User created content for future episodes?

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Wouldn't it be fun to let us enter suggestions for the newspaper, the "do you have...."(love the monkey island ref) and other stuff that changes from ep to ep?


  • edited February 2007
    If that was the case, I want to add the following items: :D

    Do you have any... Community Forums of Internet Annonymity?

    ...Animated Emoticons from the Edo Period?

    ...pirated ninja weapons?

    ...Precious Moment figurines designed by Tomas Kinkade?

    ...proof that the federal income tax law exisits? (Bosco's responce: "I have proof it doesn't exist! Max: "Good thing we never paid taxes to begin with.")

    ...ethnic stereotypes in Mono?

    ...fishbowl magnifiying lenses? (Gotta have a HTR refferance in there somewhere.)
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any...

    ...bootleg copies of Blades of Stenchtar?
    ...dihydrogen monoxide?
    ...mood rings?
  • edited February 2007
    do you have any?

    grossly disfigured garbage pail kids collector cards
    morbidly obese fish
    beasts in the cereal aisle
  • edited February 2007
    Do you hava any ...

    ...gasoline for chainsaws
    ...wax fruits
    ...three headed monkeys
    ...two headed squirrels
  • edited February 2007
    bathroom rasps
    grey poupon
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any ...
    ...Serenian Memory Globes?
    ...DL-6 Case Files?
    ...Portable media players?
    ...Lipstick laced with Kryptonite?
    ...Justice Rocket Backpack Rocket Rockets?
    ...Guitar-shaped peripheral controllers?
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any...
    ...collected works of 18th century neo-impressionistic poets?
    ...disputed border markings?
    ...insurgency surgical instruments?
    ...lost Lost merchandise?
    ...serpents that at any time ever were present onboard an airliner?
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any...

    ... gopher repellent?
    ... wax lips?
  • Dave GrossmanDave Grossman Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    It's fun AND it saves me work. What could be better than that? Posting things here and hoping the writers read the thread is always an option, but I'll see if we can't set up something a little slicker.
  • edited February 2007

    (message too short)
  • edited February 2007
    -Low in saturated fat hairspray?
    -Two piece unitards?
    -Hair of the dog that bit ya?
    -Parking meter resistant Desotos?
    -Cows that go,"Moon"?
    -Illegal copies of hit the road?
    -Pirate literature i can look at?
    -A copy of "that's the second biggest monkey head i've ever seen!" on vhs?
  • edited February 2007
    - A Groucho Marx disguise?
    - The Dirty Dancing soundtrack on 8-track?
    - Any viewmaster reels depicting Disney on Ice?
    - Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
  • edited February 2007
    - A copy of the uncensored 1982 Armand Assante Lookalike Contest on Betamax?

    - A latex fat suit with the phrase "Don't look now, but here comes Murray" engraved on it?

    - A "Hang in There, Kitty!" motivational work poster?

    - The large print edition of the Three's Company activity book?

    - Any feel good comedies on DVD about a ragtag group of misfit kids on a mission to save the local orphanage from being bought out by the local business tycoon? Preferably one with at least 15 slapstick-style pratfalls involving a curmudgeon with a heart of gold, but we're not picky.
  • edited February 2007
    It's fun AND it saves me work. What could be better than that? Posting things here and hoping the writers read the thread is always an option, but I'll see if we can't set up something a little slicker.

    Just making the job easier and saving you the trouble and a few headaches. Feedback can be a good thing!

    To add to my list...

    Do you have any...

    ...intelligent Saturday Morning cartoons from 1997 that were never meant for the viewing public under the age of 12?

    ...pending lawsuits from dead celebrities? (Max: "Preferably the ones that involve divore so that we can get half of some rich bastard's stuff?")

    ...hope for humanity in general?

    ...religious text aimed at the socially disfunctional?

    ...greeting cards with haikus said during sepuku?

    ...custom embossed pie tins? (Had to include something from Sybil)

    ...items behind the counter that are not constructed using household items?

    ...gators in your toilet named after a member of Robin Hood's Band of Merry Men?

    ...portible time traveling toilets? (What?! I can't ask for a DotT refferance?)

    ...hammers in the shape of accordians?

    ...binoculars for cyclopses?
  • edited February 2007
    -Any raisins that look like famous celebrities?
    -Sam: Carpet with matching drapes?
    Max: We're redecorating
    Bosco: Oh you mean the for office!
    Max: Yeah,...for the office,...
    -Any children we can use to win the special olympics?
    -Sam: lucky rabbit feet?
    Bosco: Nope.
    Max: Want some unlucky ones?
    -Sam: Links to legitimate online prescription drug stores?
    Bosco: Nope
    Sam: Illegitimate?
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any...

    ... Game designers with funny jokes?
    ... "Do you have?" jokes?
    ... futher informations to the upcoming Sam and Max episode?
    ... protection against the spanish Inquisition?
    (Max: Yeah! Nobody expects the spanish Inquisition!
    Bosco: True.)
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any...

    ...Beanie Babies that look like mutilated farm animals that experianced an alien encounter?

    ...Cable modems?
    Bosco: "Nope, but I do have cable."
    Max: "Compliments of BoscoTech?"
    Bosco: "Shh!!"

    ...violent business accumen?

    ...high school employees working just below minimum wage? numbers and adresses of non-descript super models?

    ...mutated TV Dinners from a paralle dimension found in the freezer?

    ...external hard drives in the shape of a cinder block?

    ...button men packing gats loaded with slugs?

    ...Czars of the Bizzare?

    ...way to get into Steve Purcell's house?
    Max: "He owes us money."
  • edited February 2007
    ..sasquatch suits for the midly insane?
    Bosco: Max bought my last last one
    Max: Hey sometimes you just need to dress up in a sasquatch suit and run through a psychiatric ward for kicks
  • edited February 2007
    -half cups of disoriented atomic matter?
    -hypnobears? (with added dialogue, of course)
  • edited February 2007
    ... a cousin named Sven? (No, but I have a barber named Dominique)
  • edited February 2007
    For the next episode, which is already done, so why am I posting this:

    Do you have any: [blank]
    Bosco: No, but in Soviet Russia, [blank] has YOU!
  • edited February 2007
    Given how wordy some of the items Sam asks for, that would get really boring really fast.

    Since it's Girl Scout season for my area of the world, I'll add this:

    Do you have any... rejected Girl Scout cookie recipes?
    Bosco: "Do I look like a Den Mother to you?"
    Max: "You don't want us to answer that, do you?"
    Bosco: "Nope."
  • edited February 2007
    Do you have any... Green T and the Sushi Platter CDs?
  • edited February 2007
    -Any raisins that look like famous celebrities?
    -Sam: Carpet with matching drapes?
    Max: We're redecorating
    Bosco: Oh you mean the for office!
    Max: Yeah,...for the office,...
    -Any children we can use to win the special olympics?
    -Sam: lucky rabbit feet?
    Bosco: Nope.
    Max: Want some unlucky ones?
    -Sam: Links to legitimate online prescription drug stores?
    Bosco: Nope
    Sam: Illegitimate?

    Actually, responding to your first line, in the first episode (I think) when you ask "Do you have any..." Sam says this:

    "Do you have any organic fruits and/or vegetables shaped like the faces of famous 19th century naturalists?"

    To which Bosco replies:


    Speaking of Hit the Road reference jokes, come on Telltale, sooner or later, you've got to put in a Snuckey's! I'd love to go back and here about what happens when you graduate Snuckey U. Come on.
  • edited February 2007
    I think Bosco's store is acting like Snuckies for now.

    Which reminds me...

    Do you have any... chocolate covered pecans?

    ...keys to the trailer of an carnie with an elongated neck?
  • edited February 2007
    ... shame?
    ... decency?
  • edited February 2007

    Speaking of Hit the Road reference jokes, come on Telltale, sooner or later, you've got to put in a Snuckey's! I'd love to go back and here about what happens when you graduate Snuckey U. Come on.

    Umm have you seen the store across the street from boscos? I hope we get to go in there before the end of the season...
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Umm have you seen the store across the street from boscos? I hope we get to go in there before the end of the season...

    "Umm have you seen the store across the street from boscos either?" (lol)

    It's not Snuckey's, it's Stinky's Diner. Go see it for yourself.
  • edited May 2007
    I love you all. Especially those of you with MI refs. how about

    ...voodoo cannonballs?
  • edited May 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    - A copy of the uncensored 1982 Armand Assante Lookalike Contest on Betamax?

    :D There it is! I was wondering where I had posted it :p Thine fateful post that made it to Ep. 6 :cool:
  • edited May 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    :D There it is! I was wondering where I had posted it :p Thine fateful post that made it to Ep. 6 :cool:

    yeah thought id read that betamax line somewhere.. congrats :D
  • edited May 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    - A Groucho Marx disguise?

    *cuts to Bosco wearing the groucho glasses*

    *cracks self up*
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