Missing Download Button

edited September 2010 in Site Support
I purchased Tales of Monkey Island on the 18th. I received confirmation from both PayPal and yourselves along with the activation codes. However on My TellTale pages although it shows the invoice for Monkey Islands and the order number there is no link for the download. :confused:
I have raised this issue (code 'issue-35586') via e-mail but am still waiting a reply so was hoping someone on the forums could help in the meantime. :)




  • edited September 2010
    Hey, ocvo, just scroll up to the very top of the page, and click on that little image of a joystick that says "Your Games" when you hover over it. (And of course, you have to be signed in, too, or it doesn't know what your games are.) That will take you to a page, where you should be able to download things.

    If that doesn't work, then I guess you wait for Support to reply.
  • edited September 2010
    Cheers WarpSpeed for your reply. Apparently it was a glitch which has now been sorted out :)

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