Transcripts of Machinimas 4-5-6?

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Is there anybody kind enough to type three dialogue transcripts for Machinima 4-5-6?
It would be a great help for non-mothertounge speakers. :rolleyes:


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Here you go!
    Short 4 wrote:
    SAM: Max, you contemptible imp, I'm trying to figure out what prehistoric urge could possibly have possessed you to volunteer us to be on "Four Freaks in a Terribly Cramped Office."

    MAX: Reality TV is fun! Plus it's sponsored by the Creamy Sugar Goodness company and we're getting a whole year's supply of Lard Encrusted Whipped Cream Choco Balls! - registered trademark - out of this!

    FEATHERLY: Well, I see that my career has sunk to new, previously unplumbed depths of despair. How could this be happening to me? I worked with Streisand!

    SPECS: Don't you dopes know chickens carry lice and feather worms and avian influenza and all kinds of terrible germs?

    FEATHERLY: Well! I see no reason to take this abuse! Dog-man, arrange for a Hansom cab! I shall be leaving post haste!


    FEATHERLY: Look out! Here I come with my wittle germsie-wermsies….


    SAM: Say, reality TV is more fun than I thought! This is better than second grade recess!

    MAX: I know! Watching it makes me feel soiled and clean at the same time.


    SAM: Ew!

    MAX: Ew!
    Short 5 wrote:
    MAX: Good evening, maybes and middlemen. It’s time for Egregious Philosophy Platter with your hosts... us!

    SAM: That’s right little buddy, and this week we’re really firing up the jet engines with a sizzling discussion of the Socratic dialogs.

    MAX: Socrates was a kind of a heavy-set guy with bad teeth?

    SAM: Yes. And he was famous for inventing an acting technique called "The Socratic Method," which was all about acting without actually acting.

    MAX: I find the Socratic Method a little bit TOO cratic for my pedestrian tastes.

    SAM:Haven’t we talked about not tasting the pedestrians?

    MAX: Not today.

    SAM: Anyway, moving right along, Socrates eventually got laid off because of his drinking problem, and he was replaced by Rene Descartes, who said, "I think I am, therefore I am, I think."

    MAX: I always thought it was "I STINK, therefore I am."

    SAM: Descartes didn’t even know you, Max.

    MAX: I think out loud, therefore I am allowed to think.

    SAM: Egregious Philosophy Platter. It’s the magic of public television, ladies and gentlemen!

    MAX: Thank goodness they only give us a ninety second time slot!

    SAM: I think we’re out of time - therefore we are.
    Short 6 wrote:
    SAM: Hey kids! Welcome to Fun in the Kitchen with Sam & Max!

    MAX: Ooh! Can I do the legal disclaimer?

    SAM: Have right at it, little buddy!

    MAX: This show contains scenes of barely restrained violence and severe lapses in judgment, and may not be suitable for parents, pyromaniacs, those under the influence of mind-altering substances, and/or leprechauns.

    SAM: Today, Max, we'll be exploring the exciting world of kitchen chemistry. We'll be showing our audience how to create special effects with common household ingredients.

    MAX: Ooh! I love the gratuitous misuse of science! ... What kind of effects?

    SAM: Take a pot and throw in a cup of water. Next put in a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate, which the less scientific of you out there may know better as common household baking soda.

    MAX: Wow! I'm learning stuff already! What's a tablespoon?

    SAM: Next we need a powdered charcoal briquette.

    MAX: Oh hey! How ironic! Just this morning I ground one up with my teeth and stored it in a shaker for later.

    SAM: And now for the special ingredient! Just add a small amount of manganese dihexaflexachloride. Also known to some of you as common household manganese dihexaflexachloride.

    MAX: Well, I guess that's the end of today's show then.

    SAM: Guess so, Max. Thanks for watching, kids! Next time we'll show you the proper way to bake a file into a cake.

    MAX: Just like the one Martha Stewart used!
  • edited January 2007
    Thanks! You've been very kind!
    Could you please remember to do that in the future (perhaps even in the sam & max product page)? Usually I manage to get 70%-80% of the dialogue, but losing the complexity of S&M's banter ruins all the fun. ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    I'll just make threads in this forum from now on. The product page is already too heavily loaded with stuff :)
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