P.S. I was about to post to try "Win-doze", Warp Speed, but you beat me to it. Good call. I would've posted sooner, but I had to check Soultakers 'omicron'.)
  • edited July 2010
    Klatuu wrote: »
    They hired Timmy Two-teeth as the new web moderator.

    Other things you can't type include:
    • ***********
    • **********
    • ********
    • **** *** *****
    • ******* *********

    (P.S. I was about to post to try "Win-doze", Warp Speed, but you beat me to it. Good call. I would've posted sooner, but I had to check Soultakers 'omicron'.)

    Most helpful list ever.
  • edited July 2010
    ******** - looks like Hugh Bliss is doing his job!
  • edited July 2010
    ***** ***** ****** **** ***** ****** ****** **** * ** ****** **** ***** ***** ***** *********** ********** * *********** ***** ******-****** ******** ******. Whew! I formed a complete sentence!
This discussion has been closed.