Forum organisation

edited August 2010 in Site Support
So, to put it bluntly, I think the forum sucks right now. Visually, I mean. It's all over the place, with too many categories, many with just one forum or two in them...
I think it really, really needs to be reorganised.

Since criticism is easy, but suggesting is better, here is my personal suggestion:

Public House
General Chat (subforums: Forum Games, Telltale Comics Discussion)
Our Telltale Heart

Full-Season Games
Back to the Future
Jurassic Park
Sam & Max (subforums: hints, comics, freelance police dispatch)
Tales of Monkey Island (subforums: hints, pirate club)
Wallace & Gromit (subforum: hints)
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People (subforum: hints)
CSI (subforum: hints)

Game Pilots/ Single Episodes
Nelson Tethhers: Puzzle Agent (subforum: hints)
Bone (subforum: hints)
Telltale Texas Hold'em

Game Support
Shopping or Activation Support
Forum & Site Help

Explanation: I think reorganising it in such a way would mean less scrolling down, and it also means that the support category wouldn't be lost all the way down there. Also, I personally just can't get over a category with just one forum in it, so I took Our Telltale Heart out of the General Discussion as a subforum. But I realise I might be OCD about it.

Either way, it seems to me hints as a subforum in each series would work, they would still appear at the top of the page... I don't think we would end up with people asking for hints all over the general discussion... I may be wrong.
Another idea I had would be to split it so there was a "game discussions" category and a "hints" category. Not sure how well that would work, though.

Really, I don't have an ideal solution I'm sure would work 100%, but I just think it looks really, really bad right now, and every time I come on the forum I just want to streamline it, it just bugs me.
I mentioned it to nikki, but she left. Then I talked to Dave E, but he left too... So yeah, is there anyone who can take care of it? That would be really great.


  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    You do realize if there are so many subforums then at the homepage it will end up showing the most recent threads for all the subforums? The general chat is already kind of confusing that way.
  • edited August 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    You do realize if there are so many subforums then at the homepage it will end up showing the most recent threads for all the subforums? The general chat is already kind of confusing that way.

    I'm assuming by "homepage" you mean the forum's main page?
    Yes, it would show which is the latest thread in that forum, subforums included. Why is that a problem, though?

    Mmh, I guess it might become a problem if people who can't access the private forums still see the threads posted in them if it's the latest thread. Otherwise though I'm at a loss to find a problem with it, honestly.
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    So, to put it bluntly, I think the forum sucks right now. Visually, I mean. It's all over the place, with too many categories, many with just one forum or two in them...
    I think it really, really needs to be reorganised.

    Since criticism is easy, but suggesting is better, here is my personal suggestion:

    Public House
    General Chat (subforums: Forum Games, Telltale Comics Discussion)
    Our Telltale Heart

    Full-Season Games
    Back to the Future
    Jurassic Park
    Sam & Max (subforums: hints, comics, freelance police dispatch)
    Tales of Monkey Island (subforums: hints, pirate club)
    Wallace & Gromit (subforum: hints)
    Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People (subforum: hints)
    CSI (subforum: hints)

    Game Pilots/ Single Episodes
    Nelson Tethhers: Puzzle Agent (subforum: hints)
    Bone (subforum: hints)
    Telltale Texas Hold'em

    Game Support
    Shopping or Activation Support
    Forum & Site Help

    Explanation: I think reorganising it in such a way would mean less scrolling down, and it also means that the support category wouldn't be lost all the way down there. Also, I personally just can't get over a category with just one forum in it, so I took Our Telltale Heart out of the General Discussion as a subforum. But I realise I might be OCD about it.

    Either way, it seems to me hints as a subforum in each series would work, they would still appear at the top of the page... I don't think we would end up with people asking for hints all over the general discussion... I may be wrong.
    Another idea I had would be to split it so there was a "game discussions" category and a "hints" category. Not sure how well that would work, though.

    Really, I don't have an ideal solution I'm sure would work 100%, but I just think it looks really, really bad right now, and every time I come on the forum I just want to streamline it, it just bugs me.
    I mentioned it to nikki, but she left. Then I talked to Dave E, but he left too... So yeah, is there anyone who can take care of it? That would be really great.

    Wow...this made my Jaw drop...I'm agreeing with Ribs *Applause*
  • edited August 2010
    I think we should remove the private pirates club. There is no use for it now. we might as well get rid of it. Same goes with the sam and max freelance bonus forum once the season ends(although we can keep it open for a month or so so people see what they missed)
  • edited August 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I think we should remove the private pirates club. There is no use for it now. we might as well get rid of it. Same goes with the sam and max freelance bonus forum once the season ends(although we can keep it open for a month or so so people see what they missed)

    ...but what if people want to see stuff from from the ToMI forum still because they just got the game?

    And I'm pretty sure this forum thread is going to be longer then the main forum page, so that means if you're willing to scroll through this whole topic now your argument is rendered invalid.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I always use "new posts" so I never even see the main page, but it looks good to me.

    Maybe even make a distinction between single-season games and multiple-season games (Now just S&M but that probably will change one day. So the popular ones (S&M, ToMI) gets seperated too more promintenly above the rest).
  • edited August 2010
    The Private forums answer questions and I don't see why they should be deleted after the fact. I pre-ordered but didn't really spend time on the forums until after the games were out, and it was nice going there and reading stuff. It's good to have them as locked archives once they become public, I feel.

    I think there is a difference between scrolling through a thread, where you read everything (unless you start from the beginning of the thread every time? I just click "newest post" and read from there), and a main page, where you scroll up and down every few minutes to check if there have been new posts.
    It seems to me since the main page is the first thing people joining the forums will see, and possibly the page users in general will see the most, it's best to have it clear and streamlined rather than messy and confusing.
  • edited August 2010
    Only problem is the forums are currently laid out so the most recent or popular franchises are on top. With your design, for example, Nelson Tethers would be below older stuff like CSI and Strong Bad. Also, Our Telltale Heart doesn't need to be on the main page unless it's active. It should remain as a sub-board.

    I do like your idea apart from this.
  • edited August 2010
    Mmh... As I said, the Telltale Heart was mostly OCD so I'll give you that one.

    For the rest, I like the idea to have it separated between full seasons and episodes. So a "pilot" category sounds nice to me, and I added the "individual episodes" ones (Bone and Texas Hold'em) because it seemed like it could work together.

    I could see a case made for a "Pilots" category that would be the top one, then "Full Seasons", then "Others", but it would probably work best when there is more than just one Pilot.

    Hopefully, Puzzle Agent would eventually move into "Full Seasons" and solve that problem anyways :p
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