Season 1 CD Checklist

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Sorry if this has been posted, but vBulletin doesn't let you search for the word 'CD'...

Lets get a thread going on what YOU would like Telltale to include on the Season 1 CD/DVD release.

Here's some to start with.
  • Retooling of the episodes, possibly upping the bitrate of voices (if DVD is used as the media) and bringing the earlier episodes in line with the later ones (i.e. fonts and other little gubbins that don't break the game, but still nark. The staggering difference between Out from Boneville and Great Cow Race springs to mind)
  • Each episode from the season linked together as one flowing game, rather than having to jump back to windows to load each exe (we know this is happening in one form or another - be it in-game or via some DemoShield flash gubbins)
  • All the free web content so far, including the soundtrack (as mp3s) and the machinima shorts (hopefully rendered in the engine as standalone cutscenes rather than external avis)


  • edited January 2007
    I would simply love to have an extra soundtrack CD so I can listen to all the tunes in my car. That would be so gorgeous :o
  • edited January 2007
    An official Max-head paper bag hand puppet!!
  • edited January 2007
    $1Million Dollars.
  • edited January 2007
    Cover art drawn by Steve Purcell.
  • edited January 2007
    I would really like to see some concept art on the Season 1 CD/DVD. To the best of my knowledge, the only thing that has been released so far is this concept from Episode 3:

    Also, Telltale Games has no control over this, but I would love to see the Sam & Max TV series on DVD. Someone should contact Nelvana about that. Shout! Factory would be a good candidate to produce the DVD.

    Oh, and a pair of Sam & Max plush dolls for those of us that pre-ordered.
  • edited January 2007

    Kind of already started a list there. :D More or less.

    I don't think they will make Sam & Max plushies. Max, maybe because he's cute and marketable, but only if it comes with realistic action banter when you hug him.

    "Death from above! Death from above!" :D
  • edited January 2007
    One thing I absolutely loved as an extra for Warcraft 3 were the images on the website that featured little gif of the units doing animations.

    I'm still dying to get a hold of an animated gif of Max doing his menacing idle animation. They're great art to integrate into avatars and signatures for forums.
  • edited January 2007
    rc838 wrote: »
    $1Million Dollars. food stamps!!!!
    :D :D :D

    Steve Purcell's autograph - is a dream! ;) :rolleyes:
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