Well, I am. Played everything that Telltale has to offer. Played Situation: Comedy last night (verdict: FAR too easy and FAR too short. Took me just 90 minutes - and that includes 20 minutes or so spent shooting at the rats. I'm not saying it wasn't enjoyable; it was, very much so, but it was TOO SHORT!!.
Finished Ankh some days ago (verdict: some puzzles rather obscure. And how did a man, who sounded so obviously British come to have an American-sounding son...? Incidentally, were any of the design teams Brits? I ask because the topic of discussion at the Arabian embassy was so obviously football (even called it that, not soccer) and the slave's accent was spot-on.)
Played Bone, can't finish Samorost because of a glitch (I posted about that here, but never received any replies) and I just can't get into Al Emmo (Larry Laffer meets Freddy Pharkas just isn't doing it for me, I'm afraid...).
CSI took me 5 very enjoyable evenings (and thanks to Em who sent me a replacement, most games companies would just have told me "Tough cheese!")
My gaming rig isn't up to much (Shuttle box with an Athlon 2800+ CPU, 512MB RAM, 80GB HDD and a 256MB X800 card) but I'm not a Windoze person, I'm a Macite. I have a (now defunct 2G5 2.7GHz and a Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz MacBook Pro). I'm trying to pluck up the courage to ask my grandfather if he will (part) fund the purchase of a 3GHz Core 2 Duo MacPro, so that I can dual boot OS X with Windoze. I could install Windoze on here, but the HDD really isn't big enough to justify it (160GB).
Of course, I look forward to the day when Telltale ports its games to the MacOS (not that I'm dropping hints or anything...:D )
So I need entertainment. There's nothing on the telly (is there ever? I don't see the point of satellite - or cable, for that matter. Sky now offers nearly 500 channels here in the UK, but most are pointless. I watch BBC3 and BBC4 occasionally, but even those less and less. And even Radio 4's gone downhill of late...)
So, what's a gal to do...?
Finished Ankh some days ago (verdict: some puzzles rather obscure. And how did a man, who sounded so obviously British come to have an American-sounding son...? Incidentally, were any of the design teams Brits? I ask because the topic of discussion at the Arabian embassy was so obviously football (even called it that, not soccer) and the slave's accent was spot-on.)
Played Bone, can't finish Samorost because of a glitch (I posted about that here, but never received any replies) and I just can't get into Al Emmo (Larry Laffer meets Freddy Pharkas just isn't doing it for me, I'm afraid...).
CSI took me 5 very enjoyable evenings (and thanks to Em who sent me a replacement, most games companies would just have told me "Tough cheese!")
My gaming rig isn't up to much (Shuttle box with an Athlon 2800+ CPU, 512MB RAM, 80GB HDD and a 256MB X800 card) but I'm not a Windoze person, I'm a Macite. I have a (now defunct 2G5 2.7GHz and a Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz MacBook Pro). I'm trying to pluck up the courage to ask my grandfather if he will (part) fund the purchase of a 3GHz Core 2 Duo MacPro, so that I can dual boot OS X with Windoze. I could install Windoze on here, but the HDD really isn't big enough to justify it (160GB).
Of course, I look forward to the day when Telltale ports its games to the MacOS (not that I'm dropping hints or anything...:D )
So I need entertainment. There's nothing on the telly (is there ever? I don't see the point of satellite - or cable, for that matter. Sky now offers nearly 500 channels here in the UK, but most are pointless. I watch BBC3 and BBC4 occasionally, but even those less and less. And even Radio 4's gone downhill of late...)
So, what's a gal to do...?
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(or have you already played them all?)
You name, it I've played it. And none of the old ones play too well - if at all - under eXtra Problems.
There are some new(er) games I'd like to play, but this system isn't up to snuff.
That looks amazing. I gotta keep looking for that in the future.
You're not serious - are you...?! Oh, you are.
In the Motley Cru vs G 'n' R war, I was definitely on the G 'n' R side - that was until they took the decision to rip off their fans by releasing Use Your Illusion as two half-albums. Fleecing your loyal fanbase isn't exactly the way to keep them loyal.
These days, it's mainly Hawkwind, Jethro Tull, and punk. Don't even like much modern stuff. Travis is okay, but I do want to kill Pete Waterman by making him listen to every boy/girl 'band' he's inflicted on me over the past 15 years or so. He should be locked up for crimes agains music.
Really though, take Mel's advice and go to and download ScummVM for windows, and all the old LucasArts adventure games will run in it better than they did when they were new.
Sorry, but as a Mac user of 10 years' standing, I consider ANY OS released by MS to be a pile o' poo.
This particular pile o' poo isn't even mine - it's my parents. I have 3 Macs (well, two, but I hope to have a Mac Pro on order soon). My 2G5 is currently suffering from death, but I do have a very lovely MacBook Pro as my main system at the moment.
And, yes, when I do eventually get my Mac Pro, I shall be dual-booting it with Windoze. Windoze for gaming, Tiger (soon-to-be Leopard) for when I actually need to get some serious work done and need something that 'just works'.
Jake's a Mac user of probably more years than that, in fact. Personally, I hate when people use the term "Windoze" regularly, along with other such favorites as "Micro$oft" and "Winblows".
I dont know about any wars, i think i was too young at that time (i was born 1980) You dont have to be a fan of Mötley Crüe to appreciate the perverted ugly stories there are in this book. In fact im not a big fan of them, but I like the trashy depraved sound of Shout at the devil at least..
You know your music so youd like the loads of stories there are about Alice Cooper, Ozzy and other legends of the time as well, im just saying this book will make you laugh through 400 easily read pages, its packed with photos as well, just those are worth the buy.
But then theres Lemmy's (Motörhead) autobiography as well, I havnt read it but its supposed to be good.
Sure Travis is allright, but they wont make my blood flow as much as Oasis, Cream, The Band or Sepultura. Ive mostly abandoned listening to new western music now, im tired of it all, nu rock, hip hop, pop - fuck it im going back to the roots. Try finding Exumas first album if you want to hear something strange you probably never heard before.
Heres a good metal song for you in the meantime
Windows' bad rep is unfounded, in my opinion. Sure it has issues up the wazoo, but if it were so bad, why does just about every OS in existence take ideas from it? You'll have to pry my cold dead fingers from my PC before I so much as touch a Mac lol
I might be mistaken, but didn't Windows predate OS/2 and such? are aware that Windows copied the G.U.I idea from Mac, along with ripping off the Mouse idea, giving it a second button to avoid lawsuits, right?
(Not to mention Windows 95's Start menu ripping off the Apple menu, among many other things.)
And no, I'm not a Mac user, just a Windows slave because gaming is chained to it.
There are lots of positives and negatives to both platforms, and arguing which is better and who ripped who off at this point is really silly. While I think early on Microsoft did crib a lot of UI ideas from Apple, it's also true that Apple admittedly lifted a lot of concepts (the core of the desktop metaphor-based GUI and the popular application of the mouse) from Xerox PARC.
At this point, though, I think both companies borrow from each other's operaing systems in equal parts, to keep up with each other. Vista and XP both lift pretty heavily from OS X, but OS X has some features that were built into it for the sole purpose of competing with similar features being developed internally at Microsoft.
(And for the record I've been an Apple user for 20 years now. I still am primarily a Mac user at home, and only use PCs at work... and for the occasional round of Half Life 2 or Worms Armageddon at home since I can't get those on my Mac
GUIs have been around longer than both, so Microsoft and Apple are technically both thieves. On that train of thought, so is every software dev. And every hardware dev. Every author (read any plots devoid of elements used in other books?). Every artist. (How dare they use paints created by other people?)
Of course, I'm taking it to extremes, but my point is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it IS broke, you still gotta use tools created by someone else.