Anyone wanna help?

I recently have an interesting idea... ToMI presented the Monkey Island theme in its original form, very similar to the "Secret" version, so I started thinking what could have been an interesting variation, like they did with LCR with that funky version.
So I started thinking what variation could they have done for ToMI and said "How about something in this direction...?"

It would be really cool, don't you think? Specially doing the theme in the way the Hook track opens: Very misterious and piratey at the same time.
But as I'm not a very good composer, I was wondering if anyone would like to give a try.

Anyone? Just for fun :)


  • edited September 2010
    That's no easy track to make :)
  • edited September 2010
    That's no easy track to make :)

    I know, but it would be just for fun. And the result could be so epic.

    After all, you definetly have the talent, but maybe you don't have the time or don't want to, but I just posted it for the sake of it. Nobody has to feel pressured to do it, of course :)
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