Play it again - episode 2! [SM 1.02]

EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Since this was so popular the first time around, Brendan put together a list of episode 2 funnies for us. Can you find them all? (I sure haven't been able to. :p)

Did you...
…watch the Myra show on the office TV?
…listen to the answering machine messages?
…shoot your gun out the office window?
...find a souvenir from the Brady Culture showdown?
…shoot all around Bosco's store?
…give the shaving cream back to Bosco?
…ask Bosco for different items until Sam mentions ketchup?
…check out the new Sludgie flavors?
…try going in Bosco's bathroom?
…hear Max sing the driving theme in the car chase?
…choose every response in the pick-a-number game with Sybil?
…repeatedly fail your audition (both parts)?
…disguise the cow using shaving cream on the sitcom?
…put the plate on the cow on the sitcom?
…try all the wrong disguise and food choices on the sitcom?
…press the intercom button repeatedly on the sitcom?
…try shooting Hugh Bliss or Peepers with the tear gas?
…choose every wrong response on the game show?
…(including after switching out the questions)?
…show Peepers' lyrics to various people?
…call out every person for the Alien Love scandal?
…have Max chat with Myra on each topic?
…chat with the director in each location?
…talk to Max in every location at various stages of the game?
...make all three options in the cooking show?
...using all the ingredients?


  • edited January 2007
    Hmmm... this time I've done everything on the list except for
    pressing the intercom repeatidly
    ... Guess this one had less "play it again" bits then the first :)

    (lass time, I think i've done less than half of the items on the list as some of them were very well hidden!)

    (I still think it was an excellent game though)
  • edited January 2007
    yeah, done the most of them...
    There is maybe a little bit less, but even funnier stuffs than last time. I personly think that the
    answering machine
    is the best one...

    Its also funny how
    you can try to use the shaving cream with so many stuffs.
  • edited January 2007
    Yea, wow! I found that I did most of those too! The only two I really didn't were
    shoot your gun out the office window
    shout your gun around Bosco's store
    . I guess I just wasn't in a trigger happy mood at the time...

    I think the reason there was less I had to go back for was that the game seemed less linear (to me, at least). Although the last one did have the six different symptoms which added quite a bit to replayability.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    On the talk show, I really enjoyed
    bringing all the different people on-stage
    getting Max to tell his story about the thug and the parking meter
  • edited January 2007
    The thug and the parking meter was hands down the funniest part in the game! I had to listen to it again straight after hearing it the first time and i still truly laughed out loud!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    That little exchange about the parking meter is also my favorite dialog in the series so far.
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    That little exchange about the parking meter is also my favorite dialog in the series so far.


  • edited January 2007
    Is that from Freelance Police? (excuse my ignorance)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Yeah that still's from the Freelance Police trailer.
  • edited January 2007
    There's also a homage to Hit the Road where you can
    swear in longhand
  • BasBas
    edited January 2007
    The answering machine and Max's story about the thug and the parking meter were brilliant comedy moments. The entire exchange with
    the swearing soda poppers and Myra's subsequent responses
    was pretty good too.

    I'm not sure if this was meant to be hidden, but I wasn't able to click on
    the poker table
    until I was standing in the right spot.

    How do you get Max to
    sing the driving theme
    ? Or does he do that automatically? I didn't notice the first time around.
  • edited January 2007
    Question - does
    using all the ingredients
    mean something else happens if
    I use all the ingredients for cooking one single item?

    Because that I haven't tried...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    matan wrote: »
    Question - does
    using all the ingredients
    mean something else happens if
    I use all the ingredients for cooking one single item?

    No, I don't think so. They're just funny. :D
  • edited January 2007
    Bas wrote: »
    How do you get Max to
    sing the driving theme
    ? Or does he do that automatically? I didn't notice the first time around.

    I think it happens when you
    use the megaphone
    enough times.
  • edited January 2007
    whaddya do to get sam to tell his story about the parking meter?
  • edited January 2007
    How do you
    swear in longhand
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    …hear Max sing the driving them in the car chase?

    I read this and immediately went to find it, and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. XD

    I really liked the answering machine messages, too. "I need to pee! And the PTA is here! And they're carrying signs!"
  • edited January 2007
    numble wrote: »
    How do you
    swear in longhand

    At the TV Studio,
    click on 'Myra!' above the door to her set
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    danny8709 wrote: »
    whaddya do to get sam to tell his story about the parking meter?

    It's Max's story. :D You need to
    make Max talk to Myra while you're on the talkshow.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    …press the intercom button repeatedly on the sitcom?
    That does nothing special for me. Surely you mean
    the one in Sybil's office
    . Some good laughs there.
    edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    It's Max's story. :D You need to
    make Max talk to Myra while you're on the talkshow.

    Yeah, but how do you make him talk?
  • edited January 2007
    LGH wrote: »
    Yeah, but how do you make him talk?
    I think that the talk-as max-square pops up after a short while if you start saying some things with Sam...
    I dont really understand why it couldnt be there the whole time, but since I not missed it, i really dont care :D
  • edited January 2007
    Speaking of which, maybe the next episode should have more conversations where you can talk as Max. It kind of throws you off when all of a sudden you can do that; it's easy to miss.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    …show Peepers' lyrics to various people?

    This made me think about something not mentioned.

    Did you...
    …show the quiz show question cards to various people?
  • edited January 2007
    Hey! I found a rehash of previous gag that I thought was worth the replay value!

    Did you...
    ...give the Million Food Stamps to various characters (including Philo Pennyworth) before giving it to Bosco?
    ...try to show Myra another picture of Sam & Max with Hugh Bliss?
    ...try to give Myra food? all three of Sam's initial responces to Sybill's question when you first talk to her?
    ...find out that Max was on COPS?
  • edited January 2007
    Good stuff, Zeek! Looks like I should go back!

    I was a little baffled that I couldn't take the cup from the studio, fill it with ketchup and use it during the cooking... It seemed like the most obvious solution to the problem...
  • edited January 2007
    I was surprised I could put as much ketchup as I felt like on the Cassorole and Sam would still not know what was in it. :D
  • edited January 2007
    lol ep 2 had penis jokes!

    awsome, though surely max is asexual? i mean he wears no pants, yet where' the dangle?

    No dangle no dice
  • edited January 2007
    Ah, yes, that joke.

    I think that joke was based in the idea of miscommunication and the own perversion of the player. Still, it was one of the jokes that came out of nowhere that is still funny even after hearing it several times given the context.
  • edited February 2007
    …try all the wrong disguise and food choices on the sitcom?
    Disguise choices
    I did. But
    food choices
    ? I couldn't use the plate on anything but the
    moo poo gai pan
  • edited February 2007
    Arrkhal wrote: »
    Disguise choices
    I did. But
    food choices
    ? I couldn't use the plate on anything but the
    moo poo gai pan

    Try this.
    Go to the cooking show and bake ANYTHING then try to give it to Mister Featherly.
    You will have to skip the sit com puzzle the first time you walk onto the set in order to do this.
  • edited February 2007
    Are we going to get a "play it again" for episode 3 now that its out on this site?
  • edited February 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Are we going to get a "play it again" for episode 3 now that its out on this site?

    I hope so. Chances are I missed something in my curiosity with playing around as to what is a workable combination with whatever item I feel like experimenting with.
  • edited February 2007
    One thing I'm sure will be on there is
    using the bug on everyone everywhere.
  • edited February 2007
    We need this for episode 3! Quick! Before episode 4 hits!

  • edited March 2007
    Did you guys
    check the far left side of the studio set for Midtown Ranchers? There's an easter egg/cameo/something that's too glaringly obvious to miss :p
    lol ep 2 had penis jokes!
    And episode 1 didn't?
    Didn't you check Culture's organ? Sam almost cracked a joke about that :p
  • edited April 2007
    Just finished Ep2 and I did most of those the first time through. I was really impressed with the whole game itself. I enojoyed it just as much as Culture Shock. I didn't think anything was overly recycled from the first game at all. I loved the whole TV studio idea and how the sets were all cheap and tatterd too.
    Hugh Bliss is the most amazing character yet. He reminded me of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka, but funnier.

    Skin bodies 4eva
  • edited May 2007
    episode 2 is hard very very hard
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