The PSN version of the Game should be updated with PS Move Support.

PSN games that are PS Move compatible now appear in the PS Move section of the PSN Store. That would mean more people would notice this game, and it would have more sales. Also, it would help retain the original feel.


  • edited September 2010
    The controls would have to be reworked completely, as it's not controlled in the same way as the PC version. The PSN version is designed for a controller in mind, and I don't see what Move support would do for this control scheme.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah considering the only time you would EVER even THINK about playstation move is the fight at the begining at episode 2 and that still would be a terrible idea. Plus Playstation move alogether is a rip off of the wii controller. It is stupid that Sony cant think of anything better. At least Microsoft does full motion. Sony just flat out rips off the wii.
  • edited October 2010
    StarEye wrote: »
    The controls would have to be reworked completely, as it's not controlled in the same way as the PC version. The PSN version is designed for a controller in mind, and I don't see what Move support would do for this control scheme.

    I second this. The only way it would "improve" the game is if you used it like a mouse-pointed to click on things, which I would think would be somewhat awkward to say the least
  • edited October 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Yeah considering the only time you would EVER even THINK about playstation move is the fight at the begining at episode 2 and that still would be a terrible idea. Plus Playstation move alogether is a rip off of the wii controller. It is stupid that Sony cant think of anything better. At least Microsoft does full motion. Sony just flat out rips off the wii.

    Yeah, that was a really necessary contribution to this thread, don't you think?
  • edited October 2010

    I think it could work.
  • edited October 2010
    That's not the point. The point is, the PSN doesn't share the control scheme from the PC version. The PSN version doesn't even have a pointer, you just switch between different objects on the screen as you move towards them. There is absolutely nothing in the control scheme you would need the Move for. If it controlled like the PC version, then it would no doubt work with very little work. But it doesn't. If you've played the PSN version, you'll know what I'm talking about.
  • edited October 2010
    StarEye wrote: »
    That's not the point. The point is, the PSN doesn't share the control scheme from the PC version. The PSN version doesn't even have a pointer, you just switch between different objects on the screen as you move towards them. There is absolutely nothing in the control scheme you would need the Move for. If it controlled like the PC version, then it would no doubt work with very little work. But it doesn't. If you've played the PSN version, you'll know what I'm talking about.

    You know, I know what you're saying, ...but that's why it would be a PATCH! You can actually control the PC versions in the exact same way as the PS3 version, all a patch would do is place a pointer over the screen that selects the hot spots instead of manually shifting to it.
  • edited October 2010
    But what would it really add, besides giving you a reason to use the Move? And I doubt you can control the PC version the same way as the PS3 version, although I haven't tried it. Have you tried the PS3 version?
  • edited October 2010
    StarEye wrote: »
    But what would it really add, besides giving you a reason to use the Move? And I doubt you can control the PC version the same way as the PS3 version, although I haven't tried it. Have you tried the PS3 version?

    Yeah, I have both versions, and if you just stick to Keyboard alone on the PC version, it controls exactly like the PS3 version. Also yeah, what would it add to the game? Apart from boosting Sony's game list which uses Move, but there were loads of people at one time saying they'd love it if the game were more Point and Click, so really, it just small markets.
  • edited October 2010
    Is it even possible to stick to keyboard alone on PC version? Also, no it wouldn't control exactly like the PS3 version even if it did. The interface is completely different, it's much closer to EMI than it is to PC ToMI.
  • edited October 2010
    StarEye wrote: »
    Is it even possible to stick to keyboard alone on PC version? Also, no it wouldn't control exactly like the PS3 version even if it did. The interface is completely different, it's much closer to EMI than it is to PC ToMI.

    Apart from the Inventory screen, Using Keyboard alone is exactly like the PS3 version, hell, if you want, let's get technical, by using Xpadder to set Keyboard Keys to a controller, and using MotioninJoy Drivers, you can use the PS3 controller on the PC version and it would feel exactly the same apart from a few Option selections in the inventory, and before you ask, yeah, the PC version has that little Shift to next item feature mapped out to!

    I'm not really bothered about Move support, I aint going to be using it, but the way you're going on that the PS3 has a completely different control method to the PC is just wrong, the PC can be used both ways, either Direct Input only or Mouse and Keyboard, the only thing unique about the PS3 version is the inventory screen that was carried over to Tales of Monkey Island to.

    edit: AND HOLY CRAP, I'm talking about Sam & Max Season 3, seriously there's like 20 of these Move support topics, you might be right in regards to Tales I don't think you can only use Keyboard on that, where as the PS3 engine is the same as the one used for Sam & Max so the newer style of controls, etc, are used on that.
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