Perfect Adventure game...but.

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Oh man, I just played Sam and Max episode 2, and it is almost the perfect game. Good graphics, music, humor, creative story, even a cool arcade sequence. The characters are interesting too... but I couldn't believe how short the game was. I finished it 2 1/2 hours after buying it. I need a compilation of all of them at a good price I guess.

Uhhh, you guys are awesome, I just found the compilation for sale on your site, it comes out to only about $6 a game, perfect. Except, how am I supposed to get any sleep now?

Thanks TellTale,

DO make a remake of the original, I never got to play it.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Gsat wrote: »
    Uhhh, you guys are awesome, I just found the compilation for sale on your site, it comes out to only about $6 a game, perfect. Except, how am I supposed to get any sleep now?

    We aim to please. :D
  • edited February 2007
    I thought you aimed for vital arteries.
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