Fanart..or what you might call it.

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Yes, now on from the very well thought of thread title...yeah...
I was bored this morning, and thought I'd might schwing something together, and so I did.

It's a DVD cover which a friend helped me render in 3ds max.

I'm probably gonna change the font and appearance of the text on the back.

So, now TTG better make a second season, or else I've made this for no use.
I will watch you like a hawk!
...Well, a hawk would probably only be interested in Max...but then again, I feel sorry for any hawk who tries to have Max for breakfast.

Yeah, I'll stop now.


  • edited January 2007
    And do you have a full size one for use?
  • edited January 2007
    Well, since I don't have the name of the 6th episode, it's kind of pointless, isn't it? =P
    Right now it just says "N/A". But sure, when it's done, I could post it here.

    I've been trying to find what font they use, but so far haven't had any luck...
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