Sam and Max Complete Collection pricing

edited September 2010 in Site Support
I'm writing here after not finding a "contact us" page throughout the site. I hope this is the place for it, then.

When I enter the Sam & Max store, I'm offered the Sam and Max complete collection for $39.95 (image attached) - which I'm willing to shell out. However, when I press the link, I'm offered the same collection for $49.95, which is $10 more just for pressing a link, and is more than I am willing to spend. This seems a bit, shall we say - deceptive to me, or at the very least - misleading.

So, which is the actual price - the promised $39.95, or the "add to cart" price of $49.95?

Thank you.


  • edited September 2010
    If you put the game in you cart, it should say that it's $50 with a $10 discount.
  • edited September 2010
    If you put the game in you cart, it should say that it's $50 with a $10 discount.

    Ok, Thank you, didn't notice that.
    Do you know up until when this offer is valid? I'm debating whether to wait and see if season two will be included in the Great Adventure bundle or not.
  • edited September 2010
    eladz wrote: »
    Ok, Thank you, didn't notice that.
    Do you know up until when this offer is valid? I'm debating whether to wait and see if season two will be included in the Great Adventure bundle or not.

    Well, I would get it because even if Season 2 is unlocked, it will cost $50 to get Seasons 1 and 3 at the current sale price.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, I would get it because even if Season 2 is unlocked, it will cost $50 to get Seasons 1 and 3 at the current sale price.

    Yeah, but I already own season 1 :)
    So the debate is between the combo of all three at $40 or getting season 2 from the Adventure bundle (which I already purchased) and just adding season 3 for $20. quite the dilemma.. :)
  • edited September 2010
    Well, it's kind of disappointing not to receive any reply from an official Telltale source, especially when there's no "contact us" page or option and users are left to rely on the Forum alone.
    I guess I'll just wait until the Adventure bundle deadline extension ends to see if season 2 will be unlocked, and hope the Sam & Max offer will still be valid afterward, if it won't.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    eladz wrote: »
    Well, it's kind of disappointing not to receive any reply from an official Telltale source, especially when there's no "contact us" page or option and users are left to rely on the Forum alone.

    In the blog post about the complete collection and Season 3 deal it said three weeks, which are over by a few days now.

    I think your best chance for a quick answer is sending a PM to the community manager Alan, who also posted the Blog entry about the deals.

    By the way, there is a link to the support page at the bottom.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Just wanted to let you know that S&M S2 will unlock tomorrow.
  • edited September 2010
    DjNDB wrote: »
    Just wanted to let you know that S&M S2 will unlock tomorrow.

    Thanks, just noticed it myself. The choice is made, then. :)
This discussion has been closed.