Poker Set at the Inventory?

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
Christmas is coming, and I don't even play poker, but if Telltale were to offer a fancy promo poker set with Telltale Chips and cards with character art on them, and an awesome collectable tin, I would SO put it on my Christmas list. Just saying. :^)


  • edited November 2010
    Argh! And I posted it in the wrong forum. Could a mod move it?
  • edited November 2010
    A telltale poker set would be cool. I'd buy it!
  • edited November 2010
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    Christmas is coming, and I don't even play poker, but if Telltale were to offer a fancy promo poker set with Telltale Chips and cards with character art on them, and an awesome collectable tin, I would SO put it on my Christmas list. Just saying. :^)

    lol but you just opened an interesting topic, i mean, we could use this spase to comment about of wish things would be awsome to have for christmas inspaired on telltale games...or something, or whatever, anyway returning to the original topic a poker set wouldbe cool, maybe telltale will sell it on hes store before or later, i mean, if the game is sussesfull.
  • edited December 2010
    i bought the game today and i absolutely love it
    and yes
    if telltale would offer a deck of cards from this game i'd buy the CRAP out of it
  • edited December 2010
    I'd like those TF2 cards. They're snazzy.
  • edited December 2010
    I would love a poker night set of cards.
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