Sam & Max Character Animation

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Great job guys!

If i look on Episode 1 of Sam and Max and then again on Episode 3, the animation of the characters is much more natural then at your starts.

Sybill has much improved and looks now like a real human beeing ;) Overall, everything at the animation has improved. Except perhaps Max's forehead - but mh, well..

Keep up the great work :)


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Glad you like it! Everyone is always working to improve stuff. I think the production values in ep 3 are some of the best ever in a Telltale game. Everyone did a great job.
  • edited February 2007
    Hm, maybe that's why the game runs pretty sluggish sometimes. Even at 800x600 it's quite annoying sometimes. Maybe you should tweak the performance a bit? Last Epsiode I could play with 1024x768 without any serious sluggishness... and the reason I'm posting here and not playing is that it locked up after 90 min of play :). But up to now, it's as great as expected.

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I think that's unrelated to the animation looking slick in this episode! If it keeps happening to you, though, please make a post in the support forum or write to and someone will give it a look!
  • edited February 2007, just rebooted my system after that crash, and it ran smoothly then. Must have been my machine, then, maybe it was a little p*ssed off by my constan refreshing of my "past purchases" page to see the link to download Ep3 :).

  • edited February 2007
    The Game didn't crash for me, but did run slower and slower until it was almost unplayable in the last room. I quit the Game and there was a Windows warning about insufficient virtual memory, which never showed up before. But after I restarted the Game (not the computer) it was back to normal playing speed. Before that I played it whithout restarting the game. And I reloaded just once because there was a graphical error (looked like the gun-fire was still sticking to Sam's arm after a gunshot). Apart from those two problems everything went fine.
  • edited February 2007
    I saw sometimes slow-downs during the game, more often than previously, and it was a bit strange (in the casino on a close up it slow down, and then a wide angle there is no problem ^^ but I don't trust windows, so...)

    Lightining, animation, even the backgrounds are very, very improved in this episode ! it was just 2 hours of game for me, very short, but I loved it more than the two others... music is so beautiful, you even cut the street intro ! I also find this episode more exciting.
    And I also love the yo ma's thing... reminds me monkey island :)

    I don't even think how episode 6 would be :)
    (I hope also it will be longer of course... ^^)
  • edited February 2007
    this is the first episode thats really run slowly for me..on 800 X 600 but encountering quite a few slow downs moving round the room..playing whack da ratz etc. it does look great tho
  • edited February 2007
    Same here. It looks like it has some memory hole in it. The other two episodes run without problems on the same machine!
  • edited February 2007
    I had the same low-framerate issues in some areas. Maybe I will give that support forum a look.
  • edited February 2007
    Same here - ran a bit slow, and at one moment (about 1 hour into play) it started running slower and slower until it just halted, and I had to reboot my computer to continue playing.

    (except for that, I didn't experience any problems. The game ran a bit slower than usual, but not in a play ruining way)
  • edited February 2007
    I had frame-rate problems on my new 2ghz core 2 duo laptop with a gig of ddr 2 ram and a good graphics card, so it isnt my spec. I had no such problems with the first two episodes so I'd have to say something more is up here.
  • edited February 2007
    it went slower and slower on my machine too
  • edited February 2007
    Mine is Okay for all three episodes, still is un-bugged but this sort of thing happens a lot.
  • edited February 2007
    I think there might be a memory leak somewhere.

    I recall leaving episode 2 on for some time on my PC while idle, and when I came back it was unplayably slow. After exiting, my pc 'hanged' for a while, and after some furious harddrive activity for a few minutes, was fine again. Relaunching the game, I found it was fine again, but after long stints of play, the 'hang' happened after exiting the game.

    I havn't played episode 3 yet (tonight, my precious...), but I suspect the better the animation becomes, the more memory is used and the more this bug (feature?) is going to be felt. Especially on low end machines.
  • edited February 2007
    It was definitely a memory leak. Had the same problem. Probably just a one-time deal, nothing a patch wouldn't fix.
  • edited February 2007
    If the animation gets better and better, will you guys at TTG go back to previous episodes and touch up some areas? I'd like to see some added emotion animations to Sam & Max in Episode 1 that were not there before during some of the cut scenes.
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