Wallpaper - the photo of sam & max and that color dude

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
I want the pic taken of sam and max with the color dude from ep 2 in as high res as anyone can get (1920x1200 is perfect :P) because i must admit he is on his cutest ever at that point. :)

Anyone help? my computer has high res desktop but the 3d isn't so beefy it let me put the computer up to that high res when playing.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    The best we can do at the moment is 1024x768. I have that screenshot at that size and can post it tomorrow.

    Someone other than me might be able to take a screenshot at a higher resolution. My machine won't let me go above 1024x768 for Sam & Max (*ahem*resolutionbug*ahem*)
  • edited January 2007
    I may be able to help since my pc at my other home has been recently upgraded and goes pass 1024x768. When I played ep 2 yesterday, l recall going over 1024x768 However, I am at my apt at UC Davis, but I alwasy come back to my folk's place for the weekends. If you can wait a few days,lmk
  • edited January 2007
    Would be sweet. add it in the wallpaper section as well. I think not only me find the little bunny extra cute at that moment. :)

    And thanks for giving life back to sam & max. :)
  • edited January 2007
    I am back at home and took the picture for you. It is in 1600x1200 in case you are wondering

  • edited January 2007
    haha, classic thanks.

    Gotta love max's wee face
  • edited January 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    I am back at home and took the picture for you. It is in 1600x1200 in case you are wondering


    Oh you are my hero! :) Isn't that the cutest thing then nothing is ;)
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