Any chance of proxy authentication in installer, or 'offline installer'?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max

It's no biggie, as I just have to wait til I get home, but with the current installer used for the 3 current eps, there's no option to fill in proxy/proxy login, which means the download's not possible at my workplace.

Obviously not knowing how much work that involves it may well not be viable, but if not, is there any way to get a full installer, ie a 70Mb file, rather than having to grab the small installer and downloading within that?

Again, may well be reasons for doing it that way; if so, pls fill me in, just out of interest.


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    We have no control over how the download manager program works, as it's inserted along the way at our ecommerce provider's end, and is tied into their activation system which we use. If things were set up in a way that would let us fix up that program, I assure you we would. For now, though, that's just how it works! Sorry you can't grab the game from work. Hope you have fun once you get it up and running, though!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Obviously not knowing how much work that involves it may well not be viable, but if not, is there any way to get a full installer, ie a 70Mb file, rather than having to grab the small installer and downloading within that?

    You can get the setup file directly here:

    Only catch is it needs to be activated manually. Click Activation Support and follow the instructions.
  • edited February 2007
    Ah great thanks Jake and Emily...

    No problem at all re downloader, I thought such might be the case. And thanks for the direct link Emily - no problem manually activating.
  • edited February 2007
    I have kinda the same problem. My university machine is a linux machine and the installer does not work (not even in wine).

    Usually I just downloaded the full installer from another download site (such as and activated it on my home PC. This usually means that I have to wait a day longer after the release, but at least the game is worth the wait!
  • edited February 2007
    Yeah I usually just wait til I get home... problem was when I DID download the full .exe from Emily's link, the activation had to be done via submitting the footprint via email or however it works, and I was impatient :-)

    So I hooked up a little USB wireless modem we have here (I'm the I.T. department... not IN it, I'm it) that connects to a CDMA network and pulled it down using the downloader... THEN for some reason it needed to activate via order no. & password, whereas the last ep didn't need me to do that (and I assume this one wouldn't've either without my fiddling).

    So I just used that wireless doohickey to get me up and running :-)

    Just finished, loved it! Glad to see Max getting a chance to sic someone up, and loved the CoMI-esque insults minigame :-)
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