Episode 3 Released on GameTap

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Hello Telltale,
I noticed that Episode 3 was released on GameTap (Trial subscription).
I already have a "season pass" for Sam & Max Season 1.

Why is it that I can't download it yet and those who don't have a season pass can already get to it? I noticed it was the same for Ep2!

Is there a way I can download it at the general release time, since I've already purchased the whole season?



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    GameTap subscribers get the episodes 15 days before the rest of the world, which includes season owners. You guys will probably get episode 3 a couple hours earlier than people who buy it individually, but the release date for Telltale customers is February 8th!
  • edited February 2007
    Why was this decision made? This seems a bit of bad treatment for people who have subscribed for updates for a specific product.
  • edited February 2007
    Gametap gave Telltale enough money to guarantee that they could make 6 episodes in such a short time--if they didn't have the Gametap funding secured, a scenario is plausible where they'd run out of money (most game sales are not made in just one month) and have to wait for money to come in from sales of the previous episodes to continue working.
  • edited February 2007
    I guess I should have looked harder before asking >.>

    I must have missed the note on the FAQ about why this is happening.

    While I wish I would have known beforehand, I'd MUCH rather have Sam & Max exist and need to wait, than not have it exist ... plus, I'm always for small companies getting opportunities.

    Thanks for your work ... sorry for the trouble.

  • edited February 2007
    How much more would we have to pay to be able to download the game straight away and not be treated like second class customers? The game itself is dirt cheap for British people - £4.50 a pop. Thats cheaper than going to the cinema and you normally get a good 3-4 hours of playing. I would happilly pay an extra £2-£3 if it means im getting the game first.
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