Just bough the 5 parts! Will I get it in a retail box?

I just bought the five monkey island episodes from here:


Its the tales of monkey island full season

Anyways have just bought it and I can now download all the 5 episodes - However I expected all 5 parts to be send to me in a retail box I could have standing on my shelf - will I get that? I just don't understand why I can download the episodes now if I get a dvd with all 5 episodes. Will I get that?


  • edited September 2010
    What did you exactly bought? If you bought "Tales of Monkey Island" and not "Tales of Monkey Island Season + Standard DVD", actually you only get the downloadable episodes.
    Check your invoice and look if you have the DVD and the shipping costs included. If you were only charged for the game, you should buy the DVD separatedly (Tales of Monkey Island Standard DVD, which is free but you have to pay shipping)
  • edited September 2010
    Are all the 5 spisodes located on this standard DVd I just ordered:

  • edited September 2010
    Yes, if you bought it from the Telltale page you get a dvd. You need to make the dvd order first (check that the prize is 0 and that you are only paying for shipping)
  • edited September 2010
    Pretty much what they said.

    First, check to see if you were charged for shipping. If so, you'll get the DVD.

    If not, all you need to do is go to the store and order it. Once you've bought the game as a direct download, you can have the DVD just for the price of shipping. :)
  • edited September 2010
    alright thanks
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