When will the episodes get longer?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Episode 1: 7.7


The Bad: Limited inventory makes puzzle-solving pretty easy; short and easy enough that you might not want to replay it; car bomb is not included.

Episode 2: 7.4

The Bad: Feels even shorter than the previous episode.

Episode 3: 7.1

Sam & Max's third episode feels shorter than the previous two, and at least part of that is due to so many of the environments being recycled from previous episodes.

The Good: Great voices that deliver funny dialogue; quality puzzle design.
The Bad: You've seen the store, the office, the street, and Sybil's place before.

Guys, I haven't had my hands on the 3rd episode yet (have to wait to feb 7) but I'm really starting to get worried here... It gets shorter and shorter?

I really liked ep2 but I can't help but thinking it could have much more and complicated puzzles in them! the setting was really cool!


  • edited January 2007
    Notice that the reviews say that it FEELS shorter.

    The first two were kind of short becuase of how easy most of the puzzles were. For us non-logic thinkers like myself, those episodes can feel long if we can't figure out a simple puzzle like how to get Max's head back or how to set up Philo so Max can say his line. Those puzzles kept me from completing their respective episodes for a good while.
  • edited January 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Notice that the reviews say that it FEELS shorter.

    For us non-logic thinkers like myself,

    Since when is Sam & Max about logic? ;)

    I don't know how I feel about the length of the episodes. As I'm European, I haven't had the chance to try out the third episode yet, but even though the two first episodes were rather short, I really didn't mind. Sure, I wouldn't complain if the episodes were a bit more comprehensive, but I don't feel that the games have been too short so far.
  • edited January 2007
    I didn't find that episode 3 was shorter than episode 2, but maybe that's just me.

    Something to keep in mind here is that these games come out every month and I think there's a point where you can start sacrificing quality for length, which is not a good trade-off. I don't think many will argue that, as short as the games may be, what's there is of very high quality. I mean look at the animation for God's sake. Locations and characters are reused, but at least they're done so in creative ways, and it's not like we didn't know that was going to be the case.
  • edited January 2007
    I really hope the following eps will be as meaty as ep1, and not as short as the second. I havent played the third yet, but i assume it wont be as long as 1 by far.
  • edited January 2007
    People keep saying episode 2 is shorter than episode 1, but they took me about the same time to finish. But reviews are always going to complain about the length of the game, most reviewers (and a lot of players) still seem to have this idea that games are "supposed" to be of a certain length, irrelevant of price or intent. If someone would make a really good 1-hour game for $3 there'd still be people saying "it's too short really".
  • edited January 2007
    Well I don't know about you guys, but if I haven't bought any episodes because I want to wait till season 1 is complete, and check the reviews of the individual episodes, this is not the line the grades should be going. It's because I already bought the season 1 package, but if it gets shorter and shorter I will wait when season 2 is complete before buying it, instead of buying it when the first episode comes out.

    It's just that these grades don't show good now for the long term, that's all.
  • edited January 2007
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    I mean look at the animation for God's sake. Locations and characters are reused, but at least they're done so in creative ways, and it's not like we didn't know that was going to be the case.
    That is true. I haven't been able to play episode 3 yet, but even in episode 2, both Sybil and Bosco were pretty different from episode 1.
  • edited January 2007
    Why do people always focus on the bad?

  • edited January 2007
    I just played Prince of Persia on the PS2.
    I'd never played sands of time before, only the 2 sequals.

    It took 9 hours or 3-4 Sam & Max Episodes.

    Funny I've never heard anyone complain about the length of Prince of Persia
  • edited January 2007
    Actually, most of the reviews were complaining about the lenght of prince of persia, but anyway.

    Just make the game harder would make sam and max longer enough, but I understand it is pretty hard to judge the difficulty of a game like this.

    But, on the other hand, if you look at a game like Hit the Road, the difficulty was SO high, and that was one thing that the fans liked about it (ok, I liked that about it), so I wouldn't mind a game REALLY hard, you know.

    I imagine I'm alone loving game hard like this.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    I actually put down Hit The Road for about 3 years the first time I played it, because I got so stumped on a couple of puzzles that I just had no idea what to do. It took a friend of mine discovering the game independently of me and playing through the first half of it to get me back into it. I'm no adventure gaming slouch either, I've completed most if not all of the AGs that I purchased (Myst III being, I believe, the lone uncompleted adventure game on my shelf). Hit the Road, while hilarious, sometimes went so inane that it made me throw my hands in the air and give up.

    I guess some people like their games to beat them up, but I didn't!

    That said, while we probably wont get to completely insane Hit the Road levels, the puzzles and plots should be ramping up in complexity and ridiculousness from here on out.
  • edited January 2007
    Erwin wrote: »
    Why do people always focus on the bad?


    For hopes on improvement. If they focused on only the good, then there is a decent chance that quality control might lax.
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I actually put down Hit The Road for about 3 years the first time I played it, because I got so stumped on a couple of puzzles that I just had no idea what to do. It took a friend of mine discovering the game independently of me and playing through the first half of it to get me back into it. I'm no adventure gaming slouch either, I've completed most if not all of the AGs that I purchased (Myst III being, I believe, the lone uncompleted adventure game on my shelf). Hit the Road, while hilarious, sometimes went so inane that it made me throw my hands in the air and give up.

    I guess some people like their games to beat them up, but I didn't!

    That said, while we probably wont get to completely insane Hit the Road levels, the puzzles and plots should be ramping up in complexity and ridiculousness from here on out.
    All I ask is that you put in puzzles that involve Max in an very unorthidox way, like with
    the fuse box or extracting the Dinosaur tooth
    in Hit the Road. That's all that I feel is missing from Season 1.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    All I ask is that you put in puzzles that involve Max in an very unorthidox way, like with
    the fuse box or extracting the Dinosaur tooth
    in Hit the Road. That's all that I feel is missing from Season 1.

    In a way you could say that most of one upcoming involves using max in an unorthodox way.

    and no, I don't mean Max is a playable character either, before you start foaming at the mouth
  • edited January 2007
    Before the season started the almighty DanCon said that episodes would be about 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours long.
  • edited February 2007
    THAiSi wrote: »
    Episode 1: 7.7


    The Bad: Limited inventory makes puzzle-solving pretty easy; short and easy enough that you might not want to replay it; car bomb is not included.

    Episode 2: 7.4

    The Bad: Feels even shorter than the previous episode.

    Episode 3: 7.1

    Sam & Max's third episode feels shorter than the previous two, and at least part of that is due to so many of the environments being recycled from previous episodes.

    The Good: Great voices that deliver funny dialogue; quality puzzle design.
    The Bad: You've seen the store, the office, the street, and Sybil's place before.

    Guys, I haven't had my hands on the 3rd episode yet (have to wait to feb 7) but I'm really starting to get worried here... It gets shorter and shorter?

    I really liked ep2 but I can't help but thinking it could have much more and complicated puzzles in them! the setting was really cool!

    I have to agree. Longer episodes or one LONG game, equal to the length of the old "Hit the road".

    But that is only my wish...;)
  • edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    In a way you could say that most of one upcoming involves using max in an unorthodox way.

    and no, I don't mean Max is a playable character either, before you start foaming at the mouth

    God, that sounds dirty.... :p

    Episode 3 didn't seem much shorter to me, maybe because I spent so much time clicking every object (Alot of new responses this time, I was pleasantly surprised)

    Which reminds me: When can we expect Play it Again part 3?
  • edited February 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Episode 3 didn't seem much shorter to me, maybe because I spent so much time clicking every object (Alot of new responses this time, I was pleasantly surprised)
    I was just surprized they actually dated when the donuts were bought.
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