Sam and Max 2 when purchased from Adventure bundle

edited October 2010 in Site Support
On the Great Adventure bundle page, the terms state : "Purchasers of this product are eligible for the end-of-season DVD for Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space only.".

But when I enter the order code for the purchased Adventure bundle, to allow me to order the Season 2 DVD ( it says "invalid number" - not allowing me to order the DVD unless I purchase the entire season.

What gives?


  • edited September 2010
    Probably same as Steam purchases, not valid for end-of-season pack... lots of us got.... um... confused.... about that when we bought prior complete seasons on Steam.
  • edited September 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Probably same as Steam purchases, not valid for end-of-season pack... lots of us got.... um... confused.... about that when we bought prior complete seasons on Steam.

    I'd accept.. confusion.. if it wasn't stated clearly in the bundle's terms that I would be eligible for the DVD. I expect them to stand by their word.
  • edited September 2010
    eladz wrote: »
    I'd accept.. confusion.. if it wasn't stated clearly in the bundle's terms that I would be eligible for the DVD. I expect them to stand by their word.

    oooo, now I'm interested! I'm behind you 100% (I bought the bundle too and would love to get the free Disc)
  • It's quite likely that it's a similar situation as when they were selling the Sam & Max collection. It's probably a bug in the system because it's not a 'normal' copy of season 2. Just email support and they'll sort it for you.
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