About the comic series

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Where could a man buy original Sam & Max comics? I just can't find any store or site that would sell 'em. Quite odd for "cult classics".

Any reasons or solutions for my problem?


  • edited February 2007
    Step one: Have lots of money (And I mean lots $$$)
    Step two: Ebay
  • edited February 2007
    Someone is selling a copy of Surfin' the Highway on Amazon UK Marketplace for somewhere in the region of £300.

    I'd buy it if I had some disposable income, but meh...
  • edited February 2007
    Why is it out of print? What can be done to rectify this situation?
    /not that I'm going to do it, but still. I'd buy it if it were sold at a reasonable price in a store (or an online store... hint hint).
  • edited February 2007
    Anyone who has a copy of surfin the highway(like myself) is never gonna sell it.. no matter the price.. which explains why its so rare now
  • edited February 2007
    I bought Surfin the Highway on Ebay 2 years ago. It was a bit painful to see the original pricetag on the back, but it was worth it. Never doing it away either.

  • edited February 2007
    Erwin wrote: »
    I bought Surfin the Highway on Ebay 2 years ago. It was a bit painful to see the original pricetag on the back, but it was worth it. Never doing it away either.


    What was the original price? And what does Surfing the Highway contain? All the comics from the previous issues or just a few of them each?
  • edited February 2007
    It s the collected sam and max, covering 87-95, but err... they are not all in there i think (it didn t stop in 95 did it ?.

    I keep mine religiously, but i bought it at standard price. I hate ebay for the prices inflating.

    at 300 quids you pay 1.8 per page...
  • edited February 2007
    The original price was $12.95.

    I also have Freelance Police Special #1, which originally costed $2.75. (I bought it for 8 bucks)

  • edited February 2007
    Surfin' the highway doesent have everything but it has most. I'd love to get my hands on it one day. Everytime I go to a comic book store I day dream of how awesome it would be to find it in a clearence section.
    I already have every single page of it scanned in high quality on my computer as well as all the comics that aren't in it, but it would be nice to own the real thing.

  • edited February 2007
    I wonder where Purcell's facination with rats comes from... And cockroaches. Speaking of which, where are the cockroaches in the games? :)

  • MelMel
    edited February 2007
    Just a few months ago, I naively mentioned on here that I would scour some comic shops to see if they had any S & M used comics. Needless to say, I was told how rare they were. :o

    Even though the rats in Telltale's games are necessarily supposed to be cute, I love Jimmy Two Teeth. :) :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    The original single issues are actually way less rare than the collection. They show up on comic book reseller sites and ebay pretty frequently and go for just a few dollars. The exception to this is Bad Day on the Moon, which was I guess only packaged as some crazy tie in bundle to something else, so fewer people have spares laying around. But, if you want some Sam & Max comics, your best bet is to ignore the collection and just look for the old books. There are about 3 or 4 of them.
  • edited February 2007
    Once Stevey gets a move on and publishes a new updated collection, Surfin The highway's value will drop like a stone.

    At least, that's my unofficial professional opinion... But it makes sense. That's why I'm not willing to shell out so much money for a copy
  • edited February 2007
    We might not live to see the day, friend ;)

  • Dave GrossmanDave Grossman Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    ...if you want some Sam & Max comics, your best bet is to ignore the collection and just look for the old books. There are about 3 or 4 of them.

    Of course, if you're the sort who has to have ALL the Sam & Max stories, the collection includes some that appeared only in the LucasArts newsletter "The Adventurer." Though I wonder if you might be able to get old copies of The Adventurer on eBay as well....
  • edited February 2007
    Of course, if you're the sort who has to have ALL the Sam & Max stories, the collection includes some that appeared only in the LucasArts newsletter "The Adventurer." Though I wonder if you might be able to get old copies of The Adventurer on eBay as well....

    I forgot about the adventurer. I think my cousin has the whole collection of those.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Of course, if you're the sort who has to have ALL the Sam & Max stories, the collection includes some that appeared only in the LucasArts newsletter "The Adventurer." Though I wonder if you might be able to get old copies of The Adventurer on eBay as well....

    They're hard to come by, though there are a few on the LucasArts Museum site.
  • MelMel
    edited February 2007
    I have 2 copies of The Adventurer from buying a couple of boxed Lucas Arts games on eBay (Full Throttle and Fate Of Atlantis). I bought the games about 2 years apart and...

    ...they both have the same issue of the adventurer. ¬¬
  • edited February 2007
    Of course, if you're the sort who has to have ALL the Sam & Max stories, the collection includes some that appeared only in the LucasArts newsletter "The Adventurer." Though I wonder if you might be able to get old copies of The Adventurer on eBay as well....

    I've still got all my old adventurer magazines :D
  • edited February 2007
    As I enjoy pointing out wherever possible, I bought Surfin' The Highway for NZ$15 2 years ago. That's less than the original cost ($12.95 US is $18.95 NZ). And I will keep pointing this fact out to everyone until the day I die, as it is the greatest bargain I have ever had. It gives me warm fuzzy feelings deep down inside to this day.
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