Spoilers In This Thread: Lines You Liked



  • edited November 2010
    I just recently discovered Penny Arcade, but Tycho is the character that makes me laugh the most.

    I do enjoy the jokes about TF2. I've been playing that game far too long.
  • edited November 2010
    My favorite conversation is when
    Tycho asks Max if he had ever had sex with Mama Bosco

    I also like Max's little "Hip hip!" if a card goes his way in an all in.
  • edited November 2010
    I got a conversation where Strong Bad asked Heavy if he could hook him up with a hot Russian spy, and Heavy said something along the lines of "I know guy who can get you hot spy. His name is PYRO."And then Tycho had to explain to Strong Bad that the spy in this case would be on fire.
  • edited November 2010
    Heavy: You wear BLU sweater. Are you new class?
    Tycho: I can kill you, capture your intelligence, AND ship your sister to my house in an entire god damn afternoon. Yeah, I'm a new class alright.
  • edited November 2010
    I love that the Heavy listed "Where's an Egg" as his homeland's favorite game.

  • edited November 2010
    Dachannien wrote: »
    Someone elsewhere suggested that this was a nod to the G-Man from Half-Life 1 and 2. I kind of doubt it, though.

    A friend of mine thought exactly the same thing and I agree with him. Now we're referring to Sam as G-Sam or G-Dog for the rest of our lives.

    Some of my favorite lines are Tychos giraffe conversation and when Strong Bad asks Max if he's a Pokemon. I'm sure there's many many more I've yet to uncover but right now Tycho is the most fun character, with Max being shockingly the least funny for me.
  • edited November 2010
    As if the stuff with Tycho and
    wasn't hilarious and disturbing enough, here's a fun fact for you. Based on my playing Poker Night, the Steam store now recommends I try
    Space Giraffe
    . Conclusions about Penny Arcade fans are left as an exercise for the reader...
  • edited November 2010
    'Did you guys see that cocktail waitress earlier? I'm gonna go see her policy on talking rabbits with cunning wit and never-ending stamina.'
  • edited November 2010
    Good lord, that conversation about giraffes with Tycho and Max. Oh man, that was ****ing priceless XD
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2010
    There's a bunch of funny lines, but this one's my favorite so far:
    Strong Bad:This is better than poker night at Homestar's. Marzipan is always walking around au-natural trying to get us to play no-loser Candy Land.
    Tycho: What's no-loser Candy Land?
    Strong Bad: I don't know. Loser!
  • edited November 2010
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    I love that the Heavy listed "Where's an Egg" as his homeland's favorite game.


    That was brilliant.
  • edited November 2010
    I like Max's line about trying to make me feel guilty by using his cute bunny face. Max, you don't HAVE a cute bunny face. Your bunny face is all scary and whatnot.
  • edited November 2010
    an (awkwardly done) ad for the TTG store inside the game
    was definitely something I wasn't expecting at all XD
  • edited November 2010
    My friend's telling me about a part in the game where someone asks the Heavy about his childhood. He then tells a depressing story. He says
    Tycho starts crying, Max says "That's not funny.", and Strong Bad is at a lost for words.
  • edited November 2010
    I love the favorite movie of the Heavy. I'm still craking up for
    the first 40 minutes of Rocky 4
  • edited November 2010
    I like Tyco's
    "It's on like it's....There is a video game reference in there somewhere"

    I mean, Nintendo just trademarked the DK line -there is an uprorar about the phase being trademarked- so I was shocked that this game pokes fun of it so soon. Was that a last minute decision or a concidence?
  • edited November 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Good lord, that conversation about giraffes with Tycho and Max. Oh man, that was ****ing priceless XD

    The best part of that was Max's horrified reaction shot when Tycho starts talking about wrapping his legs around the giraffe's neck.
  • edited November 2010
    I was going to post my favourite lines last night, but after reading through this thread, it temporarily slipped my mind. I've remembered now though! It's the part where Max is talking about the man doing the 10k run. That had me laughing quite a bit. Overall, though, I think I've found Strong Bad to be the funniest.
  • edited November 2010
    I played for 20 minutes. Some lines slew me. There's too many catchphrases (Heavy weapons guy especially), but all in all the writing's pretty sharp. I think the one that made me laugh hardest was "I didn't know cards could sodomize"; the line itself isn't especially clever or funny, but I laughed a lot.

    I really like how characters who lose go hang around The Inventory and shoot the shit with the other guys. That, to me, is good game writing: they don't just sulk. They don't disappear. They walk around and do things, which is something only games can do. (Well, movies have extras but you know what I mean.)
  • edited November 2010
    The Heavy explaining that he prefers Where's An egg than Tetris
  • edited November 2010
    "Hah, right! I get it! A few... blagillion? Like on monday I'm sure you got seven... katillion hits! And on tuesday, like, half a blazillionlolnln..."
  • edited November 2010
    "How do you unhook a bra with boxing gloves on?"
    is a question that can only be asked if Strong Bad meets Tycho.
  • edited November 2010
    I like the dialogue where Strongbad gets pissed at Max and calls him stitch. /lol
  • edited November 2010
    I also like how Strongbad ask the Heavy to do a prank to the King of Town, only to find out that the Heavy mistook it as to murdering the king of town.
  • edited November 2010
    I laso like how the Heavy wants to have sex? with Tyco's wife because she has red hair. It is hilarious since his facial expression made Tyco reconsider since he originally said somethin to the likes of that he would not share or give to the Heavy.
  • edited November 2010
    Combo Breaker!
    I like the parts where Tycho creeps out the other characters with his animal fetishes. Also I'm a go do my obligitory wiki plug: http://theinventory.wikia.com/wiki/Dialogue If you know what they're saying, add it.
  • edited November 2010
    Tycho's giraffe fantasy. 'Nuff said.

    Ooh, ooh! And when you take too long, and Tycho says, "Could we hurry this up? I've got kids at home. Alone. With access to KNIVES."
  • edited November 2010
    Heavy Weapons Guy recommending guns to Max was awesome to me, I loved it
  • edited November 2010
    When you eliminate Tycho for playing and he says: "Well, now it's time for..." Inmediately sounds weapons being loaded and the familiar sound of Shasha's mecanism rolling. The whole table is pointing their weapons towards Tycho while he is with his hand in his pocket.

    Tycho continues: "Wooooow, eeeasy, guys... it's time for going out for a drink". He was serching for his wallet, I think. xD

    After that all the guys yell "Oooooooh". Everybody put down his gun. Max throws away his pistol back him. xD

    I think this scene is played when Tycho is the first eliminated. Cool scene, one of the most funnies! xD
  • edited November 2010
    Max: Nobody expects the Langomorph Inquisition!!


    Heavy: (Hums Funeral March as he leaves)

    Both priceless XD
  • edited November 2010
    (After beating him in a Poker tournament.)
    Max: Let's be friends so we can spend your winnings in morally questionable ways.
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Good lord, that conversation about giraffes with Tycho and Max. Oh man, that was ****ing priceless XD

    I should have recorded the time I got that dialog. Before Max said the last "Huh?", it was interrupted (by someone winning the hand) then picked up with "Anyways... HUH?" :p
  • edited November 2010
    My favorites are Heavy's Engineer Story and The "You have woman" conversation.
  • edited November 2010
    The bit where Max imitates Sam's voice is my favorite XD
  • edited November 2010
    "I haven't taken a beating that bad since SOMEONE*looking at player* let Superball fire a giant missile into my chest!"

    I profusely apologized after he said this.
  • edited November 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    "I haven't taken a beating that bad since SOMEONE*looking at player* let Superball fire a giant missile into my chest!"

    I profusely apologized after he said this.

    Wouldent that confirm max survived the explosion then? and Max X is the real max?
    EDIT:Really telltale really?
  • edited November 2010
    Max constantly refers to his psychic powers, anyway. He even uses Future Vision at some point.
  • edited November 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Wouldent that confirm max survived the explosion then? and Max X is the real max?
    I think he has the inexplicable ability to refer to previous events without worrying about how they fit into continuity.
  • edited November 2010
    Ha when it was just me the heavy and max. The heavy told max he would make a hat out of him:D
  • edited November 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think he has the inexplicable ability to refer to previous events without worrying about how they fit into continuity.

    All ittenrations of Max share a hive mind, says Word of God. In other words, all Maxes have the same set of memories.
  • edited November 2010
    Strong Bad's reaction to losing the glasses is well worth the price of admission.

    :( "...Well, Crap."
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