Congratulations TTG!

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
I was just over at GameTap to see if they released the machnina short before the rest of us got Episode 3 (they haven't, thankfully), when I noticed something interesting.

It seems on my visit, Sam & Max were both in the no. 1 and no. 3 slot of the Top 5 Games being played!

No.1 goes to Episode 3 with no. 3 going to Episode 1!

Congratulations on this small but yet rewarding honor from the unwashed button mashers of the world!


  • edited February 2007
    Heh. Both games in the list. That returning sales theory I read somewhere and am to lazy to look up seems to be working. Huzzah!

  • edited February 2007
    Erwin wrote: »
    Heh. Both games in the list. That returning sales theory I read somewhere and am to lazy to look up seems to be working. Huzzah!

    Here it is (some people might be interested in this theory).
    Joystiq interviews Dan Connors and Emily Morganti of Telltale
    Dan Connors: One [thing we anticipated] with episodic gaming -- but didn't really have any hard evidence to back it up -- was that every new release would drive interest in the franchise and give you a new launch of the previous version. So when we released Boneville, it kind of had a little bit of a life cycle, a three-month life-cycle where it was at top-of-mind and had a nice sales curve to it. It kind of died down after about three or four months.

    When Cow Race came back, though, the Cow Race sales were at launch level and then the Boneville sales actually equaled the Cow Race sales as well, so we saw the rejuvenation of the previous episode. So the idea that every time you're launching an episode, it's bringing value to the franchise and increasing the franchise presence is great. You know, if you look at Harry Potter, the first book has sold the most because every time a new one comes out, the franchise gets lifted up. So it's nice because you can spread out your marketing effort over six different episodes and continue to always be raising the level of the franchise as a result, increasing sales on six products instead of one.
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