The Main page is really slow to load.

edited September 2010 in Site Support
Hi, i've noticed that on quite a few occasions, the main page can be incredibly slow to load, taking upwards of 20 seconds, when the rest of the site (blog, forums, store etc), are all very speedy. I don't have an issue with other websites, so I don't think it's my connection speed. Anyone else have this issue?


  • edited September 2010
    I get the issue where sometimes it loads like 95% of the main page, but that last little bit doesn't load. This is particularly annoying because I have a greasemonkey script that blocks that dang auto-playing youtube clip from starting, and it won't kick in if the site doesn't load all the way. I agree that the forums and other pages seem to be a lot snappier and I am sure it is because they don't have an auto-playing video.

    I wonder if your page loading problem has to do with that video too.

    begin rant/
    Let me take this opportunity to hijack your thread and LOUDLY complain about having that video auto-playing on the main page!!!! Stop that. It is stupid and annoying. Websites in 2010 should not have autoplaying audio or video on them. /end rant
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Steve2000 wrote: »
    I get the issue where sometimes it loads like 95% of the main page, but that last little bit doesn't load. This is particularly annoying because I have a greasemonkey script that blocks that dang auto-playing youtube clip from starting, and it won't kick in if the site doesn't load all the way.

    I uploaded a new version of the script, which should mitigate that effect. I could not reproduce the problem, so please tell me if it helps. It does at any rate fix a similar issue, which occured mainly if the page was not loaded from the browser cache and took a while to load and render.

    The new version additionally tries to replace the autostart string after 500 ms, 1000 ms and 1500 ms. It's not elegant, but it should solve that problem on a range of PCs with different rendering speeds.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, that fixed it for me. Thanks, Gratzi, Gracias, The rest....
  • edited September 2010
    Steve2000 wrote: »
    begin rant/
    Let me take this opportunity to hijack your thread and LOUDLY complain about having that video auto-playing on the main page!!!! Stop that. It is stupid and annoying. Websites in 2010 should not have autoplaying audio or video on them. /end rant

    I avoid the front page solely because of the auto playing videos. Utterly stupid.
  • edited September 2010
    Pinchpenny wrote: »
    I avoid the front page solely because of the auto playing videos. Utterly stupid.

    Now you can change that by going here:
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks corruptbiggins.
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