Can't receive any Mails from Telltale

edited September 2010 in Site Support

I've got a big problem. I can't receive any e-Mails from Telltale.
When I created an account I received no Mail.
When I changed my E-Mail adress I recieved no Mail or a confirmation.
When I changed my passwort it was the same (no mail/confirmation).
Even my Spam Folder was empty. And I've no idea why.
I'm using Googlemail.

Can someone please help me?

Greetings from Germany,


  • edited September 2010
    Well, you can try setting some subscriptions, and see if something shows up. Some of these purport to update daily:

    Can other people E-mail you at the E-mail address you provided Telltale?
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks for your tip, WarpSpeed!
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Well, you can try setting some subscriptions, and see if something shows up. Some of these purport to update daily:
    I'll try it.
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Can other people E-mail you at the E-mail address you provided Telltale?

    Yes, this is why it is so strange. I've never experienced any troubles with this address.
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