It's gotta be a suped-up version of someone. Mariachi 2.0s? Mole-Man Voltron? ...I know. SUPERBALL. He's in charge of Homeworld Security, and I'm sure Max in his current form falls into that jurisdiction.
the narrator says something like pull the plug pull the plug. wouldent that mean anything.
He says "Pull the cord", which is a blatant reference to Bella Lugosi (It's been covered more than once in this forum), which is either foreshadowing, the solution to a future puzzle, or both.
If he had said "Pull the coord", then it would've been blatantly obvious it was a solution to the last puzzle in that episode.
What about the possibility that the narrator was controlling Charlie Hotep? I mean when I saw the narrator scene before episode 4 ended that made me suspicious that he'll actually play a direct role in the final episode.
Surely you haven't forgotten about the So--*shotgunned*
Don't even say that.
*thinks about Hugh Bliss's possible return as a villian
It's gotta be a suped-up version of someone. Mariachi 2.0s? Mole-Man Voltron? ...I know. SUPERBALL. He's in charge of Homeworld Security, and I'm sure Max in his current form falls into that jurisdiction.
*Thinks about the Narrator saying "I'm Hugh Bliss!"*
He says "Pull the cord", which is a blatant reference to Bella Lugosi (It's been covered more than once in this forum), which is either foreshadowing, the solution to a future puzzle, or both.