Episode 3

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
First of all;

Thankyou Telltale for bringing back sam n max. :D you guys rock!

Episode 3 : although the graphics and sound (i like the music in ep3) are much better in this episode...

There seems to be a disturbing trend;
It might just be my imagination but the puzzles seem to be getting simpler and easier.
or maybe I'm just getting better at solving them.

Either way I'm a bit dissapointed, as I was sortof expecting the episodes to get progresively longer and/or more complicated. :(

But, I have to congratulate the Telltale Team for doing a fantastic job overall! The entire sam n max series so far is Brilliant. The humour is excellent, the puzzles are entertaining (even if a little obvious at times), and the scenery seems to fit the characters perfectly. :cool:



  • edited February 2007
    I think the games getting simpler are twofold.

    The puzzles are slightly simple and as you say they follow the same mechanics as the previous 2 installments.

    But I look at the overall picture. We are getting bitesize chunks of 1 game. If we got all six sames in one we would be looking at a 12 - 18(ish) hour game. In which case we would be solving the same simple puzzles but the length would appear more acceptable.

    I played and finished Episode 3 in a very short space of time today - but like you say - i enjoyed every minute. And at the price charged(im in UK so benefit from exhange rate also) I cant see a reason to complain.

    Whilst I wouldnt argue against a raise in the difficulty level - I enjoy the fact that i can play through an installment that has good humour and pleasing to play.
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